Thursday, November 28, 2019
Product Life Cycle - Promotions Essays - Marketing,
Product Life Cycle - Promotions Final Project Outline Questions: I. Page 99 question # 2 # 2. How would you advertise a toothpaste at the four different stages in its life cycle? 1. Introduction Stage Risk seems to go hand in hand with the introduction stage because the chance of product failure is quite high. Profits will be below zero due to low initial revenues while the toothpaste company covers large expenses for promotion and distribution. We will need to let potential buyers aware of the new toothpaste availability. These buyers must know the toothpastes features, uses, and advantages over other brands. Ill assume this particular toothpaste company has the resources, technological knowledge, and marketing know-how to launch the toothpaste successfully. Having these assets will be a great advantage for the success of the new toothpaste brand. 2. Growth Stage The growth stage will be critical to the toothpastes survival because the competitive reactions to the products success during this stage will affect the toothpastes life expectancy. I would expect the toothpastes sales to rise rapidly and profits to reach a peak and then start to slowly decline. To counter act the sales decline we must try to strengthen its market share and create a competitive niche by emphasizing the toothpastes benefits. To accomplish these tasks we may need to cut prices to stay competitive and gain stronger market position. 3. Maturity Stage Our toothpastes sales curve will peak and begin to decline as will profits. This is the result of intense competition, as similar brands are now in the market. As a result many weaker competitors will be squeezed out or lose consumer interest. We must now turn our attention to develop improvements in our product and find positive differences in our version of toothpaste. We will continue to make fresh new promotional and distribution efforts. We will concentrate on advertising and dealer based promotions. We must also look at another opportunity that exists. Marketers of mature products sometimes expand distribution into global markets. We will need to research and determine if our toothpaste will be accepted and fit the needs of global consumers. 4. Decline Stage The stage where our sales will fall rapidly. New technology or social trends are at times the culprits of this downward spiral. Due to low profits we may cut promotion efforts, eliminate marginal distributors, and eventually plan to phase out our toothpaste. I will assume our toothpaste company has more than one product, a companys future is rarely tied to one product. As one product is declining, our toothpaste, other products of ours are at different stages of the life cycle. Therefore we will need to deal with prolonging the life of existing products and introducing new ones. Our main objective as a company is to meet organizational sales goals. As one product is declining, other products are in the introduction, growth, or maturity stages for our company. II. Page 140 question # 3 # 3. How do we sell this thing? Rank each of theses approaches, in descending order of expected effectiveness. 10. Buy a Cheap Labor-saving Device. 9. Buy a Goat Instead of a Sheep. 8. Buy a Goat. 7. Goat. Guaranteed. 6. Dont Let Someone Else Get Your Goat. 5. Give a Goat a Home. 4. Goat for Sale. 3. Save on a Goat. 2. Buy a Great Goat. 1. Buy an Affectionate Labor-Saving Device. III. Page 238 Question # 1 #1. What do advertisers mean by strategy? What are the key considerations in an advertising strategy? Averting messages arent created on a whim or by a quick flash of inspiration. Advertising is a disciplined art and involves a lot of strategic thinking. Advertisers create messages to accomplish specific objectives, a process called strategic planning. Advertisers determine what you want accomplished, decide on strategies to go about accomplishing, and implementing tactics which make the plan come to life. Advertising involves many different strategies. First there must be a strategic business plan that deals with the broadest decisions made by the organization. Next advertisers have marketing strategies that will identify key advantages for the product or firm in the marketplace. Lastly there are advertising strategy decisions that are made which are crucial to all advertising situations. Advertisers must set objectives and identify the target audience. The advertising product must be compared to competing products features. The product must be position so it is welcomed in the marketplace by consumers. Finally the advertisers must create a brand image and personality for the product. These are all key considerations for the advertising strategy. Targeting an audience for the product I feel is the most important. These audiences are equivalent to a
Monday, November 25, 2019
Replacing Damaged and Torn US Currency
Replacing Damaged and Torn US Currency Every year the United States Treasury redeems over $30 million worth of damaged and mutilated paper money - currency. Here is how to get damaged or mutilated U.S. money replaced. Replacing US Currency Damaged U.S. currency- paper bills- that have merely been damaged can typically be replaced at a bank, while bills that have been mutilated must be mailed to the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing for replacement.To be considered damaged but not mutilated, at least one-half of the damaged bill must be clearly identifiable. Bills that are dirty, defaced, or torn can typically be replaced at a bank.Bills that have deteriorated from being buried in soil or have been damaged by fire, flooding, chemicals, explosions, animals or insects are more likely to be considered mutilated.The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) does not charge for inspecting or replacing mutilated currency, however, the BEP must be able to identify the mutilated bills as being valid U.S. currency. The correct procedure for replacing US currency depends on how and how badly the money has been damaged. According to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP), U.S. currency that has been damaged, but not mutilated, can usually be redeemed at a bank, while truly mutilated bills require special handling. What is Damaged, but Not Mutilated Money? Damaged but not mutilated currency includes any bill that is CLEARLY more than ones of non-mutilated bills include those that are badly soiled, dirty, defaced, disintegrated, limp, torn or otherwise worn out.These damaged-but-not-mutilated bills can be exchanged through your local bank. Replacing Mutilated Currency The Bureau of Engraving and Printing considers mutilated money to be less than about 51% of the original bill or any bill so badly damaged that its value cannot be determined without special handling and examination. The mutilated currency has most often been damaged by fire, flooding, chemicals, explosions, animals or insects. Another very common source of damage to currency is fossilization or deterioration from being directly buried in soil for long periods of time. The BEP redeems mutilated currency as a free public service. Mutilated currency must be mailed or personally delivered to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Here, according to the U.S. Treasury is how to do it: When mutilated currency is submitted, a letter should be included stating the estimated value of the currency and an explanation of how the currency became mutilated. Each case is carefully examined by an experienced mutilated currency examiner. The amount of time needed to process each case varies with its complexity and the case workload of the examiner. However, the BEP warns that heavy volume and the precise nature of the work may result in longer wait times. The Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has the final authority for the settlement of mutilated currency claims. Although Treasury examiners are usually able to determine the amount and value of the mutilated currency, carefully packaging the currency is essential to prevent additional damage. In general, the BEP will replace mutilated currency if: More than 50% of a bill that can be identified as United States currency is present, along with sufficient remnants of any relevant security features; or,Less than 50% of a bill identifiable as United States currency is present and the method of mutilation and supporting evidence demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Treasury that the missing portions have been totally destroyed. Every year, the Treasury Department handles approximately 30,000 claims and redeems mutilated currency valued at over $30 million. Procedure for Mailing Mutilated Currency The following procedures should be used when packing mutilated currency