Monday, September 30, 2019
Cost-effective means
There are many advantages of doing both insurance and banking with the same company. First, it is a cost-effective means of managing assets and insurance concerns, enabling consumers to save time, energy, and money spent on transactions. Second, integrated insurance and banking makes it easier for the consumer to communicate his or her needs in terms of insurance claims and appropriate payment adjustments with respect to emergency and crisis circumstances. Lastly, it enables an individual to build a deeper relationship with the bank and to better get to know its services.On the downside, doing both insurance and banking with the same company increases the risks of losing insurance payments and other assets when the company loses money from its investments or is affected by criminal activities. Although money and other deposits in a banking or insurance company are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, it only reimburses up to a predetermined amount which might be less than a consumer’s actual bank or insurance deposits.2. ) I am not as comfortable with doing my banking transactions online as with a clerk in a brick and mortar bank due to security and privacy concerns. The internet remains an unsafe platform for conducting sensitive transactions as criminals are developing techniques to capture pertinent consumer and financial data almost as fast as online banking security experts are trying to develop more sophisticated means of securing internet banking services.In the same manner, I would not be as comfortable working with an insurance agent for my banking needs as I would be with a banking clerk since I would worry about an individual having too much information about my financial status and resources. 3) Among the services that a consumer gets from a brick and mortar bank that might not be as easily provided by an online bank are automated teller machines for convenient deposit and withdrawals, and personal, in-depth consultations abo ut banking services that could be accomplished just by walking into a bank or its branch.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Hmong Culture Essay
The Hmong people is a minority ethnic group that resides in several countries worldwide. Hmong people is originally from Laos, a Asian country. The Hmong people usually resides on the mountains and their life has revolved around their inherent lifestyle and beliefs. War and migration along with the long history of being an oppressed ethnic group developed Hmong way of life. However, the Hmong culture is so persistent despite the forces of change around. The typical day of a Hmong family will start usually at four in the morning or when the rooster crows. The oldest daughter or daughter-in-law prepare the breakfast for the family, feed the animals and do the household chores. The husband occasionally helps his wife in feeding the animals and grinding the corn. After breakfast, the working members of the family will head out to the field and leave their children at the care of their paternal grandparents. Children who are six years old and older accompany their parents in the fields and do what they can do to help. The working members of the family usually go home before sunset and they gather firewood, plants and herbs along the way to add to their supplies at home. Hmong always have dinner together as a family and share stories of the day. A traditional Hmong family is patriarchal and the son tends to not to leave the house of his parents to work for them and to have someone to take care of his children while he and his wife is out tending the fields. Hmong are group oriented and they tend to depend on each other for survival. Thus, the interest of the groups must come first before the vested interest of the individual. â€Å"Family is the basic social unit in the conventional Hmong society. It is the unit of production, consumption, socialization, social control and mutual assistance. The common Hmong family is composed of an extended family that is made up of many generations. Hmong people are animists, they acquire strong belief in spirits and the supernatural world that cannot be explained by exact science. However, most of the Hmong people in United States become Christians but the traditional spiritual beliefs remain in them as part of their cultural practices. Still, practices and ceremonies are altered as Hmong adapt on the American society. Hmong people deeply believes that the souls live in a supernatural world. These spirits decide when a person dies. Also, they believe that these spirits or souls are Hmong people waiting to be born or to be reborn and reenter the earth. Furthermore, many Hmong believe that every person has a personal spirit who takes care of him, just like a guardian angel. Contacts with these spirits is usually done by the shaman or the religious and medical leader of the group. The shaman is the Hmong resident physician and their role is mainly to heal sick people and to prevent further spreading of illness or disease through interaction of the spirits. The shaman is one of the most important people in the Hmong village. He is the one who provides hope in times of crises. The shaman also guides the people in difficult situations. In addition to the shaman, Hmong people also practice traditional alternative medicine through the use of herbs and plants which grow in the wild in the mountains. From these plants, they produce ointments and salves to help them with their injuries and to make the sick feel better. However, Hmong people in the United States adapted to the American modernized medicine. But still, Hmong people continue to visit a shaman once in a while as part of their rich and undying custom and tradition.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Compare and Contrast: the Story of an Hour and a Rose for Emily
Deriso 1 Daniel Deriso Professor Robert Eastman English 101 4 September 2012 Compare and Contrast: â€Å"The Story of an Hour†vs. â€Å"A Rose for Emily†The two short stories discussed are about two drastically different women both with oppressive men in their lives. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, Louise realizes she wished to be free from her marriage. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily is yearning to be married. One woman is looking to be loved, and the other is so full of disdain that it kills her. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily is being controlled by her draconian father.He will not allow Emily to have contact with other men. When Emily’s father passes away she requests to keep the body, because she is fearful of being so desolate. Emily later kills her boyfriend Homer Barron for trying to leave her, and his body is not discovered until after her death. Whereas, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is about a woman who wishes the man i n her life is not in her life. The reader can tell from Louise’s thoughts that her spouse is a very stern man. The news of his passing brings her a feeling of overwhelming freedom.Emily never married because her father would not allow it. This fact drives her insane. Her life dream is to be married, but she will end up alone. However, Louise Mallard, who is married, yearns for those bonds to be severed. Her marriage is what inevitably kills her. The stories both end tragically. In both stories the protagonist dies, yet for very different reasoning. Emily kills Homer for trying to leave her. Then she keeps his body with her until she is discovered dead of old age.Louise Mallard believes her husband to be dead, which leaves her bonds of marriage broken. His return causes her so much anguish that she dies of a heart attack. In the end, both women die of their individual ideas of love. Emily has every man she ever loved Deriso 2 die throughout her life. Louise Mallard faces her m ortality when she realizes that her husband is still alive. The stories are both extremely grim. They deal with the themes of love, hate, and loss. Three of the most powerful themes in all of literature.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Introduction about Salmonella Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Introduction about Salmonella - Assignment Example In the early periods of the 19th century, typhoid was basically defined on the basis of its symptoms and clinical signs. Literally, every enteric fever was categorized as typhoid. During 1880s, Eberth became the first person to observe the typhoid bacillus in parts of the spleen as well as in the mesenteric lymph nodes from a person who had succumbed to typhoid (Todar, 2009). Robert Koch later confirmed Eberth’s discovery and cultivated the bacterium in 1881. In 1896, it was established that typhoid bacillus agglutinated the bacterial cells causing typhoid using the serum of animal blood. The same result replicated in patients suffering from typhoid and thus, serodiagnosis of typhoid became a possibility in 1896 (Todar, 2009). Proper development of complete genome ensures effective classification of disease-causing organisms (pathogens) and their hosts. The classification of the genus salmonella has undergone considerable changes over many years as the methods of identificatio n methods keep improving with time (Liu, 2011). In 1946, Kaufmann White developed a scheme that enabled distinguishing of Salmonella serovars based on their O, H as well as Vi antigens (Todar, 2009). According to Warrell et al. (2005), the genome of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. ... The impacts of Salmonella enterica serovarTyphi range from health to economic devastations. When an individual consumes contaminated water, the symptoms of typhoid fever are likely to manifest after a short while. Typhoid fever is usually connected with systemic fever, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, which is usually followed with diarrhea. If left untreated for a very long period of time, the disease could cause death in humans. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is most prevalent in developing nation where poor sanitation leads to contamination of water for drinking. As such Salmonella enterica serovarTyphi is one of the contributors to high health spending in different parts of the world. According to Crump, Luby and Mintz (2004), typhoid fever is a burden worldwide and causes about 16 million illnesses and more than 600, 000 fatalities every year. Introduction Closest Relatives of Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi and Their Features There is no clear understanding of the gen etic basis of the distinctions in host tropism that exist between serovars and wide host range. The genetic changes that come with evolutionary changes in the serovars include the build-up of mobile components and pseudogenes together with the arrangement of chromosomes and deletion that causes the reduction in the genome (Porwollik, 2011). One close relative of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. According to Todar (2009), Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is â€Å"a Gram-negative facultative rod-shaped bacterium in the same proteobacterial family as Escherichia coli, the family Enterobacteriaceae, trivially known as "enteric" bacteria†(Todar,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Conference wk 5 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conference wk 5 - Coursework Example This information can be incorporated with intelligence service to provide ground onto which investigations about adversaries and malicious acts can be started. Information can also be used to make the people of the United States resilience. The information sharing strategy is faced with the challenge of the media through which the information can be passed (Purpura, 2007). This is because the cyberspace is believed to be a critical infrastructure faced with threats such as cybercrime. The accomplishment of the protection of critical infrastructure mission is meant to keep the information secure and private. The information must have the sender and the receiver. The receiver acts as the audience. The information must be directed to the right audience. The messages that are sent must be educative and informing. Homeland security department should then look for feedback from the audience. Feedback can then help the department know how to treat the information, the audience or the subjec t (Coppola, 2011). They can know whether or not it is corrupted. Homeland Security department affects the environmental justice through the impact of its operation, regulatory activities and through financial assistance to tribal, state and local governments. The operations made by Homeland Security department can sometimes affect the environment which could be the people, community, organizations and its partners. The cooperation of all the players is required to provide understanding of the mission (Coppola, 2011). Environmental justice can be provided through training and education on the known and unknown threats. For known disasters, Homeland Security, Energy and Justice Departments can launch campaign to train the public on how to deal with specific situations when they happen or before they happen. First responders are usually available to help where individuals and communities fail to deal with disasters (Purpura, 2007). Securing
