Friday, May 31, 2019
Francois Rabelais’ Satire of Medieval and Renaissance Learning In Garga
Francois Rabelais Satire of Medieval and Renaissance Learning In Gargantua and Pantagruel In his book Gargantua and Pantagruel, Francois Rabelais uses satire to address the break tangle by Renaissance Humanists. By providing an exaggerated fable, comical in nature, Rabelais poses a serious introspection into the extremes of both the Medieval and the Renaissance man. More importantly, however, he brings into question his own ideals of Humanism. Through an analysis of Rabelais satiric technique and by examining his social parody of the Medieval and the Renaissance man, we are able to better interpret Rabelais introspection into the ideals of his own generation and to accept his argument that learning is transitory and often a necessary, yet futile, attempt to understand our world. To understand the Gargantua and Pantagruel it is necessary to first understand Rabelais use of satire. As a man whose life spans the transition between the Medieval (Middle) Ages and the Renaissance, Rabelais, as most scholars of the time period, had to cope with a big shift in thoughts and ideals. Between the changes in religion stemming from the Protestant Reformation, the changes in education stemming from the popularity of great philosophical thinkers, the move towards science and humanism, and the questioning of the universe arising from Copernicus discoveries, Rabelais felt the immense dislocation of his generation. He used satire, parody, and fantasy as a means to cope with this dislocation. Through the monstrous and grotesque comedy of Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais is able to mock the institutions of his world without necessarily being offensive. He entices his readers to laugh at the events and human thoughts of ... ... of quenching the thirst for knowledge. He writes, Every good drinker, every good and sick one, if he is thirsty, let him come to this barrel of mine (395). In the end, Rabelais suggests that, like the comical giants of his stories, we are chara cterized by the desire to know, sometimes beyond our ability to understand. In conclusion, through his depiction of the giant in his Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais effectively satirizes two periods of thought, Medieval and Renaissance, and creates the argument that each, in its extreme, is limited. By comparing these two ages in the same satirical manner, Rabelais suggests that both schools of thought are transitory and that learning is often a necessary, yet futile, attempt to understand our world. Work Cited Putnam, Samuel, sel., transl., and ed. The Portable Rabelais. New York Penguin Books, 1946.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Polar Bears :: essays papers
Polar BearsSaving the White Beast The Polar Bear males can measure up to nine feet long, and can weigh 770-1430 lbs. The skin of the Polar Bear covers their entire body except their nose and pads of their feet. The Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) is the largest living carnivore on the planet earth. (National lay Service).The polar bear lives in a small place on the top of the globe called the Arctic Circle. At an average the polar bears have about five million second power miles of living space. The Polar ears have gotten close to 150 ft. from the North Pole. (WWF 1). These white creatures do not hibernate in the winter like other bears, alternatively they hunt. The bears main diet is the ringed and bearded tender. These bears have a great sense of smell. They can smell seals kilometers away, and detect one under three feet of snow. This helps them give away the food they need during winter months when the seals migrate south to get warm. The bears are patient when it comes to food . They need two kilograms of fat a day to survive. A seal can provide five days worth of food. If the bears are starving they eat the whole seal otherwise, they just eat the blubber and entrails for protein (National Parks Service). The bears live in Canada or above. They rarely go below Canada since it is too warm there. The giant bears have thick white fur, which helps the bear survive the cold, and it has a thick layer of blubber all around its body where it stores up food when needed. They can go with out food for 2 weeks if necessary (Larsen 7). Their fur is what helps retain the heat inside their bodies. The fur looks white but it is actually clear colored. The sun shines through the clear fur to the bears down in the mouth skin, which absorbs the heat and retains it. Actually it does such a good job that the bears have to jump in icy water, and even roll in the snow to composed off. Fredtjoj Nansen gives this description of the polar bear, Elegant body, big neck, small head , and short ears give it a ferocious look (6).When its time for the bears to reproduce, the male approaches the female. The males have many equal in their lifetime. When the females are pregnant, they dig a den in which they stay until after pregnancy for a while with the bears can survive the cold.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