for examination and possible replacement by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Regardless of the condition of the currency, do not disturb the fragments any more than is absolutely necessary.If the currency is brittle or inclined to fall apart, pack it carefully in plastic and cotton without disturbing the fragments and place the package in a secure container.If the currency was mutilated in a purse, box, or another container, it should be left in the container to protect the fragments from further damage.If it is absolutely necessary to remove the fragments from the container, send the container along with the currency and any other contents that may have currency fragments attached.If the currency was flat when mutilated, do not roll or fold the notes.If the currency was rolled up when mutilated, do not attempt to unroll or straighten it out.If coins or any other metal is mixed with the currency, carefully remove it. Any fused, melted, or otherwise mutilated coins should be sent to, Superintendent U. S. Mint, Post Office Box 400 Philadelphia, PA. 19105. Mailing Address for Mutilated Currency Mutilated currency, packed according to the above instructions, should be mailed to: Department of the TreasuryBureau of Engraving and PrintingOffice of Currency StandardsP. O. Box 37048 Washington, D. C. 20013 All mutilated currency should be sent by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Purchasing postal insurance on the shipment is the responsibility of the sender. For cases that are expected to take longer than four weeks to process, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing will issue a written confirmation of receipt. To obtain information about your mutilated currency shipment, contact the Mutilated Currency Division at 1-866-575-2361 or 202-874-8897. Personal deliveries of mutilated currency to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are accepted between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. The Office of Currency Standards is located at 14th and C Streets, S. W., Washington, D. C. What About Damaged Coins? The United States Mint will replace uncurrent (badly worn) coins with new coins of the same denomination and will redeem mutilated coins for their current scrap metal value. Uncurrent coins are whole coins but are worn or reduced in weight by natural abrasion. They are easily recognizable as to genuineness and denomination and are in such condition that coin sorting and counting machines will accept them. Undercut coins that are too badly worn to be redeemed by commercial banks may be redeemed only at Federal Reserve Banks and branches. Uncurrent coins are replaced with new coins of the same denomination by the Federal Reserve Banks and then forwarded to the United States Mint. Mutilated coins, on the other hand, are coins that are bent, broken, not whole, or fused or melted together.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Accounts in the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the Bank of Abu Assignment
Accounts in the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the Bank of Abu Dhabi - Assignment Example Overall the bank’s statements reflect the quality of the bank's operations. Although there can be a few improvements in the operations of the bank and its customer base, however, the bank has performed remarkably well showing high revenues and net profits. The National Bank of Abu Dhabi was founded in 1968 in the United Arab Emirates. It is the market leader amongst lending banks in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the second largest player in the United Arab Emirate lending market. The bank has a presence in various regions including Hong Kong, Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur. The National Bank of Abu Dhabi is a premier bank offering the complete range of financial services in 18 countries. It is ranked in the Worlds 50 Safest Banks and the Safest Bank in emerging banks. This is a testament to the quality of the services and the operations of the bank. This assignment aims to analyze the balance sheet and income statements of the bank for the year 2012 and 2011. All accounts under assets, liabilities, equity, expenses and revenue will be defined and analyzed in this report. An asset on a balance sheet represents what a firm owns. They can be categorized as current assets and fixed assets. Current assets are ones that are consumed in a years’ time and the fixed assets are those that provide benefit over a certain period of time. I will now be defining the assets that are in the financial statements of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. This account includes all the cash that is currently with the bank, the balances with the central bank and the dues from other banks (maturing within 3 months). Cash is the most liquid of all the current assets. The balance at the central bank is a percentage of the total customer deposits given to the central bank as a measure of avoiding bank runs. These are identified as financial assets which are held for the purpose of trading them in the market. are assets measured at fair value and the gains and losses are recorded in the income statements under the subheading of â€Å"Gains or Losses on Derivative Financial Instrument Transactions†.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The pony fishs glow chapter summaries Term Paper
The pony fishs glow chapter summaries - Term Paper Example examining human traits, modern biologists tend to not recognize elements of prior planning; rather such structures are perfected by the process of natural selection. The features, such as ears, are maintained because individuals with better versions of the feature are more likely to survive and reproduce. This is known as the adaptationist program. Petitioners of the program examine each trait in organisms, and look at how this relates to the way in which the organism survives to pass on its genes. Such questions get more complex as one looks at features more closely, such as the number of incisors in a jaw. The author summarizes his view of the study of biological adaptation in the first five chapters. He considers that adaptation is the development of something that is effective functionally from natural selection. He uses the pony fish as an example of this. This fish has a special type of light that helps it in many aspects of its life. However, other parts of its body aren’t as logical. For example, it only has two eyes, while more would make better sense given the environment which the fish exists in. â€Å"The Sun exists to illuminate the surface of the Earth, and we have eyes to allow us to make use of the sunlight†. These two statements which the author considers imply a cause and effect relationship between the Earth and the Sun. However, when you examine the two statements more closely, you find that there is no evidence for the first being true while the second is not only true but has special implications. If the purpose of the Sun was to serve the Earth, why would it be so large in comparison, and why is the Earth so far away. The eye however, is a complex structure with many regulatory capacities and is clearly designed to enable the organism that possesses it to observe the world around them. If an eye is designed, then does there necessarily have to be a designer? Paley argues that for a watch to exist, it must have been created by someone who
Monday, November 18, 2019
Degree in Economics, Finance and Management - Managerial Accounting Essay
Degree in Economics, Finance and Management - Managerial Accounting - Essay Example The roles they currently play have become increasingly huge and difficult. They are the center of the decision making in both business firms and organizations. They are currently solely responsible for setting up and keeping the financial policies as well as being responsible for management of information system. The support they provide is essential because they work together with other management colleagues to ensure that all matters financial are equitably managed. Basically the work of the management accountant is to forecast on the future by ensuring that the advice they give is for the interest of the future growth and stability of the enterprise. They look at how the business is progressing and offer an advice on how problems can be effectively managed and on how to adapt to modern changes in business trends in order to remain relevant in the market industry (Smith, 2005). To achieve this dreams the management accountant look at ways of reducing business costs both operational and production cost and how to set up more and implement more viable strategies. Their work is not limited to specific sections but it cuts across the organizations. Manager’s information need differ with regard to the nature of entities operations and their role within the organization. Much of information that touches on management accountancy is based on both qualitative and quantitative data. This emergence was first instigated by a perceived disconnect between the theory and the practice of management accounting, and more specific on the most common perception that the traditional wisdom of management accounting textbooks is not widely used in practice. However the belief was based on few published work. Yeshmin and Das, research that was carried out in 2009 in Bangladesh showed that managers of the financial institutions are more comfortable when they apply both variance and budgetary control analysis to measure their performance among the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Political Factors Affecting Education