BP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
BP - Essay Example BP publishes a sustainability review report on a regular basis in which it focuses on building a safer as well as a stronger workplace. It does not have any designated Corporate Social Responsibility Officer (CSR) to oversee their CSR activities. The Chairman has the discretionary authority to look after their valuable social activities. In order to address ecological and social concerns, after the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill case incident, BP has decided to pay around US$500 million within a period of 10 years towards supporting research activities for betterment of ecosystem in the Gulf region. In order to contribute to people, planet along with focusing on its long-term profitability, BP has decided to focus on ISO 14001:2004 standards for environmental management, which in turn can provide benefit to the people all over the world and can ensure its sustainability (BP plc, â€Å"Sustainability Review†). The company has recorded a huge number of environmental disasters wit h over 8,000 spills of oil, dangerous chemicals as well as gases. The states of Texas and Louisiana have been the worst hit with close to 3,000 cases being reported in those states. There occurred about 550 previous incidents in the Mississippi Canyon near the area where the current Deepwater Horizon disaster is unfolding. In the recent past, two major incidences have been reported in the city of Texas in which an explosion was registered in the major refinery of the company in the year 2005 and oil spill at the Prudhoe Bay. The Texas explosion led to the death of 15 people while at the same time 170 people were severely injured. The root cause of the explosion was found to have been caused by temporary trailers that had been placed close to the volatile units which the company’s top management admitted to have been a measure taken to cut costs. It was further established that poor maintenance of the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What is at stake in the call to decolonize IR What difference would it Essay
What is at stake in the call to decolonize IR What difference would it make, if any, to how we make sense of the international theoretically - Essay Example Further, this field has been dominated by Anglo-American scholars, and to this extent it has ignored much of the rest of the world. Thus, the field of International Relations has largely been reduced into western imperialism, and the international interest for global powers has effectively become the foundation of the world order. It is against this background that the creation of a new world order in the 21st century becomes a subject of interest, which can barely be achieved without first decolonizing International Relations (Tickner, 2003:297). Despite the fact that globalization has come as an avenue through which a new world order can be created, the long-past against which the previous and the current world order is built has hindered this transformation. Thus, International Relations, which has largely ignored the fundamental questions of dispossession, racism, colonialism and slavery serves as a major impediment to the achievement of the new world order (Krishna, 2001:407). Therefore, there is no vital time in the history of the world to address the decolonization of International Relations, than presently. The call to decolonize International Relations emanate from the need to address the historical background that led to the development of the current world order, which has completely been ignored by the International Relations discipline (Shohat, 1992:102). The apparent definition of the historical background of colonialism and dispossession that led to the current world order as a taboo by the discipline of IR has raised sufficient ground for understanding the unwillingness of the west to address the issue of colonialism, slavery racism and imperialism, which led to the development of a world order where some nations are powerful, wealthy and developed than others (Barkawi, 2010:1365). Therefore, the decolonization of IR would majorly seek to create a ground for focusing on such historical backgrounds, so that the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
China the Onechild Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
China the Onechild Policy - Essay Example It emerged from the belief that development would be compromised by rapid population growth and that the sheer size of China's population together with its young age structure presented a unique challenge." (Kane and Choi, 1999). Therefore, a reflective analysis of the one child family policy in China confirms that it was developed and implemented in reply to the concerns about the social and economic consequences of the sustained fast growth of population in the country and the execution of the policy was more effective in urban areas than rural areas of China. One of the major criticisms of the policy has been that it brings about inequity against females, who are often aborted, abandoned, or unregistered and there are reports of fines, pressures to abort a pregnancy, and even forced sterilization in the case of second or subsequent pregnancies. The rigorous implementation of the policy became more difficult due to social and economic reforms. However, one of the most important con sequences of the policy has been that it eased some of the pressures of rapid population increase on communities and it has reduced the population of the nation by at least 250 million. In this paper, a profound analysis of the one child policy in China is carried out in order to point out some of the good and bad effects accompanying the policy. China: the good and bad effects of one-child policy The one-child policy, which comes under the official translation of family planning policy of the Chinese government, has been one of the very important steps taken by the government in order to control the population growth in the nation and the policy officially restricts the number of children to the urban couples. Introduced by the Chinese government in 1979 to deal with the social, economic, and environmental problems in China, this policy has affected around 35.9% of China's population today. It is essential to realize the various significant aspects of the policy in order to make a good analysis of the good and bad effects of one-child policy in China. In a reflective analysis of the essential aspects of the policy, it becomes lucid that "the aim was to curtail population growth, perhaps to 1.1 billion and certainly to 1.2 billion, by the year 2000. It was hoped that third and higher order births could be eliminated and that about 30% of couples might agree to forgo a second c hild. The ideal of a one child family implied that the majority would probably never meet it People were to be encouraged to have only one child through a package of financial and other incentives, such as preferential access to housing, schools, and health services." (Kane and Choi, 1999). Thus, the one-child policy was the result of a common realization that the sacrifice of second or third children was very essential for the sake of future generations of China which is the most populous country in the world. One of the crucial factors about China's one-child family policy has been that it has crucially influenced the lives of nearly a quarter of the world's population for more than a quarter of the century and it is essential to realize the good and bad effects of the policy. A background analysis of China's one-child family policy makes clear that the Chinese government embarked on this policy in 1979, following the economic stagnation of the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Case - Essay Example 5. The management of the company used the scientific management in their strategy. They looked at how the result of reducing the production would affect the growth of the company. In so doing they chose a method that could work and enable them make profits. 6. The quality control that the company used is that they satisfy their employees and motivate them enough. This ensured that they work well and produced quality goods. I believe that this is a good strategy as it ensured that they created quality goods for a long time. 7. The forces that are very important in the management of the company are the socio cultural forces and the technological forces. This is because they will keep the company in the upfront of the competition if they are looked at keenly. 10. The competitive strategy that the company has used is observing the competitors and coming up with a method that is a weakness for their competitions. The weakness of the competitors was also the strength of the company. 11. The key elements that the company observed was working with a target duration, having a measurable and attainable goals and having specific and results oriented objectives. These elements go a long way in ensuring that the company achieves all its goals and objectives. 12. One of the cultural variation issues that was once a problem for the company is the need of the manager to reward the workers in any instancing they do a good job. This is because it did not motivate them to work as hard. This is because they knew they could get a reward for putting just enough effort in the work that they did. 13. The company was wise to choose the acquisition strategy over the Greenfield. This is because with the acquisition strategy they have assurance that they will use their own strength to grow their company. 14. The company did not embrace the technology world and they thus cannot be able to have wider coverage. The company will also experience the problem of the wrong
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Calling of Saul of Tarsus Essay Example for Free
The Calling of Saul of Tarsus Essay The calling of Saul of Tarsus is in the Books of Acts and Romans in the New Testament. Paul born a Jew in Tarsus, and breathing threats and murder against Christ disciples. Paul works against the church years before his calling he witness the death of the first Christian Martyr. Paul considered himself chief sinner among peers. Paul finally met face to face the one persecuted. 1.Paul questionable calling. a. Born a Jew from Tarsus. b.Paul was commissioned by Jerusalem High priest to pursues any followers of The Way 2. Paul brag of being passionate about his mission. a. Self-proclaim number one sinner b. Paul stood by as a witness to martyrdom 3.Saul on Damascus Road a.Saul see a bright light b.Saul is converted and baptizes 4.Saul of Tarsus as a final point, meet face to face the one persecuted
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Determining Ethanol in Fermented Glutinous Rice