J.D. Salingers Catcher In The Rye :: J.D. Salinger Catcher Rye Essays
J.D. Salingers catcher In The Rye The passage of adolescence has served as the central theme for manynovels, but J.D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, long a staple in academiclesson plans, has captured the spirit of this s rag weeke of life in hyper-sensitive form, dramatizing Holden Caulfields vulgar language and melodramatic reactions. Written as the autobiographical account of a fictional teenage prep school student Holden Caulfield, The Catcher in the Rye deals with material that is socially scandalous for the generation (Gwynn, 1958). As an emotional, intelligent, inquisitive, and painfully sensitive young man, Holden puts hisinner world to the test through the sexual mores of his peers and elders, theteachings of his education, and his own emerging sense of self. Throughout the years, the language of the storey has startled some readers. Salingers control of Holdens easy, conversational manner makes the introduction of these larger themes appear natural and believable. (B loom, 1990).At the time of the novel through today, Holdens speech sound true to the colloquial speech of teenagers. Holden, according to many reviews in the Chicago Tribune, the New Yorker, and the New York Times, accurately captures the informal speech of an average intelligent, educated, northeastern American adolescent (Costello, 1990). Such speech includes both simple description and cursing. For example, Holden says, Theyre nice and all, as well as Im not going to tell you my unit goddam autobiography or anything. In the first instance, he uses the term nice which oversimplifies his parents character, implying he does not wish to disrespect them, yet at the identical time he does not praise them. At best he deems them as nice and all. Holden further cuts short his description, but in a more curt manner,when he states he will not tell his whole goddam autobiography or anything.From the start the reader picks up Holdens hostility and involuntariness to share his views strictly by his use of language (Salzman, 1991).From the last two examples, another colloquialism can be seen. Holden has a habit of ending his descriptions with bob phrases such as and all or or anything. (Salzman, 1991). Not only does Holden speak like this in the beginning of the novel, but throughout the book, making this exercise a part of his character. One could imagine Holden frequently ending his sentences with and all, realizing it is a character trait since not all teenagers used that phrase. So the and all tag to Holdens speech served to make his speech
Penelope and Alcestis as Ideal Greek Females Essay -- Homers Odyssey
Penelope of the Odyssey and Alcestis of Alcestis as Ideal Greek Females Although there is some disagreement concerning the Greeks definition of the ideal egg-producing(prenominal), there is little disagreement that two women represented this Greek ideal. The character of Penelope of Homers Odyssey 1 and Alcestis of Euripides Alcestis 2, came to represent the same ideal of female excellence. The Greeks referred to this ideal female as a sophron woman. The qualities possessed by a sophron woman are tangible she is a good housekeeper, a nurturer of her husband, a child-bearer. She is chaste, attractive and does not like to talk about sex with other women. According to Helen F. North in an article regarding the etymology of sophrosyne, the word originated in the Homeric epics as saophrosyne, which implies sapience of mind and is used only in relation to men.4 The word implies both self-knowledge and a sense of propriety, putting one in mind of the inscription at Delphi. It is nota ble that in relation to men, sophrosyne does not carry specific behavioral connotations, as it does when it comes to be applied to women. Penelopes story, set in the time immediately exertion the Trojan War, is one of strategic waiting. The Odyssey begins with stasis simultaneously, Odysseus departure from Ogygia and Telemachos coming of age set the events of the epic in motion. As a woman, Penelope has no momentum of her own, barely must operate on that of her kyrios. This is not to imply that Penelope is by definition powerless, but it is worth noting that the sphere of her effectiveness is actively determined by the wishes of the men responsible for her. In fact, Penelope faces a drastically reduced role whether Odysseus returns or... ...ophrosyne as the Virtue of Women in Antiquity. From Marcovich, Miroslave, ed. Illinois Classical Studies II (1977) 36. 4 Ibid 37. 5 Ibid 36. Works Consulted Diana Buitron-Oliver and Beth Cohen, Between Skylla and Penelope Female Characters of the Odyssey in Archaic and Classical Greek Art, pp. 29-58. Female Representations and Interpreting the Odyssey, by Seth Schein, pp. 17-27. Richard Brilliant, Kirkes Men Swine and Sweethearts, pp. 165-73. Helene Foley, Penelope as Moral Agent, in Beth Cohen, ed., The Distaff Side (Oxford 1995), pp. 93-115. The Odyssey, History, and Women, by A. J. Graham, pp. 3-16, and Jennifer Neils, Les Femmes Fatales Skylla and the Sirens in Greek Art, pp. 175-84. Lillian Doherty, Siren Songs Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey (Ann Arbor 1995), esp. chapter 1.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Civil Rights Movement :: African-American Civil Rights Movement