Political Factors Affecting Education Education is the most important shared experienced in our lives it is so important and so all-pervasive that it is almost impossible to define. Education will not supply all the answers to the problems that beset us, either as individuals or as a nation, but if we set about it the right way, it is the best single means of promoting intellectual, moral, physical and economic wellbeing (Aldrich 1996 ). Education teaches us the joy of learning and gives us the qualifications for employment, which builds confidence and self esteem and gives us the skills and values to meet the demands of a fast changing worlds and society. (Estelle 2001 quoted in Chitty, C 2009). As education meet the demands of society so society is itself is a product of that knowledge or education which informs societal attitudes towards life and its problems, the value it attaches to the things of the world in general, the place of man in the universe in particular and the norm sets to which our thoughts and behavior must conform. The two contrasting regions of Peshawar and Khyber Agency in Pakistan have been selected for critical analysis and evaluation of the impact of varying social and political forces on the provision and type of education available in each area. Peshawar is a large city having a population of 2.9 million in 2005. The population is growing by 3.2 % annually and this growth rate is higher than most other Pakistani cities (Hayat 2006). Peshawars residents consist mainly of Pashtoon people with Hindkowans as the minority group. Languages such as Pashto, Persian, Urdu, Khowar, Dari, Hindko, Saraiki and Punjabi are spoken in Peshawar. Peshawar can be sub-divided into two distinct regions, namely the urban region, which accounts for 51.32 % of the population, and the rural area with holds the remaining 48.68 % of the population. The population had increased two fold in the previous two decades. (Gaffar 2005) .The area of Peshawar district extends from Warsak north to south Matani, a distance of over 30 miles, and 18 miles from Hayatabad east to Taro Jaba in the west. It is located at an altitude of 1138ft above sea level. Most of the citys dwellers are Muslims with some Hindus, Sikhs and Christians minorities. Historically Peshawar was the centre of the Indus civilization and home to many other communities like Bukharan Jews and Zoroastrians (Arbab 2000). The second area to be evaluated is that of Khyber Agency. Khyber Agency is a Federally Administered Tribal area of Pakistan. It encompasses an area ranging from Tirah valley to the Peshawar district. It borders Afghanistan to the East, Orakzai Agency to the north and Peshawar to the west. There are four main tribes the Mullagori, Shalmani, Shinwari and Afridi in Khyber Agency. According to 2007 estimates, Khyber Agency had a literacy rate of 34.2%. In world literacy rankings, Pakistan is listed as 160th of 177 countries, with an overall literacy rate of 49.9 %( Noreen 2008). The reason for selecting these Peshawar and Khyber Agency is that, whilst they are geographically close, they demonstrate clear differences in the type and standard of education they provide. These differences can, therefore, be usefully evaluated in terms of the social and political forces acting upon them. One such significant factor, is that Khyber agency has become a focal point for the war against terrorism which, this paper will argue, has been a dominant cause in the deterioration of the education system in that region. Before analyzing and evaluating the provision of education by the state, it is a matter to be taken in notice that high regard is accorded to education in Pakistan is enshrined in the constitution with education on the agreed legislative list of the central and provincial government. The 1973 constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan recognizes the importance of education and says that the state shall: Encourage unity and observance of the Islamic moral standards Endorse with special care the educational and economic interests of backward areas. Eradicate illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education. Make technical and professional education generally available and higher education accessible to all on the basis of merit. Enable the people of different areas, through education, training, agriculture and industrial development and other methods, to participate fully in all forms of national activities including employment in the services of Pakistan. Ensure full participation of women in all the spheres of national life (National education policy 2010) In many developed countries of the world the school system has been divided into the state school and private school sectors. The commentators Adonis and Pollard have recently complained that the education system in England is based on a division between state and private (so called public ) schools with prestige and resources going mainly to the later rather then to the former (Adonis, A and Pollard S 1998). Like Great Britain, education system in Pakistan is also divided into state and private school. The existing state school systems in both Peshawar and Khyber agency are almost the same as that are provided in the rest of Pakistan. In Peshawar and Khyber agency, however, the school system has a further sub-division having state schools, private schools and madrassa schools. Private schools are considered schools for the upper classes, entry to which are generally limited to students from rich families, whilst state schools are generally for lower, middle class people. Madrassa, however, are for those children from lower class family backgrounds who do not have an access to any of the above mentioned schools for a variety of reasons; a key factor being accessibility. The students of madrassa depend solely on charities provided by the general public. In Peshawar only 4.6 million students are enrolled in the Public Sector, Private Sector and Madrassa. The remaining 2.8 million children have no access to formal education (Hussein 2007). Average dropout rates up to Matriculation level are at 38% annually. There are many factors that impact on the drop out including access problems, social and cultural issues particularly among females, poverty, ignorance, lack of financial resources,(with government and families) corporal punishment and so on. More than half of the children in Peshawar drop out of school before completing the fifth grade. On average, females remain in school for 1.3 years and males for 3.8 years. (Sohrab 2007) The education system in both areas is broadly divided into three stages namely; Primary, Secondary and Higher education. The pre school stage is introduced for children less then 5 years old and is further divided into three stages, play group, Nursery and Kinder Garden. Students progress from Primary schools to Middle schools and then High school. After completing High school (SSC), successful students progress to college, and is called Higher Secondary State Education (HSSC). After Primary Education, unisex education is the communities preferred choice but co-education does exist in Private Institution in Peshawar although not in Khyber Agency. The curriculum is usually designed by the federal curriculum bureau in Islamabad with prominent educationalists setting the objectives of the curriculum. Every province has its own text book boards who implement the curriculum made by the federal curriculum bureau. The provincial text book board has limited authority but can make some change s to the curriculum, subject to the approval of federal curriculum bureau. The provincial text book board conducts and monitors exams through different exam boards. (Iqbal 2007)The curriculum designed by the federal bureau is implemented in both private and state schools in Peshawar and Khyber Agency. O level and A level education system is employed in private sector in Peshawar. In Both private