Determining Ethanol in Fermented Glutinous Rice 1.0 Introduction Fermented glutinous rice is a popular dessert among Malaysian consumers. It consist of carbohydrate such as rice and it need to be fermented for a few days until the glucose have been converted into the ethanol, carbon dioxide and energy whereas it signs is when the taste is sweet flavor. Cassava also can be fermented. Both of dishes served mostly in Southeast Asia. When the processes are completed, commonly the fermented glutinous rice will be wrapped in banana leaves. During the fermentation process, it most often done by a product called ‘ragi’. However, the consumption of fermented glutinous rice had rise the halal issue among the Muslim community. It is because the ethanol content that is produced during the fermentation is 5% which is similar to the concentration of ethanol in alcoholic beverages such as beers. As we know, the value of alcohol can be contained in the food that had been stated by JAKIM is 0.01% only. As we know, when a lot of alcohol are consumed, i t can affect our health and can caused death. There are many analytical methods that had been studied by researchers to determine the alcohol contained in food. Thus, FTIR spectroscopic had been chosen based on the easiest, low time consuming and low cost for determination of alcohol in fermented glutinous rice. Thus, it can give a contribution by providing the alcohol content for the sake of Muslim. 2.0 Rice The staple food for nearly two-thirds of the world’s population is rice (Oriza sativa L.). According to Arendt (2013), in 2010, China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Myanmar alone provided more than 75% of the world’s total rice production. As we know, the lowest protein content of all the cereals is rice but it also highly nutritious among others. It is rich in carbohydrates. There are many ways that it can be consumed by the consumers. For instance, in the form of puffed rice, noodles, snack foods and fermented sweet rice. To make bakery products, sauces, infant foods, breakfast cereals, alcoholic beverages and vinegar, it also can be used. 2.1 Fermentation Fermentation is one of the natural processes. According to Theresa (2014), when organisms convert nutrients for example carbohydrate such as starch and sugar into an acid (lactic acid and acetic acid) or an alcohol, it is called as energy-yielding anaerobic metabolic process which is occurs in fermentation. For instances, to obtain energy, yeast will perform fermentation by converting the sugar into the alcohol. Many people all around the world use fermentation to produce products such as wines, cheese and beers. It is also known as one of the historical biotechnological processes. 2.2 Fermented Glutinous Rice Tapai or also known as fermented glutinous rice is one of the Malaysian favorite dessert. It is come from Indonesia and Malaysia. Actually it is sour and sweet alcoholic paste, have a very pleasant aroma and it also can be used directly as a food or in traditional recipe. Normally, it is wrapped with rubber tree leaves or banana leaves. It can be made from carbohydrate sources such as cassava, glutinous rice or white rice. It have to undergo fermentation process which is performed by many types of moulds including Rhizopus oryzae, Aspergillus oryzae, Rhizopus oryzae or Mucor species, and including yeast for example Saccharomycopsis fibuliger, Endomycopsis burtonii and others,along with the bacteria. Besides, tapai also can be used to produce alcoholic beverages. Figure 1: example of fermented glutinous rice 2.3 Preparation Of Fermented Glutinous Rice To produce fermented glutinous rice, the ingredient needed is glutinous rice, yeast and sugar. The procedures are as follow: The glutinous rice was washed and soaked it overnight Glutinous rice will be cooked . After it had been cooked well, we need to cool it. After it has cooled, the yeast was pounded and then sprinkled it on the top of cooked rice. sugar was mixed with water and sprinkle each layer of rice with water to start the fermentation The rice was packed in layers into a tight container. Each of the layer was sprinkled with some sugar water to allow the fermentation proces. It will take about 2 days for fermentation occurred. After 2 days, there will be a bit liquid in the bottom of the container. At this time, the fermentation is complete. The liquid which collects at the bottom of container is called brem (rice wine). Originally it have a low alcohol content after fermentation in a few days but if it continued fermented, the alcohol content will increase. Yeast will carried out both anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration. In the fermentation in of yeast, anaerobic respiration is occurred which is the yeast will secrete the enzyme zymase (Ali et al, 2012). According to Ali et al (2012), this enzyme will hydrolyse glucose to form the ethanol, energy and carbon dioxide in the absence of the oxygen Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide + Energy The enzyme can speed up the fermentatation process and only a small amount of enegy used. Therefore, in ethanol there is a large amount of energy stored as chemical energy due to the incomplete broken down of glucose in anerobic respiration. 3.0 The Importance of Determination of Alcohol In western countries, there are a lot of alcoholic beverages for example beers, wines and distilled spirit drinks. A drink that typically containing below 60% v/v of ethyl alcohol is known as an alcoholic beverage (Gallignani et al,2005). There are three main classes of alcoholic beverages which are wines, beers and distilled spirit. Ryan (2014) stated that the alcoholic beverages which are made from germinated barley (malt), water, yeast and hops are known as beers while alcoholic beverages that produced by the fermentation of fresh grapes and grains for example rice are called as wines. The distilled spirituous beverages that contained 15% of alcohol or above and made from tubers, grain, fruit or sugar cane are known as spirit. But it is clearly that it is forbidden for Muslims to consume it as we know the alcohol content that exist in the beverages. On the other hand, in Malaysia we are not consuming the alcohol in the alcoholic beverages but we are consuming alcohol in the food product without realized about it. As stated above, alcohol can be produced naturally in some product that we consumed in our daily life such as soy sauce, fermented cassava and fermented glutinous rice that also become the Malaysian favorite food especially during the celebrations. Besides, there are also laboratories or specialized factory that produced ethanol artificially for the processing of various consumer products. Generally, the issue of the existence of alcohol in food is still been debated until today in Malaysia. The confusion is not only faced by the society but it also faced by the academicians and scholars. Glutinous fermented rice seems to have ethanol content higher than had been stated by JAKIM. Compared to the others natural product like soy sauce, the alcohol content in the fermented glutinous rice is about 5% of ethanol. Table 1: Alcohol content (ethanol) in fermented glutinous rice and fermented cassava. (The Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) , 1983) Alcohol content (ethanol) % Day Fermented glutinous rice Fermented cassava 0 3.0 3.4 1 3.4 2.8 2 5.2 3.3 Based on the table 1, the ethanol content on the day 3 of the fermentation showed that the ethanol content in the fermented glutinous rice is 5.2% which is higher than the fermented cassava which is 3.3%. The alcohol content in fermented glutinous rice is similar to the alcohol content in beers which is 5%. Thus it had raised the halal issues to the Muslim community in Malaysia. Apart from that, consuming too much alcohol can lead to the bad consequences to the consumers especially for the acute chronic consumer. It is the main reason why we need to study the alcohol contents in fermented glutinous rice. The information about the content of alcohol can be such a contribution to the people and for the sake of Muslims all around the world. It also can make them more aware about what they had consumed. The ethanol content in fermented glutinous rice can increase when we continuing kept it for a longer time. At the certain time, the liquid produced can be categorized as alcohol as it can make us drunk if over consumed. As we know, when we consumed alcohol in a large amount, it can give a bad consequence effect to the consumer. Besides having pervasive psychosocial and economic consequences, alcohol is one of the main contributors to morbidity and mortality (Acharjee et al, 2015). All around the world, the number of deaths and substantial disability from medical and psychiatric consequences of alcohol misuse is increases day by day. Clearly in term of health, it is not good for us to consume alcohol in our life. Alcohol has an adverse impact on human. It has been proven in science, psychology and sociology. Acharjee et al (2015) also stated that large amount of alcohol has harmful effects on our health. For instance, alcohol can effects our cardiovascular such as hypertension, sudden cardiac death, stroke, cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrhythmias. In term of psychology, some crime and immorality in society happened due to the intake of alcohol. Often, drunks do not have a good attitude because when they get drunk, they were not aware of their behavior, which can cause discomfort to the community. This group also can apply chaos in a country because when alcohol addicts exist in a government or private sector, it can lead to abuse of power, property, embezzlement of state funds and breach of trust. 4.0 ANALYTICAL METHODS IN DETERMINATION OF ETHANOL A number of analytical methods have been employed with the aim of determination of alcohol. Commonly, there are combination of methods in order to achieved better result while analyze the sample. In western countries, various type of analytical method were developed to determine alcohol in alcoholic beverages. For example, Vonach et al (1998) had presented the coupling of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with Fourier –transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It can be used to determine the main component of wine such as glucose, fructose, citric, lactic, tartaric acid, glycerol, ethanol and so on. When it was about the sample preparation, it seems that the process was a little bit tedious because when using the internal standard, it need to be dissolved in distilled water and many more process need to carry out. The stationary phase and mobile phase that used in this study is ion-exchange resin based column and sulfuric acid. From the external reference data, an average deviation can be resulted which is 0.16mg/ml (Vonach et al, 1998). Yarita et al (2002) had proposed HPLC-FID to determine the ethanol content. Pure water had been chosen as a mobile phase in this study. When liquid water was introduced in FOD system, it changes into vapor. Due to limited flow rate of the HPLC eluent that introduced in FID system, capillary tube act as an alternative ways to control the flow rate of the HPLC eluent. Triacontylsylyl (C-30) silica gel is preferred because it show less decrease in the retention time compared with other. The ethanol concentration in the six sample can be detected around 10.2%-40.8% v/v at temperature 150C (Yarita et al, 2002). Gas chromatography also can be used as analytical tool to determine the alcohol in sample. Wang et al (2004) had proposed direct injection capillary gas chromatography that can be used to detect the methanol in beverages. Megapore capillary column with high polarity had been choosing to get the optimum condition for this study. It is because of it can used to separate the methanol in alcoholic beverages from the other components. At the stable baseline region, according to Wang et al (2004) when using acetonitrile as internal standard, it can perform clear separation from other constituents of sample. The samples studied were wine and whisky. Based on the obtained result, chromatogram give 3.06 min retention time for methanol while for the internal standard, it consumed about 4.21 min. Gas chromatography coupling with capillary column also has been proposed by Wang et al (2004). The aim was to determine both concentration of methanol and ethanol by using two internal standards which are acetonitrial for ethanol and 2- pentanol for methanol. Wang et al (2004) stated that for methanol, the retention time that revealed by this method was 2.87min while for ethanol, the retention time was 3.41 min. The analysis of both alcohol by using this method is 12 min. Apart from that, the limit of quantitation (LOQ) for methanol was 5 ÃŽ ¼g/mL and ethanol was 5 mg/mL (Wang, 2004). These methods are assumed to give contribution in order to determine the methanol content in industries due to high accuracy and precision. However, this method is time consuming and tedious. Vapour-phase FT-IR also can be used as analytical tool in determination of alcohol in beverages. In this experiment, there are aqueous solution of ethanol and methanol in the sample (Garrigues et al., 1997). The alcohol that contained in the sample had determined by using liquid-phase FTIR and vapour-phase FTIR. According to the Garrigues et al (1997), the result that obtained by the liquid-phase FTIR spectra, when pure water is used as a blank, there are a series of overlapping positive and negative peak (Garrigues et al., 1997). On the other hand, when discussing about FTIR spectra obtained by using vapour-phase FTIR after the injection of sample in heated plate, Garrigues et al (1997) stated that both ethanol and methanol provided a well-defined peak in the range of 1500 to 900 cm-1.The absorbance value for liquid-phase and vapour-phase are same but the spectrum for vapour-phase is clearer than spectrum for liquid-phase. Besides, the sensitivity and resolution of the alcohol band also high for vapour-phase FTIR (Garrigues et al., 1997). For the screening analysis of beverages, NIR can be used as a spectroscopic technique ( Barboza, 2003). The applications range was limited when using NIR because it has low sensitivity (Lanchemier, 2007). According to Chandley (1993), between NIR bitterness value and spectral data, the observation is it has a poor correlations and it needs the evaporation of water (dry extract spectroscopy) to make the determination of bitterness become possible. When mid-infrared combination with FTIR spectroscopy was used, it becomes such a development in the spectroscopic analysis compared with the using of