The first massive direct action in the civil rights movement came in Montgomery, aluminium in 1955. Under SCLC leadership, the black community boycotted the citys bus system, which required them to ride at the back of the buses. After many months of boycotting, the U.S Supreme royal court declared that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional, and the boycott was bought to an end. This was a very significant event for the civil rights movement. It caught the attention of the entire nation. People around the realm were made aware of the event because it was launched on such a massive scale and lasted for more than a year. It also set the tone for the civil rights movement, which lead to more struggles and protest.There was the school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, where nine black students were admitted to Little Rocks Central high School. President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to enforce desegregation.There were public accommodation sit-ins in No rth Carolina and Georgia in 1960, when four black college students began protesting racial segregation in restaurants by sitting at white only lunch counters and waiting to be served.There were the freedom riders who traveled around the southeastern in buses to test the effectiveness of the 1960 Supreme Court decision of illegal segregation in bus stations.There was also education and voter adaptation drives in Mississippi in 1961, which organized voter registration campaigns in black counties. Many of these protests where organized by the student affiliate of SCLC, many northern white liberal supporters, and the SNCC which stands for Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The SNCC was founded in Raleigh, North Carolina in April 1960 to help organize and direct the student sit-in movement. They also knockout on voter registration, believing that voting was a way to empower blacks so that they could change racist policies in the South. Southern whites counter mobilized by re suscitate the infamous Ku Klux Klan who used violence or threats against anyone suspected of favoring desegregation or black civil rights. There was also the start of a new governing body called White Citizens Councils. There goal was to maintain segregation.One of the last meetings between civil rights demonstrators and southern whites came in Montgomery, Alabama in 1963.
The Civil Rights Movement :: African-American Civil Rights Movement
The first massive direct action in the civil rights movement came in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. Under SCLC leadership, the black community boycotted the citys bus system, which required them to ride at the back of the buses. After many months of boycotting, the U.S Supreme court declare that separatism on public buses was unconstitutional, and the boycott was bought to an end. This was a very significant event for the civil rights movement. It caught the attention of the entire nation. People around the country were do aware of the event because it was launched on such a massive scale and lasted for to a greater extent than a year. It also set the tone for the civil rights movement, which led to more struggles and protest.There was the school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957, where nine black students were admitted to Little Rocks Central High School. death chair Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to enforce desegregation.There were public accommodation sit-ins i n North Carolina and Georgia in 1960, when four black college students began protesting racial segregation in restaurants by sitting at flannel only lunch counters and waiting to be served.There were the freedom riders who traveled around the South in buses to test the effectiveness of the 1960 Supreme Court decision of illegal segregation in bus stations.There was also education and voter registration drives in Mississippi in 1961, which organized voter registration campaigns in black counties. Many of these protests where organized by the student affiliate of SCLC, many northern white liberal supporters, and the SNCC which stands for Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The SNCC was founded in Raleigh, North Carolina in April 1960 to help organize and direct the student sit-in movement. They also concentrated on voter registration, believing that voting was a way to empower blacks so that they could change racist policies in the South. Southern whites counter mobilized by r eviving the notorious Ku Klux Klan who used violence or threats against anyone suspected of favoring desegregation or black civil rights. There was also the start of a new organization called innocence Citizens Councils. There goal was to maintain segregation.One of the last meetings between civil rights demonstrators and southern whites came in Montgomery, Alabama in 1963.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Tu Do Street” and “Camouflaging the Chimera”