and state institutions the common subjects are Urdu, English, Maths, Social Studies, Islamyat, Computer science, and other science subjects like Chemistry, Physics and Biology. In Private schools, the medium of instruction is English whilst state schools teach in Urdu. (Majeed 2007). Secondary education teaches the boy{sic} to apply the principle he is learning, and so to learn the principles by applying them, or so to use the instruments he is being made to know, as to perform or produce something, interpret literature or a science, make a picture or a book, practice a plastic or a manual a rt, convince a jury or persuade a senate, translate or annotate an author, dye wool, weave cloth, design or construct a machine, navigate a ship or command an army (Bryce 1895). Secondary education is viewed as preparing students for entry into a career and that is why, after gaining the higher secondary school certificate (HSSC), students in both areas can appear in the entry test for professional institutions like medical and engineering colleges. Those who are unsuccessful in the entry tests follow the arts path or other science subjects. Higher education takes students up to PhD level. Since 2002, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) has been empowered to carry out assessment, improvement and promotion of higher education, research and development, devise policies, guiding principles and priorities for higher education institutions and to set down conditions under which institutions, including those that are not part of the State educational system, may be opened and operated. The mandate of HEC encompasses all degree granting universities and institutions, both in public and private sectors and supports the attainment of quality education by facilitating and co-coordinating self-assessment of academic programs and their external review by national and international experts. HEC also supervises the planning, development and accreditation of public and private sector higher education institutions. Its goal is to facilitate the educational reform process (Ghani 2006). The main distinguishing features in the provision and type of education system in each area is due to differences in the implementation of educational strategies and the number and types of educational institutions available. There are plenty of schools, colleges and universities flourishing in Peshawar but not in Khyber Agency. Indeed, in Khyber Agency there are no universities or other professional colleges at all. After graduating from secondary school, the students of Khyber Agency must move to Peshawar or other parts of Pakistan, depending on their family circumstances, if they are to continue their education. Students from Khyber Agency face an additional problem when seeking admission to the institutions in Peshawar because of their tribal domicile, as the constitution of Pakistan limits, via a fixed quota, the number of Khyber Agency residents who can be admitted to State Professional colleges. Those students who do not come in the quota system have to pay for their education in private institutions. Those who can not afford these expenses are left/remain without further education. There are number of social factors that play into the poor public provision of education in Khyber Agency. These include low level of awareness among parents, low income status, lack of administration and control, less parental involvement, less opportunity to study, parents relationship with institutions and teachers, low literacy ratio, peer rejection, regarding its outcomes and impact on household well-being. The parents in Khyber Agency often lack the necessary vision to see the benefits that education can bring to the future of their children. Further difficulties such as the non-availability of transportation, communication and health, social and family priorities, influence often negatively the educational opportunities of students. Clear differences exist in the administration of education within the two regions. The expenditure of funds and the nature and scope of educational planning has affected the education system in Khyber Agency. Poor Economic conditions is another factor that lower the literacy rate of Khyber agency to below that of Peshawar region. The persistent under-investment by successive governments in Khyber Agency has left many schools, poorly resourced and lacking in physical infrastructure. Academic institutions, with few exceptions face financial problems and constraints. Mostly Public sector schools face financial constraints due to the high burden of students in crowed institutions where facilities for students are minimal. If financially possible, parents utilize the services of private institutions to help their children get better education. Alternatively, parents may employ external/private tuition or coaching to enhance their childrens competence because, as mentioned, most state schools are overcrowded with high students numbers per class which prohibits adequate student teacher interaction. In Khyber Agency, the average income of parents prevents most families from seeking to enroll their children into the higher standard and more competitive institutions or opt for external tuition and coaching. It is generally acknowledged that the education department as a whole is the most badly administered governmental sector in Pakistan in spite of the fact that educat ion plays such a vital role in the development of any country. As mentioned earlier, the national government has never allotted the necessary resources to this department, resulting in a poor literacy rate country-wide. A structured system for funding education is necessary based on local community needs and subject to audit control at regional level. In both regions, especially in Khyber Agency, current provision is characterized by poor governance and management, a traditional way of teaching, an outdated and inflexible curriculum, lack of qualified educators, inappropriate utilization of existing infrastructure, political interference in teacher selection and infrastructure development, poor supervision and control by government, gender discrimination and a poor evaluation and assessment system, that has made the existing provision of the education system incompatible with modern education system and therefore changes must be made. Khyber Agency has been totally isolated from the main stream political system. Political activities were not allowed and people could not participate in politics till 1998.the people were given the right to vote in 1998 general elections. The political party system is still very fragile in the area and controlled by the Federal government through the governor of Khyber Pashtoon khawa. Commissioner and political agent are answerable to the governor in what is a very complicated political system. There still prevails the most hated laws called FCR (frontier crime regulation) imposed by the British in colonial times. These were the draconian rules that were imposed by British government to suppress the people of Khyber Agency. Political involvement plays a vital role in the administration and governance of education. Peshawars regional government has a long established record of political interference in the administration and control of education while Khyber Agency is being weakened daily due to the insurgency and acts of terrorism, lack of accountability and nepotism. Teachers in the areas have many serious concerns. They are generally low paid, given the prevailing economic depression, and have often been driven to desperate measures to gain a modicum of their urgent demands such as improved working conditions. It is necessary to meet these demands to ensure that teachers, as the makers of the nations, can contribute to the development of students which in turn will result in the development of nation. Education is a constitutional right of every male and female. The high level of social anxiety and low literacy rate clearly indicate the need for fundamental changes in education system; such improvements would include a single medium of instruction for text books, sufficient funding and proper implementation of strategies and plans. Due to social and political pressure the government announces special reforms for the development of education sector that also applies in these two areas. At the start of the 21st Century, the Government of Pakistan took several initiatives underlining the education sector reform. Some of these reforms are National Education Policy (1998-2010); Education Sector Reforms (ESR) (2001-06), Education for All (EFA) by 2015, Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011), Ten Years Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011), National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) 2 005-10, and Education Millennium Development Goals.