NIR. Compared to the NIR, when using FTIR, we can get better result when analyzing the minor component such as lactic acid (Lanchenmier , 2007). Furhermore,it also can produce high resolution peak and the spectra also clearer when using FTIR ( Gallignani et al, 2003). Liquid Fourier transform-middle infrared spectrometry can be used to analyze wine in a 90 s (Patz et al., 2004). FTIR/PLS have b een developed for the multicomponent screening to analyze the alcohol in beverages (Neuwoudt et al, 2004).A lot of information can be obtained when using NMR rather than NIR and FTIR. According to Lanchenmier et al (2005), the distinct signals of the spectra can be produced if NMR was applied. In the calculation of cost-benefit for both NMR and FTIR, Lanchenmier (2007) also mentioned that in contrast with NMR, FTIR can give more advantage for screening method due to the less investment and operational costs. In this study, we want to determine the concentration of the ethanol in fermented glutinous rice with the use of FTIR and combination with Partial Least Square in the context of official food control. FTIR can give us advantages in order to determine and analyse the alcohol in alcoholic beverages because it can help us to reduce the time cost, and at the same time, it is also contribute for a good precision and accuracy when dealing with the parameters (Moreira et al., 2004). Fu rthermore, according to Lachenmeier (2007), a simple sample preparation is needed when dealing with FTIR spectroscopy compared to the other analytical methods. Problem Statement Recently the consumption of the fermented glutinous rice had rise the halal issue to the Muslim community since its alcohol content is similar to beer which is 5%. In order to determine the alcohol contained in the fermented glutinous rice, the government and private sector need the easiest, cheapest and low in cost analytical method for determination of alcohol. So we have come out with FTIR spectroscopy technique as this technique did not require the sample preparation like the other analytical method. Besides, it is not time consuming method and it has low cost compared to the other method. We also combine the FTIR with combination of Partial Least Square (PLS) in order to achieve better result. Objectives This study was conducted based on the objectives stated below: To develop method with the best accuracy To determine the lowest of detection limit To identified the ethanol contained in the sample
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Study On Digital Technologies
A Study On Digital Technologies The advent of technology has transformed and changed the mode of our lives in all its aspects. People can learn in distant universities without having to travel there. They can access to various sources of information through the World Wide Web. Unlike the traditional schools where students learning was only restricted to the school context, most schools today provide students with various contexts of learning through the use of digital technologies that facilitate their communication with their friends, teachers and people from other countries. Digital technologies are increasingly used by schools to support learning and enable students to communicate with parents and provide access to school resources from home. Therefore, I believe that digital technologies consolidated the communication channels between the home and the school. This matter is of paramount importance as it increases parental engagement in childrens learning. Consequently, parents can take informed decision regarding the future of their children and can participate with teachers in developing the level lf their children. Parental engagement in the learning process enhances children achievement at school. The ever-increasing needs of individuals and society in the 21st century are constantly placing much pressure on the educational institutions. The traditional teaching methods are no longer capable of satisfying the requirements of our modern era. Therefore, we find that most schools in many nations around the world focus on the digital participations of students as an entitlement for them in the emerging digital media era. This entitlement includes knowledge, skills and understanding that are required to be involved socially, culturally, politically, and economically in everyday life. This paper is meant to elaborate and identify what has been said about the use of the internet or other forms of webs-based learning in schools and indicate how these approaches would be applied in the context in which Im teaching. Participation in Digital Technology:- The terms digital technology and new media are used to refer to a wide range of technologies which store and transmit information in digital form. This includes computers, the internet and e-mail, mobile phones and other mobile devices and cameras, video games and web 2.0 technologies the label commonly applied participatory and interactive media (Hague, Cassie Williamson, Ben, 2009. P.3) . The digitization and computerization of many aspects of our lives places a heavy burden on established educational institutions. Alexey Semenov (2005) believes that life in the new knowledge society demands more independent and responsible behavior and much less routine execution of orders. In order to make responsible decisions in new and unexpected situations, people need to continue to learn throughout life. Therefore, information and communication technology are the most efficient tools for personal growth, creativity and joy, consumption and wealth. Students can learn the use of the internet in finding papers that are relevant to their curriculum. Through summarizing papers on the net and discussing their findings with their peers and teachers, students can feel that they are creative. Moreover, Their communication channels with their teachers, peers and other people are consolidated through the net. ICT prepares students to actively participate in a rapid changing world in whic h business nature and other activities are increasingly transformed due to the employment of the advanced and multiple technologies by using ICT tools to find, explore, analyze and present information in a responsible, creative and distinguished way. Thus, they learn how to employ information and communication technology ICT to get much literature and experiences from myriad individuals, communities and cultures. When their capabilities in using information and communication technologies are increased, initiative and independent learning are consolidated as students become more capable of taking responsible and informed decisions on when and where to use information technology to have the best result and to study the uses of ICT at home and work now and in the future. According to Semenov Alexey, 2005 believes that Adams Douglas 1999 believes that using the computer enables us to combine things together to see how they work by emulating and imitating complex and interrelated processes, even life can be imitated. This is a modern era for discoveries and ICT is its gate . Among the main objectives of the national curriculum of ICT in England for the key stages 1-4 are the following: Information Communication Technology (ICT) provides opportunities to consolidate: Thinking skills through helping pupils to determine relevant information sources, develop ideas and work collaboratively to solve problems. Project and initiative skills through encouraging students to design and implement solutions for real problems. Business related learning through providing students with opportunities to have a wide range of ICT applications. Learning for sustainable development through developing pupils understanding of Information and Communication Technology in practical life, community and environment. Digital Literacy and Schools School Subjects:- Currently schools are striving hard to integrate the development of students subject knowledge with the ability to use technology safely and effectively ((Hague, Cassie Williamson, Ben, 2009. P. 7). Therefore, they focus on digital literacy and digital participation as a key to achieve this integration. Hague, Cassie and Williamson, Ben reported that there is a model which offers a conceptual framework for embedding digital literacy as an aim in the curriculum and for developing strategies to develop it through classroom activities. This model delineates types of processes students need to go through in order to demonstrate digital literacy. Moreover, it is based on the notion that learners investigate questions and problems set by teachers, and that over time they should develop sufficient confidence and competence in the skills, knowledge and understanding of digital literacy to be able to define their own questions for enquiry. The author suggests that digital literacy is an amalgamation of: Knowledge of digital tools: hardware/ software awareness and competence. Critical Skills: evaluation and contextualization. Social awareness: Understanding your identity, collaborating, and communicating to audiences in context. Guidelines for successful implementation:- The internet is not intended as a technology that should be imposed on the educational system. Educators should have at least a fair knowledge of the use and benefits of technology in delivering their message. Internet technology for schools is intended to provide a source of comprehensible, accessible information for educators about using the power of the internet within the K-12 academic environment (Mambretti, Catherine, 1999) . In order to create web-based learning at schools and achieve the maximum benefit of the internet as a promising medium for learning, schools should conduct long-range planning not only of their technology infrastructure but of their curricula and educational technologies and strategies (ibid). Since most communities and organizations believe the importance of technology for education, several corporations have established non-profit organizations to assist schools in their technology projects or have announced plans to make major donations to school technology projects. The ICT shouldnt be a closed or self -contained subject to be taught and learned independently from other subjects. However, according to Semenov Alexey (2005) it should be treated as interdisciplinary, integrative, and cross curricular. Using ICT in teaching and learning will help both teachers and students become more conscious of their capabilities and responsibilities. However, it is of paramount importance to support learning by an immediate application of technology that is meaningful and relevant to students. Children should be taught at an early age the skill touch typing which is basically for communicating between human beings and computers. Microworld-like environments allow children from the age of 3 upwards to learn and use ICT for usual applications (graphics and text-editing) and for modeling the real world and multimedia implementation of virtual realities. Semenov Alexey ( 2005) believes that number of students per computer is a common indicator of ICT development at schools. There is also another quantitative factor which is more relevant: the number of hours a week that computers are available for use. Advantages and disadvantages of using the web for learning:- Web-based learning has many benefits for students. Students can have an easy access to a huge library of training and information whether they are working from home or any other place. It is also easy to track students. As students can complete their training while they are connected to the network, it is easy to track them. Unlike with CD-ROMs that require students to print reports or save scores to disk, WBT enables the data to be automatically tracked on the server-computer . Additionally, in web-based learning, the content can be easily updated. However, there are also some disadvantages and barriers that make it difficult to implement ICT at some schools. The most significant disadvantage is that the content of the internet which includes both safe and unsafe materials. Thus, unsafe materials such as porno movies may represent a threat to the students. There are also some barriers to the implementation of ICT at some schools such as : The cost of ICT hardware, software and maintenance. The often unconscious resistance of many educators to the intrusion of still obscure technological newcomers that threaten to alter drastically long-established and time-honored practices and customs; and The lack of teachers who are trained to exploit ICT proficiently . How ICT could be applied to the context in which Im teaching:- ICT could be applied in my context of teaching through establishing a network for the school and creating a computer lab. Each student shall be assigned a computer. Teachers shall be trained adequately on the use of ICT tools to deliver their message efficiently. Students also shall be trained on the