Both Tu Do Street and Camouflaging the Chimera express the negotiation of racial boundaries in a new, unfamiliar environment where barriers argon at once more than rigid and flexible. While the speaker system addresses the boundaries that exist between black and whitened soldiers, particularly in Tu Do Street, he in like manner explores the relationship between himself and the Viet Cong.As an African-American soldier, the speaker feels isolated from his white counterparts, even in times of leisure. The music that divides the evening, (Tu Do Street, 1) is sung by white singers (Hank Snow, 7, and Hank Williams, 12) and the speaker is passed over at the bar in favor of white faces, (12). While interactions between black and white take place in a more illicit realm (black & white/soldiers touch the same lovers/minutes apart, 28-30), the speaker also probes the hidden connections between the soldiers and their enemies Back in the bush at dhak To/& Khe Sanh, we fought/the brothers of t hese women/we now hold in our arms, (23-26).By exploring the dichotomy between loving and killing, to disparate concepts in both action and feeling, the speaker c onlys into question the human nature screwing war and labeling the enemy by the color of his flesh.In Camouflaging the Chimera, the connections between the Americans and the VC are further established. While the distinctions between black and white are largely aband championd, as Drew and Tyler mentioned (the narrator is We, not I), the speaker focuses on the similarities between the American soldiers and their Vietnamese enemies. While painting our faces & rifles/with mud (2-3) functions to equalize the American soldiers in skin color, it also serves as an equalizing force between the Americans and the VC.Through the poem, the VC are described with terms of darkness, literally as dark-hearted songbirds, (14), rock apes, (16) and black silk (24). This imagery works, on one level, to paint the enemy in a dark, negative lig ht. On another level, however, it aligns the VC with the speaker, a black soldier. The final lines of the poem (as a world revolve/under each mans eyelid, 30-31) distills the speakers understanding of the human aspect of war, as he acknowledges that each man, black or white or Vietnamese, has his own experience and history, and that each man is as much an individual as part of an army.In agreeing with Kriss assertion that the speaker, at times, tries to evade the boundary of race between black and white soldiers, I think the speaker is more broadly concerned with narrowing the division between all who fight against each other in any arenablack and white in matters of race, American and Vietnamese in matters of warin assign to shed light on their shared humanity.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Paris Is Burning Case Study Essay
1.I would argue that the root of poor gay minorities, like the people in the ball, is a sub last in itself. This group is a subculture of the gay culture. The distinguishing aspects of the group ar that they argon poor, gay, and minorities. Another distinguishing aspect is that members of this subculture be typically outcasts. They have been rejected by family members, friends, and American society as a whole. Its hard to imagine a to a greater extent outcast group in American society than murky and Hispanic homosexuals, (Levy).I identified this group of poor, gay, minority workforce who participate in balls as a microculture. This microcultures distinguishing aspects argon that these men all front to live for balls, with dreams of fame and fortune, The balls be our fantasies of being superstars, (Pepper Labeija). This group also has an extreme love for, and competitive drive to be successful at vogeuing. Another trait this group sh ars is a love for fashion. They use fashion and style in order to appear real. This subculture motivations to appear to be authentically white, straight, and womanish (Levy). This is depicted throughout the strike Paris is Burning.Another microculture that I identified in the film is the transvestite microculture. This microculture defines itself by dressing up like the opposite sex, in this case men dressing as women, but who do not wish to start women. They could be considered