(National education policy 2010) Despite the above mentioned reforms which has been introduced by the government at various times, their positive impact has yet to reach many rural areas like that of Khyber Agency. As a consequence these areas have become breeding grounds for terrorism which will not only endanger Pakistan but will export terrorism to other countries of the world and thus endangering the whole world. The following recommendations, if properly implemented could improve the currant education system in both regions but particularly in Khyber agency. The existing system of education needs to be thoroughly scrutinized and audited to ensure transparency in order to address poor governance and management issues. A specialized Management Centre in Elementary and Secondary Education Department to provide accountability and proper training without nepotism and bias should be introduced. There is a need to empowering school heads to ensure they are free from political interference and control. A separate commission in the style of the public service commission could make appointments and standardize all grades. Maximum administrative and financial autonomy needs to be devolved down to school level with accountability of the school heads to community level. This make the monitoring and evaluation process more efficient and effective and new technology could be devised for the process. A revolutionary emphasis on education, social and economic development is critical in order to lay the foundations for educational development and poverty reduction in both of these areas. Without social and economic development, change cannot occur, as change never occurs in a vacuum. Private partnerships are critical for capitalizing upon social and other stakeholder such as NGOs, voluntary organizations, general public and private sectors. All stakeholders could be subject to regulatory mechanisms to ensure effective education development in both Peshawar and Khyber Agency. In both the regions rigid and hard line behavior has breed a biased and inflexible system allowing no space for students analytical thinking. This also prevents the development of life long skills that prepare students to face challenges in their daily life by exercising problem solving skills. In order to address these drawbacks the design of the curriculum should be based upon native, behavioral, unbiased and scientific research so that concepts taught should be made vertically and horizontally clear and should incorporate local, regional and global values of democracy, secularism, federalism, broadmindedness and non-violence. Finally to improve the education system in these areas education could be alignment with market demands, a uniform medium of instruction, the strengthening of the science facilities, Knowledge Park, Science and Technology Park should be established in both regions to impart standards through robust control and administrative techniques. All these efforts will help to improve the standard of education by replacing traditional modes of instruction with the use of technologies and productive work and problem solving skills will take the place of routine types of activities which will in turn help develop a knowledge based economy that responds to the needs of the people in a sustainable manner.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Shakespeares Macbeth - The Two Sided Lady Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Two Sided Lady Macbeth            One of the main characters in the Shakespearean play Macbeth, is the wife of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is a very two sided character in this play. She consistently acts differently when she is with her husband than she does when she is not. There are various examples of this exhibitied in the play.            One of the most notable examples of this is contained in Act I Scene v when Lady Macbeth reads the letter written to her by Macbeth. Shortly after reading it, she makes the comment that she feels Macbeth is too kind to murder Duncan and that he will need her help, strength, and willpower to commit it. However, after she hears that Macbeth is returning home, she calls upon evil spirits and other demonic entities to give her some aid. She does this because she realizes that she doesn’t have the strength of will to persuade Macbeth into murdering Duncan after all. Then, when Macbeth arrived, just after she finished praying for help, she acts as if she has a heart of stone and that Macbeth is not a man if he is afraid of killing Duncan. This is a prime example of her deception towards him, and how she acts differently when she is alone than when she is around him.            Another example of her being two sided is the role she talks about playing in Duncan’s death, and the role that she actually does play in it. There are a few times in the play, mostly when she is attempting to persuade Macbeth into committing the murder, that she says he should just leave the murder to her. Throughout the play she gradually decreases her role in the murder until it becomes Macbeth’s job to kill Duncan, not hers. This is another very large trick on her part, but one that Macbeth also fails to see;  Whether it is because he chooses not to, or because he is too naive to realize it.            The last noteworthy example of her inconsistency occurs between Act I Scene vii and Act II Scene ii. In Act I Scene vii she severely scolds Macbeth for having second thoughts about committing the murder. She tries to get rid of his rational thoughts by saying that he must not really love her if he can change his mind on the murder, which she says he promised her he would do.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Prince Case Study Essay
Over the years Prince has proven themselves as an industry leader in tennis racquets and equipment that has transformed the game of tennis through their innovations. They have proven themselves as innovators through their development of the first synthetic gut string and many other things that have met the levels of all tennis players. As the world of tennis changes and the number of participants increases, Prince is once again faced with a challenge to reinvent themselves to meet the demands of 21st century tennis players. The growth in tennis participation results in a change in the market environment and requires Prince to think of new ways to stay ahead of competition. In the 21st century the presence of technology and social media are two major tools that can be used to Prince’s advantage. Prince’s first attempt to use technology in a new racket innovation was a failure. They released aracket with â€Å"O Port†holes that was supposed to improve racquet speed. â€Å"The idea was to differentiate itself from the marketplace, but it wasn’t necessarily what the market wanted†(Rovell, 2012). Knowing the market demand when releasing a new product is one of the most important details to ensure success. Another issue they faced in the release is they put all their faith into this new development and lost focus on the other products that made them who they are today. To reverse this mistake I feel it is the right time with the tennis market growing to release a new type of racquet. This must meet the demand of the new emerging market while still paying attention to their older market to continue growth without loosing consumers. They can achieve this by directly contacting consumers and seeing what they would like or feel they are missing in a tennis racquet. Another idea to steer away from their last racquet release would be developing three new racquets that meet the need of each group. I don’t think its possible to develop a racquet that caters to all strokes and levels. I feel that using new technological developments to design a racquet based upon the three different strokes would meet the needs of all levels of their market. Along with the growth of the tennis industry, Prince needs to continually market themselves and the industry to influence consumers to invest in their products. To accomplish this Prince could host local tennis tournaments in cities to get people playing the sport. As a result this would link tennis directly to their brand which markets themselves and the sport all in one to maximize profitability and gain consumer awareness. To increase their market segment and reach a new audience to increase their market presence they could sponsor a school tennis team or donate racquets to a school to get kids into the sport at a young age. If the child enjoys the sport the odds are the parent will purchase their products from Prince which is a great way to get a younger audience into the sport and also use this as a social