use of the web resources through the guidance of their teachers. They will be encourage to be creative and critical in their thinking by processing all kinds of information and creating a new version of their own. Through answering assignments and receiving feedback on their e-mail, students can feel a sense of independent learning. Thus, they can take a responsible decision and depend upon themselves in searching for information and generating relevant theories. Conclusion:- To conclude, I believe that the advent of technology make it inevitable to apply ICT at all schools to create universal students who care for sustainable learning and global development. In other words, ICT should be properly implemented as it qualifies students for the increasing and fast changing requirements of the outside world. Schools shouldnt be isolated from the outside world. However, it should be a mirror for the outside world. All the conflicts and changes in the outside world should be analyzed at the school to connect students with their home and community. ICT represent an excellent communication channel between the school, home and the community as a whole. Moreover, it encourages students to be creative and independent learners. The use of ICT limits the role of the teacher to an outside observer and a guide for students. They will learn what they want to learn by themselves. Although ICT is still facing some obstacles represented by the expensive tools and equipments, its a necessity for all schools to adapt with the changing requirements and changes of our age. References:- Hague, Cassie Williamson, Ben, Digital Participation, Digital Literacy, and School Subjects ( A review of the Policies, literature and evidence, August 2009 Semenov Alexey, Information and Communication Technologies in Schools, a hand book for teachers, Unisco 2005. ICT, National Curriculum For England, Key Stages 1-4, Crown House Publishing 1999. Mambretti, Catherine, Internet Technology for Schools, McFarland Company, North Carolina, 1999.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Legalization of Marijuana :: legalized marijuana
Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is the cause of much commotion and debating, as the question of legalization becomes more of an issue. Drugs are a major influential force in countries all over the world today. Legalization is an option that has not had a chance, but really should be given one. Although many people feel that legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of drug use, marijuana should be legalized because it will reduce the great amount of money spent on enforcement, and will therefore increase our countries revenue and lessen crime, and will also be useful in treating certain medical conditions. Marijuana, also known as pot, weed, bud, herb, ghanja, grass, wacky tabacci, funky bhudda, green, indo, mary jane, hemp, kif, bones, funny stuff, etc. is a substance obtained from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant. It is technically known as cannabis sativa and is a tall, widely cultivated Asian herb of the mulberry family. There are many di fferent ways of getting this drug into one's system. The most common method consists of rolling the finely chopped substance in thin papers to make marijuana cigarettes or joints. It is also smoked through a pipe or through a water filtration system known as a bong. Legalization is considered unnecessary by many people. They feel that it will increase the amount of drug use throughout the world. They state that in many cases, drug users who have quit, quit because of trouble with the law. Legalization would eliminate the legal forces that discourage the users from using or selling drugs. They also say that by making drugs legal, the people who have never tried drugs for fear of getting caught by the law, will have no reason to be afraid anymore and will become users (Snyder, 1988). Legalization will be profitable to global economies in two ways. It will allow for money spent on drug law enforcement to be spent more wisely and it will increase revenue. There have been escalating cost s spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation. Every year in the United States, ten billion dollars are spent on enforcing drug laws alone. Drug violators accounted for about forty percent of all criminals in federal prisons (Marijuana retains.., 1990, p.A-6). In 1989, a Republican county executive of Mercer County, N.J., estimated that it would costs approximately one billion dollars to build the jail space required to house all the drug users in Trenton alone(Talah, 1993, p.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Rise Of Starbucks :: essays research papers
The Rise of Starbucks      The Starbucks Corporation has enjoyed phenomenal growth since its early days in 1971 as a quaint coffee shop in Seattle, Washington. The rise of Starbucks can be directly attributed to the following factors; the emphasis placed on product quality, high employee standards, and creating the perfect cup of coffee.      How a small idea became a huge business. Growing up in Brooklyn Howard Schultz had no aspirations. His only goal was to escape the struggles his working-class parents lived every day (Schultz 107).      Eventually, Schultz discovered his talent for sales, and was hired by a Swedish housewares corporation. By age 28, he was vice president in charge of sales in the United States. He has an excellent salary, a co-op apartment in New York City and was happily married. However, Schultz wasn't satisfied with all he had accomplished. He wanted to be in charge of his own destiny (107). It was then in the early 1980's that he was introduced to the company, Starbucks Coffee and Tea. Starbucks's original was modest but full of character. Schultz was immediately impressed by its charm. Importantly, he thought the coffee was wonderful (Schultz 108). He then had dinner with a friend, Jerry Baldwin owner of Starbucks and his partner, Gordon Bowker. Schultz tried to persuade Baldwin to hire him as an employee, even though it did not seem to be a logical career move. But for Schultz Starbucks held an inexplicable attraction. He soon found many reasons to get back to Seattle and visit (108). Then in the spring of 1982, Jerry and Gordon invited Schultz to meet Board member Steve Donovan. Schultz told the men what he saw for the future of the company. The partners seemed inspired by his vision. But they had decided not to hire Schultz. They felt his vision, was not what they had in mind for the company (108). Schultz still believed so much in the future of Starbucks that he couldn't except 'no'; as an answer. He then contacted Baldwin and protested that he wasn't selfishly interested in a job but it was more so about what he wanted to do for the company. Finally, Schultz had a job working at Starbucks (Schultz 109). Then, after working there for a year, he had a simple experience that changed his life. He traveled to Milan, Italy to attend an international housewares show. While, traveling he noticed a little espresso bar.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Cu1520: Promote Child and Young Person Development.
CU1520: PROMOTE CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT. 1. 1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. When assessing a child you must be careful to take into account confidentiality before carrying out an observation you must have parents and the settings permission and not to leave confidential material lying around they must be secured in a locked cabinet. Only talk to authorized personal about confidential material. This confidentially can only be broken when a child is at real risk.When carrying out observations you must take account of the child’s wishes and feelings if a child is upset or wants you to stop then you must stop. Ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds when we asses a child we must take account of their ethnic, cultural and linguistic back ground as these can play important roles in how the children acts and the understanding of the words being used. Disability or specific requirements need to be taken in account whe n carrying out any assessment /observation or a child can be underestimated and the observation will be unreliable. Also read: Pros and Cons of Having Children While YoungReliability of information no one can get an accurate picture of development if the information is not accurate this can harm the child’s development and the underestimating of their potential. With observation we must understand the limitations of each type of observation method. Avoiding bias when observing children we must remain completely objective also having 2 people observing the child at the same time can produce a more accurate account. 1. 3 Explain the selection of the assessment methods used. There are various methods used to assess a child’s development. Free description- this is to record the behaviour of a child over a very short period of time. The observer notes down what he or she is seeing. This is a good method for looking at several areas of development. Advantage: observer can be unobtrusive and record children without them being aware. It’s a flexible method allowing the observer to car ry out frequent observation. Dis advantage: observer can show bias and find it hard to record every thing a child says or do * Checklists and tick charts-Here specific activities are looked for either during a structured assessment or by observing children over a period of time.Advantage: observer is focused on developmental skills to be observed and so less biased. Disadvantage: observer may not record child’s attitude or how they socialise. The observer might alter the child’s performance once they know they are being observed. * Time sample- this method is used to look at children’s activity over a predetermined length of time. Advantage: the observer can see what a child is doing over a period of time and pick up on many different areas of development, attitudes, friendship and confidence.Disadvantage: interesting behaviours might fall of the sample time and open method of recording may allow for observer bias. * Event sample- this looks at the frequency at which an aspect of development or behaviour is performed. It is recorded in a prepared sheet. For example how often the child talks with adults or other children. Advantages: the observer focuses on one thing. Disadvantage: it does not explain why the child shows the type of behaviour. * Target child- this is used to record one child’s activity over a long period without any gap in the recording process.It gives information about several areas of development. Advantage: observer gains overall picture of what the child is doing. Disadvantage: The observer may not choose the period of time the child is showing their usual behaviour. * Standardised tests-used on older children to consider their skills in literacy, maths and over all cognitive development. Advantage: The observer bias is less. Disadvantage: children know they are being tested hence they do not show usual behaviour. They would have rehearsed and may show better performance. Filming- this provides you information a bout several areas of development. And you are able to watch it over again to see if you missed anything unlike the paperwork. More information is gained. Disadvantage: observer chooses what to record and the child is aware he is being recorded and this may change their usual behaviour. * Information from parents and colleagues- parents and colleagues see children in different situations and so may have a different view of the child’s development. However they may show observer bias. CU1520 PROMOTE CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT 2. 3Explain the importance of a person centred and inclusive approach and give example of how this is implemented in own work. Any plan that involves supporting an individual should be focused on their needs and interest and wherever possible the children should be involved in the planning process. A child centred planning takes into consideration what is best for the child as well as how it might engage and involve the child. It is also important in planning that a child is not segregated from others but consider ways in which other children can become involved in the activity too.CU1520 PROMOTE CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT 3. 