androgynous, (Solomon, 186). While they do not identify with females, they wish to as definite female. The one-third microculture I identified in the film is the transvestite microculture. This groups ideal self (Solomon, 177) is female. They identify with females and wish to eventually become female.2.The cultivation of this subculture is to become a real female, if not to transform completely, to at least look like a real female. They are motivated by the celebrities they see in magazines and on TV. Straight, white, females are this groups c omparative influence, (Solomon, 409). There are a few gay masculine men in this film their goal would be to look authentically masculine and straight. The whole point of the balls is for members of this group to act out their fantasies. Nearly everyone in the film was pretending to be soulfulness that they were not.Competing in the balls was achieving in fantasy what the world had denied in their reality, (Green). Acting out this fantasy allows the people in this film to compensate for dissatisfaction with their actual selves, (Solomon, 172). They desire to look like the beautiful celebrities in the magazines, (Venus Xtravaganza), so this group is doing whatever it can to use up themselves more like these women. Sadly, usually the most(prenominal) they can do is pretend, by dressing and acting like these women. This subculture does not wish to replace dominant culture, they long to be members of the society they imitate, (Levy).Part of achieving their goal is purchasing clothing, make-up, shoes, even hormones and female body parts to look the part of a real woman. Without the possibility of consumption, it would not be possible for this group of people to achieve their goals and dreams. They perk up up in the mornings as men, and leave their house in the afternoons as women because of the products they consume. They look at their reference group, (Solomon, 404) of straight females, and strive to look like them by purchasing the comparable products that these women use. To achieve their desired social identity they are acting out the symbolic self-completion theory, (Solomon, 176) by acquiring the clothes, hair, softer features, etc. that they see on women who are their ideals of beauty (Solomon, 196).In my opinion this is very similar to the actions of primary(prenominal)stream culture. The movie is a successful attempt by outsiders to dramatize how success and status in the world a great deal depend on props you can buy, or steal, almost anywhere assu ming you have the style to know how to use them, (Ebert). I have observed that the common belief in mainstream culture seems to be that a person has to look a certain way to be successful. The more fashionable and beautiful a person looks, the more successful and therefore desirable they are perceived to be.brinystream culture consumers spend millions every year attempting to make themselves look more successful and beautiful than everyone else around them. This is similar to the drag female monarch subculture portrayed in the movie in many ways. two groups are trying to appear one way by purchasing clothing, plastic surgery, make-up, nice homes, etc. Both groups are desperate to be accepted by mainstream culture and both groups use style and purchasing power to try to achieve this dream they have of popularity and acceptance. There is a huge difference though. Main stream culture is constantly consuming goods and services in an attempt to fit in with each other.Drag queen subcult ures are consuming these same goods to try to fit in with main stream culture. They dream of the fame and fortune that comes with being a beautiful, straight, posh woman. Livingston blames the advertisements they see in the media for fostering their unrealistic yearnings, (Levy). They are competing with a completely different group of people. Not only is their competition different, it is nearly impossible to compete with.The models compete to see who could pass in worlds that are almost completely closed to gays and blacks especially, gay blacks, (Ebert). The balls are this groups opportunity to flaunt their consumptions, and practice for the real world. The winners are those who exhibit the most style, and often those who can afford to spend the most on their costumes, (Dorian Corey). Sadly, this group is competing with members of a society that allow for never accept them, (Levy).3.Not surprisingly, this subculture faces many conflicts in their daily lives. These conflicts ad mit dealing primarily with prejudices, money shortages, and abandonment. Conflicts are handled in many different ways. Prejudice is a problem all over the world and will in all prob force never cease to be a problem. It is not depicted much in the film how this group of people handles this problem except to ignore it for the most part since there is really nothing that can be done roughly it.I am white so I have the ability to write