media opportunity. They could start an after school tennis program with school where they donate equipment and teach kids the sport while keeping them active and out of trouble. This could certainly result in many opportunities for social media and increase brand awareness through their donations. Parents are always looking for ways to keep their children active and out of trouble so this serves as a great opportunity to do so and once again allows them to diversify their market and give them a competitive edge. As Prince begins to grow their company in attempt to keep up with 21st century demands they will need a new way to market and promote themselves to keep ahead of competition. One way to do this is hosting a sponsorship for players that can be promoted through social media such as twitter and Facebook. It is important for Prince to reach a younger audience and their large presence on social networks makes it important for them to gain as much presence through social media as possible. Each market segment has a different way to be reached so it is important for Prince to understand each of those markets and then decide how they will promote themselves according to their demands. The large number of distribution channels within Prince poses challenges but also holds many opportunities for growth. One of the most important distribution channel is mass merchants such as Wal-Mart. It is important that their presence within mass merchants is well received and this can be done by setting up specific displays to promote their product in which the general consumer of these stores will relate to. The way a product is promoted in Wal-Mart may be very different than the way its promoted in a specialty store. I feel that smaller store displays should be centered around the sponsored player linked to Prince. A store like Wal-Mart should have the display accessible and visible amongst the many products within the store. Wal-Mart is also known for their low prices so Prince should have a presence in the catalog and advertise discounts on their products within the catalog and in the the store. Wal-Mart can carry the lower end racquets to allow this discount where as smaller shops can carry higher end racquets to cater to their audience. Understanding the audience of each distribution channel will allow Prince to properly promote and advertise their product within each store. Another area that Prince relies on to generate revenue is the global market. Global success is extremely important in having a competitive advantage and constantly needs to be improved to meet global market demands. Being that tennis is played all over the world their global presence is just as important as it is in the US. Latin America has a large presence with professional tennis players and due to this the sport is continually growing in this area. To enhance their global presence I feel it is important to sponsor players outside of the US to maintain their global presence. When a consumer sees a professional player from their country using a Prince racquet it will influence them to purchase it. Prince should use the origin of top players and target these markets. There is a great deal of pride that comes when someone reaches a level in sports from your home country. Prince can use this to their advantage and enhance their market presence in the countries of professional players. Prince continues to be one of the leading companies in the world of tennis. They strive to continue their name as a top innovator in the field and maintain their global market presence. With the current growth in tennis participation there is no better time to re market themselves to stay ahead of competition and developing trends. Their impressive track record with major inventions over the years have shaped the game of tennis and give them a competitive advantage. To accomplish the results they are after they need to create a new development that caters to their extensive market and increase their presence among youth by expanding their social media presence. The company has all of the tools for success and if implemented correctly they can solidify their spot as the top manufacturer in the world of tennis. Rovell, D. (2012, August 28). Tennis Company Prince Eying a Comeback . Retrieved from Authentic brand group propels prince sports throughout the globe with key operating partners. (2012, August 16). Retrieved from Glassel, L., & Skaly , N. (n.d.). Prince sports, inc. tennis racquets for every segment [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from Kerin, R., Hartley, S., & Rudelius, W. (2011). Marketing. (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill-Irwin
Friday, November 8, 2019
Education Philosophy Outline Essays
Education Philosophy Outline Essays Education Philosophy Outline Essay Education Philosophy Outline Essay Philosophy of Education Outline I. Introduction a. Ever since I was in elementary school, I wanted to become a teacher. I have had some outstanding teachers in my lifetime and I would love to carry on the legacy. I want to inspire the future generation to make the world a better place. b. Every teacher has their own personal views on teaching, learning, goals, and professional development. c. Teaching is not just a job. Teachers mold their students’ futures every day. I believe it is highly important that each teacher strives to make a difference in each student’s life. II. Teaching d. Tools are a necessary part of learning. I plan to use a variety of tools, including SmartBoard technology, books, videos, props, etc. I believe students learn the best by participating in hands-on activities as opposed to only lectures. e. I believe that a teacher should play many roles, not just one. This includes being the motivator, facilitator, challenger, and supporter. f. The School of Thought I agree with is Democratic. This stresses the process of learning, not just the product. It also promotes outside-the-box thinking. g. My preferred educational philosophy is progressivism. I favor an open classroom where students often work together and learn to deal with social problems as well as material from the curriculum. III. Learning h. Learning is something we do every minute of every day. When someone learns, they are broadening their horizons and gaining new experiences. i. Learning is an adventure and a voyage. j. In my classroom, I plan to incorporate a variety of strategies. This includes discussion, but will also include hands-on activities, group work, and presentations. IV. Teaching Goals k. To incorporate out-of-the-box thinking and new ideas. l. To make sure every student understands the subject matter. m. To be open to change and spontaneity. V. Personal or Professional Development n. To make each student truly feel that they are a vital part of the classroom, and that they have the power to make a difference. o. To be just as passionate about my work and the subjects studied as I expect my students to be. VI. Conclusion p. When I become a teacher, I hope to change the lives of each and every student. q. Making a difference is inspiring our future generation to change the world.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Domestic Violence Change In Barking And Dagenham Social Work Essays
Domestic Violence Change In Barking And Dagenham Social Work Essays Domestic Violence Change In Barking And Dagenham Social Work Essay Domestic Violence Change In Barking And Dagenham Social Work Essay This assignment will foreground how domestic force can be reduced in the London borough of Barking and Dagenham. It will concentrate on what services are already available at that place to contend domestic force in the borough, what will be done to better those services which are already available and what could be developed farther, it will discourse how these alterations will be promoted. This assignment will discourse the challenges that will be faced while seeking to implement these alterations. It will besides foreground those who will defy the alteration to be implemented and how the opposition will be addressed. The borough of Barking and Dagenham is located in the North East of London. It has a population of about 163,000 and a geographical country of 8,877 estates including 67,000 places ( Contentss about the Barking and Dagenham country, 2009 ) . Domestic force is any incident of endangering behavior, force or maltreatment ( psychological, physical, sexual, fiscal or emotional ) between spouses or household members, irrespective of gender or gender ( Hester and Westmarland, 2005 ) . The borough of Barking and Dagenham has one of the highest rates of domestic force across London with 4,506 incidents which were reported to the Police in 2009/10. Domestic force histories for 22 % of notifiable offenses in Barking and Dagenham, and hence poses a serious concern for alteration ( Barking and Dagenham Domestic Violence Forum, 2009 ) . Domestic force affects all societal groups, i.e. adult females, work forces, kids, homosexual etc ( Hegarty and Taft 2001 ) . Womans are affected more in this borough with 77 % victims of domestic force in this borough. 