1 Explain the features of an environment or service that promotes the development of children and young people. The physical and emotional environment that we create for children has a huge impact on their development. Features to consider while planning the environment includes the following. * Stimulating and attractive: the environment for the children must be interesting and visually attractive. * Well planned and organised: Working with children requires great organisational abilities because every child will have their needs, interest and personality.To accommodate this early years setting have to plan effectively and everyone within the setting needs to be organised. * Personalised and inclusive: it is required that early years settings to personalise the activities and play opportunities for children in ways that are inclusive. * Regulatory requirement met: all settings must meet the requirement of legislation. This will include compliance with the statutory framework of EYFS, health and safety legislation and also other legislation involving the safeguarding of children and their right. Varied environment: the setting should be varied in the provision to as to maintain the children’s interest. * High quality policies in place and followed: the need for policies and procedures follows on from the need of settings to follow legislative requirements. Policies must be reviewed, updated and evaluated to check for effectiveness. 4. 1 Explain how own working practice can affect children and young people’s development. * The adults in my own setting are aware of the development needs of the child. Activities are specifically planned to support every child’s development. * There is always a balance of activity to engage children’s interest. * Th ere is a balance between child initiated and adult initiated activities. * The balance of activity covers each of the aspects of learning in the curriculum and also builds on each of the developmental areas. * It is ensured that the adults have sufficient time to work with individual or small groups of children * All the children were engaged or participated during part or all of the sessions. 4. 2Explain how institutions, agencies and services can affect children and young people’s development. Children in their early years may have a range of needs and the way that practitioners work together can have a positive impact on their health, development and learning. Once parents/carers involved with the child have identified that a child needs additional support, a multi agency approach may be used. The parents visit the GP who makes the appropriate referral. Once they have ruled out the hearing or visual impairments, the GP may refer directly to the speech and language service. Once it is established what type of support a child requires, a collaborative approach is required in order that all professional, the parent and the setting work together. CU1520 PROMOTE CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT 5. 2 Evaluate different approaches to supporting positive behaviour There are many different strategies and approaches when it comes to supporting children’s behaviour. Below is some of positive behaviour support. * Least restrictive principle * Reinforcing positive behaviour. This is about sending signals and rewards to children and young people so that they become inclined to repeat behaviours that are appropriate. Modelling. Children learn some of their behaviours from others especially those around them. * Positive culture. Expectations adults have about children and their attitude towards them will influence their behaviour. * Looking for reasons for inappropriate behaviour and adapting responses. Understanding the needs of children and thinking about what might be influencing their behaviour is the heart of helping to promote positive behaviour. * Speech, language and communication difficulties. Children’s behaviour is linked to their language acquisition.Children who have difficulties expressing their needs or who are not using a language fluently often find it harder to manage their behaviour. * Individual behaviour planning, when a child is showing inappropriate behaviour a plan to manage it is drawn up. * Phased stages * Planning interventions to reduce inappropriate behaviour * Deescalate and diversion * Containment. This is about preventing children from getting themselves further in trouble. * Following management plans. Here every staff would follow the settings behaviour policy. Boundary setting and negotiation. Here the young children must know the boundary in the setting and what is expected of them. * Supporting children and young people’s reflection on and management of own behaviour 6. 1 Explain how t o support children and young people experiencing different types of transitions. Different types of transitions e. g. : * emotional, affected by personal experience e. g. bereavement, entering/ leaving care * physical e. g. moving to a new educational establishment, a new home/locality, from one activity to another * physiological e. . puberty, long term medical conditions * intellectual e. g. moving from pre school to primary to post primary When child go though transitions they need people they have built up positive relationships with to help support them through the changes in their lives. We use circle time to explain to the children what is going to happen and they can talk about their feelings children will make a better transition if they know what is going on. We take are cues from the children on how much information is given and how much an explanation is required.We allow time for the information to be processed some children might have delayed reaction and might want to talk later at a more quieter time. We are always to be truthful in all our answers so we keep their trust. We listen and acknowledge how the children are feeling and we reassure the children that what they are feeling is normal and other children have been through this. The children can express their anxieties and we can help reassure them. This covers emotional transitions like bereavement, physical moving homes or locality, physiological puberty, intellectual when moving up from pre school to school.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Argument Analysis: America’s Real Dream Team Essay
In â€Å"America’s Real Dream team†, published in the New York Times on March 21, 2010, Thomas went to a big Washington party to attend the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search finals. To his surprise, Most of the finalists who came from American high school hailed from immigrant families, largely from Asia. Thomas declares himself a â€Å"pro-immigration†fanatic. He points out keeping a constant flow of legal immigrants is the key to make our country stronger. He also explained that the most important economic competition is between people and their own imagination. And this new idea can be used to produce commodity at a very low price by all kinds of ways, and can creates great profits for economy. Thomas Friedman used metaphor, special list, specific examples, and a sincere tone to illustrate that it is possible to make more technological and economical improvements through an open immigration policy. Thomas uses metaphors in the title to create boundless associa tion. While using metaphors, it not only attracts reader’s attention but also make a foreshadowing for readers to think about: what is America’s real dream team? After reader thinking about the comparison, it’s more convenient for him to elucidate his own view in the argument. â€Å"Dream team†is a reference to the U.S. basketball team assembled for the 1992 Olympic that contained the best players at that time. Thomas compared the young people who generate new ideas to â€Å"dream team†to imply that these young people will use the new ideas they sparked to create miracles and will become the†real dream team†in the future. Metaphors here can make the abstract easier for readers to understand, additionally, it makes the language more vivid. In addition to metaphors, Thomas made use of a special statistics to make an obvious point: most of the finalists are immigrates. Usually, the writer will use statistics in this way: there are 40 finalists in total and how many percent of them are immigrates, but Thomas listed all the names of the Intel science talent finalist. In that way, while the readers reading the names of the finalists, they can easily found that these are foreigners’ names so that they can easily conclude that most of the finalists are immigrates, It gives the readers enough time to get it before he makes the conclusion. More accurately, he makes the co nclusion with the reader together. It seems that he is communicating with the readers, and this can be more helpful for the readers to accept his argument. He then gave a specific example to convince his thesis: â€Å"do not shut the door to immigrate†.From the statistics, the readers only know that most of the finalists are immigrates, but they do not know how outstanding exactly these immigrate are. Thomas gave us such an example: Namrata Anand, a 17year-old girl. She is a so smart student who can use spectral analysis proficiently to expose information about chemical history of â€Å"Andromeda Galaxy†. Obviously, Namrata is more outstanding than the peer students. Thomas used this example to imply that if we shut our door to immigrates, we may loss lots of young people like her, which prove the necessity of immigration. And it focuses on the theme again. Specific example here can make it easier to understand at the same time make it more persuasive. Thomas used quotes in various ways to express his view again. First of all, Thomas interviewed a biology teacher, Amanda Alonzo, a star teacher who had taught two of the finalists. Amanda told him â€Å"it was resources provided by her school, extremely â€Å"supportive parents†and a grant from Intel that let her spend part of each day inspiring and preparing students to enter his contest.†Amanda is a successful teacher, what she said is very persuasive to the readers, and Thomas quotes her words to demonstrate immigrate is a kind of good source. In the second place, Thomas quotes what spokeswoman said: â€Å"don’t sweat about the problems our generation will have to deal with. Believe me, our future is in good hand.†As a representative of all finalists, what she said can represent what all finalists said adequately. And most of the finalists are immigrates, it proves that if we open the door to immigrates, we can get more excellent talents to solve the problems together. Besides, Thomas makes additions â€Å"as long as we don’t shut our door.†to make it more persuasive: as long as we keep a constant rate of immigra tes, we’ll be more competitive and we will surely don’t need to worry about what we will be facing tomorrow. In a word, quotes here can provide the evidence for the argument. The author use a sincere tone to argue that we should keep our door open to the immigrates. Sincere tones can make the reader more comfortable. If Thomas write like†we must keep the door open to the immigrates†instead, it will only let the readers feel disgusted. And sincere tone shows that he give an advice sincerely, which can be more easily accepted by others. Thomas used metaphors, special statistics, specific examples, quotes and a sincere tone to announce that we can keep improving technology and the economy, as long as we don’t shut our door to immigration. Metaphor make the language more vivid and metaphor in title can impress the readers more. Special statistics here can close to the readers and let the reader find the problems themselves. Specific examples here can make it easier for the readers to understand the thesis deeply, quotes can makes the language more concise and a sincere tone can make it easier to accept the view. Thomas use them in combination to get his thesis step by step.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Learning from Mistakes Essay
If we never learned from our mistakes then the light in this room would never have been made by Thomas Edison’s awareness of the mistakes he was making he learned what not to do and then eventually made this happen. Lights on Hi I’m and I like to learn from my mistakes, instead of bringing myself down, and I’d like to inspire you to do the same thing I’m going to tell you: why not learning from your mistakes is such a problem, show you some ways how to learn from your mistakes, and lastly what your life would be like if you start learning from your mistakes and what your life would be like if you don’t learn from your mistakes. Before you even try to learn from your mistakes you need to realize that everyone is going to make mistakes, you, your mom, dad, and friends. You need to realize we don’t live in a perfect world with perfect people. Then you need to realize your mistakes and except them, you’re strong enough to know you have messed up. I believe in you. By not lying able to do all this you won’t be able to learn from your mistakes and will look ignorant to your piers. So if you don’t want to look ignorant to your piers why don’t you try to learn how to learn from your mistakes? Come up with some ways to learn how to learn from your mistakes. They don’t have to be ground breaking solutions but one that will help you from your mistakes. One way you can do this is by making sure to think about what you did wrong the first time and changing it to a way you believe will help make you succeed and reach your full potential. You can also ask others in your life who witnessed your mistake and ask them how they believe you can change what you did the first time. If you don’t listen to me and start learning from your mistakes you might as well call yourself a frailer because you are allowing yourself to be one. Not being able to learn from your mistakes isn’t allowing you to reach your full potential in life. If you do start learning from your mistakes you will be making fewer mistakes in the future. You will figure out ways to do stuff differently and efficiently. Learning from your mistakes is the one thing that has gotten so many people where they are today. Today I’ve told you why not learning from your mistakes is such a problem, show you some ways how to learn from your mistakes, and lastly what your life would be like if you start learning from your mistakes and what your life would be like if you don’t learn from your mistakes. It’s okay if you make mistakes because you learn from them and are then able to go forward in life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Globalization and Transnational Terrorism Defined Essay