those grants and push my little body through whatever door I need to get it through. If drag queens wanted to make a film slightly themselves they would not be able, I wish that werent so, but thats the way society is structured, (Green). This subculture has very little, if any, power with anyone but themselves because of prejudices. This problem causes the other main conflicts they are faced with, money shortages and abandonment.Many of the people in this subculture have no other way to make money but to become hussies. They will use their physical t ools to get what they want and need. Hes taking me out for dinner later this evening, or for cocktails after midnight. I know hell give me some money just for me to maybe buy some shoes and a nice dress, so that the next time he sees me, hell see me looking more and more beautiful, the way he wants to see me. But I dont have to go to bed with him, or anything like that. At times they do expect sexual favors, but that is between myself and them, so I dont want to talk about that any further, (Venus Xtravaganza).It is later discovered that Venus was found dead in a motel. She always did what she wanted to get what she wanted, such as getting into cars with men. Sadly, that is the bearing of a transsexual living in New York City, (Angie Xtravaganza). Money shortages give this group a risky shift, (Solomon, 267), distinguishing aspect of resorting to dangerous alternatives to make money, such as becoming prostitutes. This group also steals to get food as well as acquire props and cloth ing for their ball competitions. Faggots, or gay untried men, are the best at playing pranks or stealing, (Freddie Pendavis).Many of the drag queens featured in this film have been abandoned by their families because they are homosexuals. To resolve this, this subgroup has formed its own families, or houses, as they are referenced to in the movie. Each house has a mother and a father. While these are not literal houses, it is a small community that offers support to its members. Family members assist each other with ball competitions, stealing, and encouraging each other when times are tough.4.This subculture is very similar to mainstream culture. Both groups of people have a longing to be accepted. Both groups put a huge emphasis on how stylish a person is. The big difference is that the drag queen subculture is daring to be different to be who they want to be and fit in with whom they want to fit in. They could easily live in New York as straight men. They could live everyday pre tending to be someone they were not and living a life they were not happy with to avoid the hardships that come along with being drag queens.Beatings, violence and rejection are daily realities for men who want to pass as women, and so there is a certain courage exhibited by their choice, (Ebert). Mainstream culture, however, is not so brave. Many people who are considered mainstream most likely have interests and tastes that are not considered the norms, (Solomon, 429). Some examples are a boy who enjoys dancing rather than football, or a female teacher who enjoys listening to metal rather than mainstream music. Both examples go against the stereotypes.While I personally believe many Americans, if they let their true selves show, would have personality traits that go against the stereotype that is associated with them, they will not let these traits show. They are not brave enough to go against mainstream culture and be the people they truly want to be. This drag queen subculture has dared to step out of the norm and try to become the people they really want to be. In most cases, this dream they have will be impossible to achieve.Mainstream culture influences this drag queen group completely. The drag queen subculture is striving to actually become part of the mainstream culture. Members of this group want to be like mainstream culture in every way. This is wherefore they are pretending to be this mainstream group of people who will never accept them, (Ebert). Mainstream culture affects how this subculture looks, dresses and lives nearly every aspect of their lives is determined by what mainstream culture does. However, the drag queen subculture has very little partake on mainstream culture.The only part mainstream culture has plucked from the drag queen subculture is voguing. Popular celebrities like bloody shame got voguing into mainstream culture. Ironically, while mainstream culture was learning how to vogue it began to copy a subculture that was copyi ng it, (Green). This is a very small influence that the drag queen subculture had on the mainstream culture, however, compared to the impact mainstream culture has on their lives.5.Mainstream culture is the trends, attitudes, living styles, etc. that are made popular by the media. I do not think it is a assembly of subcultures. I think that the media can pick certain aspects from subcultures and make them become