1 in 4 adult females in United Kingdom will see domestic atleast one time in there life clip ( British Crime Survey 2001 ) . A alteration has to be implemented in order to cut down domestic force in this borough of barking and Dagenham. Lewin ( 1951 ) proposes that when implementing any alteration there are a figure of factors that help to accomplish alteration every bit good as factors that may impede alteration. On the other manus, a confining factor could be an unwillingness to alter. Change agent, should non be surprised at the jobs that are encountered while implementing alteration and should be equipped to cover with all results, while being prepared to modify any planned procedures as the alteration progresses ( Leavitt et al 1973 ) . It is of import to choose the most appropriate scheme for implementing the needed alteration in order to cut down domestic force in the borough of Barking and Dagenham. The ability to joint a shared vision is a critical facet to a alteration ( Dess and Picken 2000 ) . The vision provides the borough with a clear future way and support for the trust s mission about cut downing domestic force Domestic force has to be addressed because it is now being recognised as a wellness issue which can hold an tremendous consequence on people s mental wellness ( British Medical Association ( BMJ, 1998 ) . It is now good accepted that maltreatment ( both in childhood and in big life ) is frequently one of the major factor in the development of depression, anxiousness and other mental wellness upsets, and may take to kip perturbations, self-destruction and attempted self-destruction, self-harm, substance abuse and eating upsets ( Golding 1999, Humphreys et al 2003 ) . Children who are affected with domestic force are at increased hazard of behavioral jobs, emotional injury, and mental wellness troubles when they grow up ( Hester et al 2000 ) . Physical hurts are besides common and these include contusions, fractured castanetss and other external hurts. In Barking and Dagenham, there has been an debut of the East London Perpetrator programme which was established towards the terminal of 2006 with neighboring boroughs Newham and Waltham Forest as an option to cut down repeated offense ( Barking and Dagenham Domestic Violence Strategy, 2008 ) . However, the statistics show that there seems to be less or no decrease in domestic force. Despite the fact that many people have the same beliefs that victims of domestic force must be helped, no 1 talks about assisting culprits of domestic force and if they do at all, many will desire the culprits to be prosecuted. However, the truth is that culprits of domestic force besides need aid. Many people do non look to understand that in the same manner the culprit is besides a victim of fortunes which would hold made an impact in his life when he was rather immature such as an opprobrious and violent relationship between his parents or himself being abused when he was immature either by his parents or relation. It can besides be due to civilization that violent work forces claim that in their civilization, adult females have an inferior function, and the usage of force is endorsed to maintain adult females in line. Some culprits accuse the legal system for trying to destruct their civilization. Awareness needs to be raised to these people to do them understand that It is of import to keep cultural traditions and beliefs, but this can be done without force or maltreatment In the multi-cultural borough of barking and Dagenham, Perpetrators of force may wrongly warrant their disfunction in a figure of ways which include civilization and faith. Unfortunately, their logical thinking may even convert victims that they are deserving to be beaten because of civilization. The feeling of shame for the victims of maltreatment becomes a signifier of societal control designed to protect maltreaters ( Haider, 2002 ) , while female subjugation is frequently wrongly justified by work forces on the footing of spiritual and cultural beliefs ( Rahim, 2000 ) . In order to alter the behavior of those responsible for domestic force and to accomplish a decrease in repetition exploitation, it is of import that more resources must be focussed upon the culprits of this offense. Raising consciousness to culprits will be the chief resource that should be focused upon. The engagement of spiritual leaders in educating people and raising consciousness about domestic force is really important in the borough of Barking and Dagenham because these spiritual leaders are really influential to their followings. Another ground why spiritual leaders should be used as a tool in combat and raising consciousness about domestic force is that most maltreaters attend idolizing topographic points and hence if the massage is preached about domestic force, it would be making out to a big Numberss of the community. Therefore the borough of barking and Dagenham will concentrate on candidacy for Muslim leaders and other church curates to work towards cut downing domestic force incidents against adult females through the development of educational plans which will be designed to alter cultural attitudes and beliefs of Perpetrators of force against adult females. These plans will authorise adult females at different degrees by raising their consciousness about the available services in the community, heightening their cognition about their legal and societal rights, every bit good as about the manner bing services operate. If culprits of domestic force have relationship jobs with a spouse, they will be taught how to near the spouse without being opprobrious focussing on spiritual values because the nucleus values expressed in the universe s major faiths relate closely to human right rules. Islam views human life as a sacred gift from God, so the life of single regardless of gender age, nationality deserves respect ( Witte et el. 1996 ) . Similarly, consciousness will be raised among the general populace because research shows that in the first case, most domestic force victims turn to households and friends for support ( Humphreys et el 2000 ) . Many people do non cognize how to cover with domestic force that s why consciousness to the general populace is needed. There is a Television advertizement which has been put in topographic point to allow people cognize that domestic force is non an acceptable behavior. There are different cusps and circulars incorporating information of how and where to acquire aid if faced with domestic force and these will be distributed to different bureaus in the borough i.e. general surgeries, Accident and exigencies, Housing service Centres, schools, libraries etc. All these are aimed at raising consciousness to the general populace about the issue of domestic force. Raising consciousness about domestic force in healthcare profession is besides really of import because adult females who seek aid normally turn to healthcare professionals. A survey found that 80 % of adult females in a violent relationship had sought aid from the wellness service at least one time Department of Health ( DH, 2000 ) . Health visitants, nurses, accoucheuses and other health care professionals frequently lack awareness about domestic maltreatment and they normally do non cognize what services are available for those who experience it ( Taket, 2004 ) . Mazza et Al ( 2000 ) suggest that some healthcare staff believe that domestic force is a private issue and fright that patients would be upset or offended if asked about their private issues. Women seek aid to get by with domestic force, are more likely to be in contact with wellness professionals than any other service. Health professionals have a duty to care for these patients and should admit domestic force as a major wellness job. The wellness attention professionals can convey their consciousness about domestic force to all those accessing the service by go throughing on all the relevant information to the victims of domestic force. Health attention staff come across many patients who have experienced domestic force, yet they are frequently loath to move on their observations because they feel unprepared to inquire inquiries and to react to the demands of these patients ( James-Hanman 1998 ) . In order to efficaciously raise consciousness amongst cardinal professionals, in-depth preparation about domestic force will be funded and it will be compulsory to all the healthcare professional in the