The world nowadays is facing what is terrorism. Terrorism can be defined as the threat or use of violence with the intent of causing fear in a target group, in order to achieve some objectives e. g. political , where as Globalization is a process rather than an outcome. It is best defined as â€Å"the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of interregional flows and patterns of interaction†. 4 Today’s â€Å"globalization†is a product of the 1990s. Globalization is a critical feature of the context in which transnational terrorism has grown. Despite the tendency to view the current transnational terrorist threat as having religious inspiration, it is more accurate to see it as being motivated, at least in part, by the inequalities between nations as well as within them. It was after Sept. 11th when the US was attacked by the terrorists , the very discourse of international relations and global politics has been transformed. Before the event of Sept. 11th, the important and most talked about issues were geo-economics in nature. International Submits and organization had agendas of Globalization and humanitarian. But now geopolitics and security concerns have once again become the central issue . There were many improvements regarding politically front where there became a consensus that democracy was not only the best but also the only legitimate way of organizing modern polities. the globalization of the economy was a foregone conclusion as nations scrambled to liberalize their economies in order to live up to the new standards set by the World Trade Organization whereas In the social arena, lifestyle and tastes shaped by multinational consumer corporations were well on the way to change the global popular culture. But just after the Sept. 11th event there was great sense of insecurity that because of terrorism inspired the US economy and the government, the two most important forces behind globalization, and that has resulted in a reassertion of sovereignty by the US and other nations. The fear that liberal standards are facilitating terrorism is causing the US and other European Union members to control transborder transactions. There are efforts to stop the resources moving from one place to another and this has lead to greater scrutiny of banks and setting up of strict measures that will prevent the flow of capital. There is a trend today’s more VISA restriction , keeping an eye on the foreigners just because to prevent any mishap. Governments are engaged in international cooperation in order to monitor the flow of information, people and monies across countries. These measures have resulted in the change of priorities in which means that cost is now second to security. If this state of affairs persists, globalization be retarded and the very instruments that facilitate and accelerate globalization will be blunted. Globalization and Transnational Terrorism Defined Before exploring the relationship between globalization and transnational terrorism, it is very necessary to understand what often politicized and misinterpreted terms. Globalization is a process rather than an outcome. It is best defined as â€Å"the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of interregional flows and patterns of interaction†. Modern globalization has taken place in three forms: economic, cultural and political, each with its distinct features and effects. Transnational terrorism is terrorism that has transcended the confines of the territorially defined nation-state in terms of both its objectives and operations. Transnational terrorist groups are usually characterized by a universals ideology, enhanced mobility and communication networks, multinational sources of recruitment and funding, and cross-border operations. Kegley, (2002) Globalization as a Motivation for Terror Globalization is a critical feature of the context in which transnational terrorism has grown. Despite the tendency to view the current transnational terrorist threat as having religious inspiration, it be of no doubt that a part of transnational terrorism is motivated by the inequalities between nations as well as within them . Globalization has its fair share of â€Å"discontents†, while terrorists have always â€Å"aimed to exploit the frustrations of the common people†. Stapley , (2006). Globalization, in its various penetrative forms of westernization, secularization, democratization, consumerism and the growth of market capitalism, represents an onslaught to less privileged people in conservative cultures. It is certain through globalization U. S threaten traditions, religion and way of life, while bringing unfair distributions of wealth and power. This way, the growth of disgruntled communities has proven to be the primary source of recruitment and support for transnational terrorists globally. Nassar(2004) Through Cultural globalization western life and values are projected throughout the world via media and internet. Because of this some Countries feels this has an attack on their religious teachings and cultural traditions, and is generating movements of resistance, including support for transnational terrorism. Finally, terrorism can most importantly be traced to a fundamental motivation – the struggle for power. US has been very much benefited by the Political globalization where they formed strong alliances with national governments, including undemocratic and oppressive ones. US in order to protect its strategies interests extents its military might internationally, it also supports oppressive regimes and its the presence of US forces in Saudi Arabia, are some of the things that is not accepted by many countries. Therefore, to the extent that the economic, cultural and political dimensions of the US-led global order impinge upon and undermine Middle Eastern and/or Muslim ways of life, or at least are seen to do so, it elicits from militant Islamists and their supporters violent responses framed in the idiom. Nassar (2004) Globalization as an Enabler of Terror While terrorism aims to repel US-led globalization, it has concurrently harnessed globalization’s features in three primary ways, †¢ Through the exploitation of: new technologies. †¢ Global financial networks. †¢ reduced barriers to cross-border interactions Because of the above points modern transnational terrorism is and can be very dangerous. Globalization has enabled transnational terrorism through the exploitation of new technologies . Globalization age is known as the Information Revolution age , where revolution of computing , telecommunications and data – transfer took place . Making a proper use of these technological advancements such has internet , mobile phones and satellite telecommunications terrorist –related activities have increased their efficiency , coordination in operations , and communication between national and international borders. And it is only because of globalization features that terrorist activities or terrorism is no longer confined to a single nation or boundary but it now enjoys expanded range. It is also with the help of advance telecommunications network hat now transnational terrorist groups have defined there organizational structures , sharing principles of horizontal rather than vertical organizational structures. Transnational terrorists organizations are broadening their reach in financial resources too. They have global financing networks that include legal non-profit charities and businesses, as well as illegal activities such as drug smuggling and kidnapping. Kesselman , (2006) Globalization as an Obstacle to Counter-Terrorism Globalization have contributed a lot in the transnational terrorism with its new capabilities in all sectors , and this impedes the ability of nation-states to fight against terrorism effectively . The Existence of electronic commerce has weaken the abilities of the states to track , locate and prosecute the illegal activities in the cyber space and this has also played an important role in the effectiveness of the transnational terrorism. Even International institutions have not been up to the mark to promote international law and this has led to an increase in activities by transnational terrorist groups such as money laundering and arms trafficking which are considered as a criminal acts under international law.. In short , global law enforcement instruments have played little if any role in the fight against global terrorism Conclusion The relationship between globalization and transnational terrorism is one that has not been under consideration in current counter-terrorism efforts. When the characteristic of globalization can facilitates transnational terrorism, globalization can be used as a weapon against it. Therefore , its very necessary to first find out the relationship between globalization and terrorism before its too late . References : †¢ Nassar ,Jamal R. (2004). Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares (Globalization (Lanham, MD. ). ). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. †¢ Mazru , Ali Alamin i , Kafrawi , Shalahudin and Sebuharara ,Ruzima (2004). Islam: Between Globalization & Counter-terrorism. Africa World Press. †¢ Stapley , Lionel (2006). Globalization and Terrorism: Death of a Way of Life. Karnac Books †¢ Combs , Cynthia C. (2005). Terrorism in the 21st Century (4th Edition). Prentice Hall. †¢ Kegley,Charles W. (2002). The New Global Terrorism: Characteristics, Causes, Controls. Prentice Hall. †¢ Baylis , John B,Smith, Steve and Owens, Patricia (2008). The Globalization of World Politics. Oxford University Press. †¢ Kesselman , Mark (2006). The Politics of Globalization: A Reader. Houghton Mifflin.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Seminar unit 5 public health Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Seminar unit 5 public health - Term Paper Example The examples of non-communicable diseases are obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer which can be modified through lifestyle change (Kotecki, McKenzie & Pinger, 2011, 98). Identification and treatment of multiple risk factors will help in addressing the burden of communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases can be prevented by reducing or totally eliminating the risk factors that contribute to the illness. Multiple risk factor reduction is a special form of intervention that aims in helping in the reduction in a series of risk factors that contribute in a particular disease, such as cardiovascular and respiratory illness. The strategy is most effective if the sequences of risk factors are cluster together in a certain group of people or population (Riegelman, 2010, p. 90). For instance, in asthma cases the different factors involved are air pollution, cockroaches, allergies, and non-compliance to medication tend to occur together and effectively to address at the same time. In addition, health teaching, screening and the multiple risk factor reduction are the key approaches and are part of the intervention of preventing non-communicable diseases and other illnesses (Riegelman, 2010, p. 91). Clinicians, physicians and even researchers had several interventions and approaches in treating the disease, but the question is: Are the methods and interventions cost effective and net effective? Multiple risk factor reduction techniques has advantages and benefits and with less financial costs in dealing with non-communicable diseases. For instance, increase exercise and diet modifications are the key interventions to solve obesity. Similarly, mammography, childhood vaccinations and immunizations, cigarette cessation program and other public health programs are found out to be cost effective (Riegelman, 2010, p. 93). Kotecki, J.E. McKenzi, J.F. & Pinger, R.R. (2011).