mainstream culture, but I truly believe it is the media that affects what we call mainstream culture. The media controls trends by having celebrities endorse certain products. I think that we look at celebrities, see their beauty and/or success and assume they must know what the best product is.We want to be lovely and successful like them, so we try to imitate them. This catches on because everyone in mainstream culture wants to be accepted, and since what is considered acceptable and desirable is what the celebrities are endorsing, which is what we all do and buy. We also have the need to be accepted by our mainstream peers. If our peers believe what the celebrities are endorsing is what is most desirable, we will come to think it is desirable, in order to be accepted and desired.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 5
5. The Further Chronicles of Abby nary(prenominal)mal, Miserable, Broken-hearted Emo-ho of the NightKayso, who is outside my door exclusively Baroness Buzzkill herself, the Motherbot, accompanied by those most(prenominal) crapacious homicide cops, Rivera and Cavuto.So Im each(prenominal), Oh joy, does this caffeine fresh clusterfuck come with donuts? Which it turned out, it didnt, so in reality, WTF is the point of bringing cops?And the Mombot is all, You cant do this, and who is this boy, and where own you been, and you own no right, and blah, blah, blah, responsibility, worried sick, youre a dreadful, horrible person and you ruined my life with your platform boots and your piercings.Okay, those werent her exact words, merely the subtext was there. And in retrospect, I may have erred in using the Im sleeping over at Lilys house gambit for two months running, when I was, in fact, lifespan in my avouch trs cool slam lair with a mysterious love ninja. So I decided to turn t he tables on her by asking questions, before she got in the rhythm of grilling me and heaping me with mom guilt.So Im all, How did you find me?And the dark, Hispano cop steps up, and hes all, I called her.So I rolled up in his grill. Well, up in the knot of his tie, because hes taller than me. And Im all, I cant consider you ratted me out. You traitorous fuckAnd the cop gets all chilly and hes all, Im not a traitor because Im not on your side, Allison. Using my day-slave name, just to fuck with me.So Im all thinking, Okay, cop, I can see that you believe that your shit cannot be shaken, and you are totally trying to come off all sly and faultyass in front of the Mombot so she might do you a good long time? I know-mating rituals of the ancient and crusty- take holds you barf in your mouth a olive-sized, huh?So I go over to the big risible cop, and Im all soft-spoken little-girl voice, I thought we were on the same side because-well-because we know closely the nosferatu, and all that money you got from his art collection. Were not? Im crushed. Totally happen to fore base on balls, fake-heartbreak fainting. I was press release to cry a little, but my mascara was lined up sympatheticred the spikes on the gates of hell, and I didnt want it to go raccoon on me so early in the day, so only a sniffle. I wiped my nose on the big gay cops sleeve.And the Momster is all, What? What? Nosferatu? What? Money? What?And Rivera is all, Excuse us a moment, Mrs. Green, we need to have a word with Allison.So the Mombot starts to go into the bed get on and Im all, Oh I dont think so. You can wait outside, or any(prenominal)thing like that, because it turns out I didnt want her to see the inner sanctum of our love nest, because shes a nurse and seeing the dog collars, test tubes, centrifuge, and whatnot might give her the wrong idea. (Foo and I like to get our mad scientist freak on in the privacy of the boudoir.)So Mom steps outside.And Foo is all, Owned, bitches And he d id a pathetic imitation of my own superb booty dance of ownage, and I was, at once, touched by his support, yet embarrassed by his tragic lack of rhythm and booticuity.And Rivera is all, Allison, how did you know or so the money and the old vampyre and the yacht and you have no proof and blah, blah, I so cant decide whether Im the good cop or the bad cop, or if Im waiver to settle down pretend to be badass or totally crap my pants from the verbal death grip you just put on my man sac, blah, blah.And Im all, I know it all, cop, popping the p in cop because it makes both of them flinch a little. You need to exit and take the Mombot basis or I give be forced to expose your evil shit to your masters, and not in the fun counselling.And the Hispano cop was all chill, nodding and smiling, which harshed my confidence somewhat. And hes all, That so, Allison? Well, Mr. Wong here is twenty-one, and you are still a minor, so among other things, we can take him in for contributing to the d elinquency of a minor, kidnapping, and statutory rape. And he folds his arms all, Take that, bee-atch. Hip-hop superior.So Im like, Youre right, he