London borough of Barking and Dagenham. For this policy to be implemented successfully, systems will be established to supervise and measure the wellness professionals who have attended and completed this preparation. Besides raising consciousness in healthcare profession, consciousness will besides be raised in schools every bit good because alarming school-age kids the unacceptableness of domestic force can deter them from piquing later in life. This will be done through course of study resources and besides through web site which will offer advice and counsel about what they can make if they are sing domestic force in the place. While seeking to implement the alteration to contend domestic force, some victims in this borough will defy this alteration because some people who get abused may see domestic force as an acceptable behavior due to their cultural and spiritual beliefs ( Peled et el 2000 ) . They would defy alteration because they think that it is the lone manner to continue their matrimony. Educating and raising consciousness to the victims of domestic force that force is an unacceptable behavior regardless of there cultural beliefs and alteration to halt the force is the lone manner frontward. The victims may non turn up to the community centres where consciousness is to be raised and they choose to insulate themselves. They may fear to turn up because they would non desire to be labelled as bad or seen as being badly influence by other adult females in community who are non trusters . This is why spiritual leader will chiefly be used in raising consciousness of domestic force in this borough of barking and Dagenham. Not merely victims will seek to defy this alteration but culprits will besides defy this alteration because they think that by altering and halting their behavior of force in their places, they will be fring control of their households which is non the instance. Perpetrators might defy this alteration by non turning up for seminars which would be organised to raise consciousness about domestic force. That s why spiritual leaders will be involved in educating and raising consciousness because they are really influential to this multi-cultural community of barking and Dagenham. Healthcare staff are besides more likely to defy alteration which is to be implemented because they would claim that they are excessively busy to cover with domestic force. They may besides reason that this alteration would give them more work and other jobs which they may non hold clip to cover with ( Mazza et al 2000 ) . Domestic force is a cardinal issue in the borough of Barking and Dagenham and in UK as a whole. It has become a public wellness issue because it affects the wellness and public assistance of many people therefore needs to be addressed. It is non restricted to any one group in society. It is hence of import to raise consciousness and educate the populace about the rhythm of domestic force and the durable consequence this has to people involved in it. Religious leaders should be used in educating people and raising consciousness about domestic force because they are really influential to a wider community. There is much work underway to turn to this issue with in the borough in footings of raising consciousness and educating the victims and culprits.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Personal statement for UC school Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
For UC school - Personal Statement Example In pursuance of this opportunity, I conducted a research on Californian universities and discovered that UC offers diverse programs in social and cultural studies. This would suit my purpose, since I hope to acquire an undergraduate degree in Chinese or Asian culture. I am interested in gaining better understanding of how Asian and Western cultures interrelate, and how people in Western cultures perceive Oriental cultural settings. I believe that this knowledge will play a significant role in unifying people from the diverse cultures, while at the same time fostering productive connections. My passion to understand Asian cultures is driven by the fact that I love interacting with people from different locations around the world. Further, as a former international student, I initially found it hard to fit into the American society and discovered that some of my counterparts from other global settings also experienced some form of cultural shock before adapting fully. Therefore, I believe that by studying Asian cultures and their association with the Western way of life, I may be better placed to help others settle in America with ease. My stay in America has also made it possible for me to make many friends from different backgrounds. This has been highly inspirational, since it is interesting to see how people who differ ideologically or in terms of cultural background co-exist peacefully and productively. An opportunity to study at your institution will, therefore, contribute a great deal toward enabling me achieve my dreams. Apart from my passion to study culture I also love sporting activities and volunteering. This has enabled me to meet different people and learn more about them. For example, I volunteered in Santa Monica hospital where I helped hospital staff serve patients. I enjoyed the experience immensely because it gave me a chance to work with different
Friday, November 1, 2019
Making of Narco State in Afghanistan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Making of Narco State in Afghanistan - Article Example To many, the United States led invasion of Afghanistan to topple Taliban's rule of the country were seen as aggression designed to get back to the international terrorist who staged the 9/11 attacks on Twin Towers of New York World Trade Center. But studying the background of the Talibans even the more objective mind might justly the US led coalition action against Afghanistan. First, it has become the breeding ground for international terrorist who do no have regard at all to human life, human rights and human dignity. As a matter of fact, even Afghan citizens particularly women were victims of bodily abuses, economic deprivation and injustice, corruption and so forth. This paper deals with the historical and cultural concept and influence of tribalism in their country, as well as its effect in the rise of the world's perception that Afghanistan is becoming a Narco State. In 1960s, Afghanistan was monarchial with the king and his relatives "dominated the central government," according to Microsoft Encarta. But in 1963, a prime minister was appointed for the first time outside the "royal family in order to distance the monarchy from policy-making" (Encarta). However, the administration of the new prime minister had experienced many conflicts; a series of coup ahs brought into power the Mujahidin Government. According to report made by Afghanistan Assessment, the new government is faced with "immense economic problems, including serious food and fuel shortages, a collapsed industrial sector, a severely damaged infrastructure, the difficulties of refugees returning to their ravaged farms and field studied with mines and high inflation." Prior to the 1973 Coup d' etat, Afghanistan has been beneficiaries from both East and West; both the United States of America and the Soviet Union built an international air part in Kabot and Kandahar respectively. But the 1973 coup d' etat had not only had some effect on Afghanistan but also foreign powers' attitude to domestic and political forces in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, the Soviet installed Karmal as President, yet his regime was continuously plagued by civil wars, and constantly disrupted by anti-government guerilla forces; the Mujahiden depriving the government of authority over large areas of the countryside. Though poorly armed at first, they soon began to receive supplies mainly from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United States of America and China, which later helped them overthrow the existing government. According to Mohsen Makhmalbaf, during the early years, Afghanistan was "ruled by tribes." These tribes had each leader that a single leader coming from one tribe may not be acceptable. So they formed Tribal Federalism known as "loya Jirga." Makhmalbaf stressed that since then until now, "a more just and appropriate form of governing has not emerged in Afghanistan." Same author added further that the Loya Jirga system shows that "Afghanistan has never evolved economically form an agricultural existence." It has never moved beyond tribal rule and failed to achieve a sense of nationalism. He also pointed out that in Afghanistan each Afghan is Pashtun (the most dominant tribe), Hazareh,
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