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Life and Work of Countess Markievicz Research Paper
The Life and Work of Countess Markievicz - Research Paper Example Her family was evidently well-connected in the country; in 1887 she was presented at the court of Queen Victoria, where she was called â€Å"the new Irish beauty.†In her teenage years, Constance enjoyed her place among the Anglo-Irish aristocracy and was regarded as a fine horsewoman and an excellent shot (Riordan). She was extremely passionate about art and studied at the Slade School in London, and later at the Julian School in Paris. It was here where she met and fell in love with her soon-to-be husband, the Polish Count Casimir Dunin-Markievicz. He too was from a wealthy family who owned extensive estates in Ukraine. Her career as an artist developed and in 1903 she moved to Dublin and set up as a landscape artist. At this time, Dublin was a thriving city and home to many artists, actors, and writers. Four years later, she helped to set up the United Arts Club, which sought to bring together all artists in the city (Riordan). There are two important factors which propelled Constance into political action. Firstly, the influence of the Irish poet William Butler, who, on his many visits to her parents home Lissadell, told Constance tales of Irish mythology, folklore, and his political ideas. Historians have recognized his influence on the Countess. Secondly, in her rented cottage at Dublin, whilst working as an artist, Constance found copies of the Peasant and Sinn Fein, revolutionary publications which enlightened her in the Republican cause. She felt â€Å"stirred to action†and instantly became devoted to the cause (Riordan). In 1907, Constance joined the group Inghinidhe na hÉireann, the Daughters of Ireland. This group had been formed in 1900 by a small group of women in Dublin. The group was a response to women's exclusion from other militant Nationalist organizations and at its heart was the commitment to free Ireland from British rule.Â
E-crime investigation. Security breach on a Linux Operation System Assignment
E-crime investigation. Security breach on a Linux Operation System - Assignment Example If we elaborate these further, the first time stamp named as ‘modify’ or the ‘mtime’ is updated when there is some change or modification. Likewise, in case of a directory, the time stamp is updated when there are changes / modifications or deletion occurs within the file in that particular directory. The second time stamp known as the ‘atime’ is updated for a file when it is executed or accessed. The third time stamp Change that is called as ‘ctime’ is updated when the data structure enclosing metadata of a file is accessed by the file system to define information of a file including owner, group name, access rights etc. are modified. However, during a forensic investigation, MAC times can provide a comprehensive clues if remains unchanged. Likewise, it illustrates the changes that occurred on the file system. Andy will use the TCT mactime program that is a part of the TCT tool kit for printing the MACtimes for a series of files to get an in depth view of what actually happened and how the hacker has compromised the system. Likewise, the mactime program develops a database of time stamps linked with the files of the system (Nemeth, Snyder et al. 2007). It was detected that on September 20 i.e. few days after the initial compromise of the system, the hacker entered in the system via a telnet command and started manipulating file system and server. The command below demonstrates evidence: Sep 20 00 15:46:05 31376 .a. -rwxr-xr-x root root/mount/usr/sbin/in.telnetd Sep 20 00 15:46:39 20452 .c -rwxr-xr-x root root/mount/bin/login ... -rwxr-xr-x root root/mount/usr/sbin/in.telnetd Sep 20 00 15:46:39 20452 .c -rwxr-xr-x root root/mount/bin/login After one hour of the system being compromised, a directory was established named as /dev/ttypq/ on the file system and soon a distrustful and unknown file starts appearing and modified on the file system. The most suspicious files were named as ipv6.0, rpc.status and rc.local. Sep 20 00 16:49:47 949 ..c -rwxr-xr-x root root /mount/etc/rc.d/rc.local 209 ..c -rwx------ root root /mount/usr/sbin/initd Sep 20 00 16:50:11 4096 .a. drwxr-xr-x operator 11 /mount/dev/ttypq/... Sep 20 00 16:52:12 7704 .a. -rw-r--r-- root root /mount/lib/modules/2.2.16-3/net/ipv6.o 209 .a. -rwx------ root root /mount/usr/sbin/initd 222068 .a. -rwxr-xr-x root root /mount/usr/sbin/rpc.status Andy’s investigation addressed the ipv6.0 file that was a modular visible string related to the suspected sockets of the network i.e. TCP port 32411 and TCP port 3457, more than one user account names, ille gitimate use of the Ethernet interface to relay all the traffic visible on the network. prover# strings ipv6.o check_logfilter kernel_version=2.2.16-3 my_atoi :32411 my_find_task :3457 is_invisible :6667 is_secret :6664 iget :6663 iput :6662 hide_process :6661 hide_file :irc __mark_inode_dirty :6660 unhide_file :6668 n_getdents nobody o_getdents telnet n_fork operator o_fork Proxy n_clone proxy o_clone n_kill o_kill netstat n_ioctl syslogd dev_get klogd boot_cpu_data promiscuous mode __verify_write . . . o_ioctl adore.c n_write gcc2_compiled. o_write __module_kernel_version n_setuid we_did_promisc cleanup_module netfilter_table o_setuid check_netfilter init_module strstr __this_module logfilter_table sys_call_table In the above strings, a string named as adore.c
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
UK Taxation System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
UK Taxation System - Research Paper Example There are certain types of income that do not attract tax. They are benefits, income from tax-exempt accounts and special pensions. Residents of the UK are eligible for tax-free allowance called personal allowance, which is an amount of taxable income which the resident is allowed to earn each year. This allowance is free of tax. For the year 2008-2009, the tax-free amount is fixed at '5,435. If the individual is over the age of sixty-five, this amount is likely to increase. A registered blind person can claim tax-free blind person's allowance. Income tax is applicable on taxable income after the tax-free allowances. Certain deductible reliefs and allowance will reduce the tax bill of an individual. Some of the deductible allowances are married couple allowance, maintenance payment relief, and tax relief on pension, donations to charity based on gift aid or payroll giving. There are some other amounts which can be reduced from the tax bill. They are an allowance that decreases tax in retirement, tax advantages of personal pension and offers to charity (Income Tax, n.d). The revenue-raising methods of the UK government have come to debate with the abolition of 10 percent tax. The 10 percent tax was abolished to simplify the tax system. This is likely to affect the poor household which enjoyed limitations in paying tax. The reduction of the tax rate from 22 to 20 percent and the abolition of 10 percent tax are set to affect people whose annual income is less than '18,500. This initiative has raised argument because five million people who fall under the low earning group is targeted to raise more tax revenues. Simplification of tax is appreciable but the abolition of 10 percent requires identification of people who fall under the category and necessary benefits should be provided to help them. While families without children would be the worst effect, low-income families with children are expected to be in a better position. The tax reform will affect the already high cost of living of poor people (Abolition of 10 p tax, 2008).
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How marriage enhance family ties in the society Essay
How marriage enhance family ties in the society - Essay Example However, this is not the context to my essay: instead I seek to show how a couple needs to work out together the family roles in a more civilized and informed manner. In the society we live in marriages are of diverse contexts and seek to examine how the same influences family ties (Markman, Scott & Susan 120). The research question is: â€Å"Does marriage as exercised between two people have a direct socio-economic impact on the familial ties in the society?†An analysis into this matter will entail a concrete and deeper understanding of the subject matter of marriage in relation to the practices that are associated with it. However, in most instances, a lot of people have questioned the indispensability of marriage itself. The essence of marriage Families as essential care institutions are varied across different cultures and they may change overtime. A good instance for the change in family occurs when a member is married or marries into the family. The implication here wou ld mean that the cultural ideologies and laws are created to enforce the adaptation brought about by marriage. It is largely expected that a marriage can lead to the growth of a society and makes it to be more complex and stratified. Consequently, a marriage in its nature improves on the quality of life and creates a sense of differentiation among the family members based on their socio-economic status. However, in most cases there is a significant difference in the marriages based on the diverse characteristics such as cultural background, education or religion of each of the partners. Therefore, the formation of a family as a social unit needs to incorporate all these aspects that are brought about due to marriage. The definition of a family unit as a social entity in itself recognizes the social essence of marriage in the society. Waite & Lehrer while talking about â€Å"the benefits from marriage and religion in the United States,†they recognize that in most cases, marri age and religion will both greatly influence life dimensions such as mental and physical health, economic wellbeings, longevity among others. Consequently, they note that marriage is associated with a higher overall hapiness rate. Everyone who claims to be in love should have the basic idea that such a plan for marriage may result in the enhancement of cross-sectional analyses of the group. When can marriage be considered a marriage? In this context, I am going to look into the argument that has been put forth by Brake in the article â€Å"Marriage and Domestic Partnership†. Considering the change in the understanding about marriage, a lot of questions have arisen which have appeared to redefine the context of marriages in the society. The stages that marriage passes and the test both couples undergo together is enough to show of the nature of marriage and whether it qualifies to be called an engagement. Today, the consideration for marriage takes into account other factors s uch as changes in laws and customs. This may broadly entail government regulations, culture and religious laws associated with marriage. Consequently, there are several civilizational and moral arguments that try to define the context in which marriage can be really considered a marriage. In the church context, the same would be easily answered as the period in time when the two people wed together. However, in other contemporary settings, marriage takes diverse forms and meanings. In some extreme cases, it is considered complete with the birth of a child. An overemphasis of this aspect categorizes marriage as a continuous process with no definite beginning or end. In my opinion, even though a lot of the revolutionary changes in the modern world
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