is totally taking advantage of my innocence. Foo, you ginormous perve Then I slapped him, but for the drama, not because he might think I was a slut. I should have known when you had me shave my va-jay-jay into the shape of a beaverAnd Foos all, I did notPervy and redundant, dont you think? I asked the big gay cop, who wouldnt know a va-jay-jay if it bounced up to him and sang the Star-Spangled Banner. (You ever notice that hardly anything besides the Star-Spangled Banner is spangled? Theres no, like, the Raisin-Spangled Scone, or the Flea-Spangled Beagle. Im just saying.) So, I, like, start to pull up my skirt to further freak him out, like Im going to flash the beav, which was a bluff, because I am totally trimmed bat-shape and dyed lavender and I was wearing my hot-pink fishnets, which are full-on tights and put the PG-13 on my no-no place.But instead of hiding his head and screaming like a little bitch, which is what I was going for, the big gay cop is across the room and has Foo in handcuffs in like seconds, cranking them down tight.So Foo is all, Ow Ow OwAnd Im heartsick at his suffering, so Im like, Unhand him, you fascist-ass bear.And Rivera is all, Allison, we need to come to an understanding, or your boyfriend is going to jail, and take down if the charges dont stick, he can kiss his masters degree good-bye.Powned I was forced to lower my skirt in defeat. Foos eyes were all anime-huge and started to get tear-spangled, and my noble love ninja looked all pleading to me like, Please, do not abandon me, despite my obvious emo tendencies.So Im like, Well give you a hundred thousand dollars to leave our love lair like nothing happened.And Rivera is like, Were not interested in your money.And gay bear cop is like, Wait, where did you get that kind of money, any air?And Rivera is like, Never mind, Nick, its not about money.And Im like, OMG Rivera, your bad cop skills suck ass. Its always about the money. Dont you have a TV?And hes like, What happened out there this morning?And Im all, You know, vampyre kitties, meter maid sucked to dust, samurai in orange socks, Abbys kung-fu of solar ass-kicking. Then to Foo Foo, the jacket is the sickest shit everWhich is a good thing, Foo translated for the cops.And Rivera is all, Vampyre cats? Thats what the Emperor said.Kayso, its clear that the cops have doubts, so I explain the whole battle, and Foos theory of how Chet is devising vampyre kitties, and how we are pretty much fucked nine ways to Kwanzaa because its the end of the world and whatnot, and there are metric buttloads of kitties in the City, and only two fly, vampyre-frying solar jackets, mine and Foos, and we are being detained by law enforcement assbags instead of saving humansity.So Riveras all, What about Flood and the redhead? You helped them, right?Kudos to Inspector Obvious, were o nly living in their loft, spending their money, and hanging our damp towels on their bronzed bodies. I was all, They left. All the vampyres left. Didnt you talk to the Emperor? He saw them get on a boat at the Marina?The Emperor isnt the most dependable witness, Rivera says. And he didnt say anything about those two, but I find it hard to believe that a cat, even a vampyre cat, even a gang of vampyre house cats took down a full-grown parking enforcement officer.So I was like, Chet is not a normal vampyre kitty. Hes huge. to a greater extent huge than normal. Hes getting huger. If you dont let Foo work his mad science skills to cure him, by next week Chet might be dry-humping the Transamerica Pyramid.Foo was nodding like a manga-haired bobblehead. He was all, Truth.The big gay Cavuto cop is all, Can you do that, kid? Can you put this shit storm back in the box?Absolutely, says Foo, when he totally has no clue how to catch Chet. Ill need some time, but leave the handcuffs on, because thats how I work best.Foo can be most nipping when faced with day dwellers less intelligent than himself, which is almost everyone.Kayso, Rivera takes the sleeve of my jacket and starts turning it over, looking at it, all Neanderthal discovers fire face. And hes all, Can you make one of these in a leather sport coat? Forty long?And Im all, Are you coming on to me?And he gagged a little (which was mean), and hes all, No. I am definitely not coming on to you, Allison. Not only are you the most irritating creature on the planet, you are a child.And Im all, A child? A child? Do these belong to a child? And I pulled up my top and flashed him. And not just a flash, a full, glorious boobosity.And he didnt say anything. So I turned my headlights on Foo and the big gay cop.And theyre all, Um-uhr-uhr-um-Im like, Et tu, Foo? Which is Shakespearean for, You traitorAnd I ran into the bedroom and locked the door. I was kind of wishing Id taken a hostage, except really the only weapon I had was a jacket with little light warts all over it, so I was limited to being dangerous to vampyres and emos who get their feelings hurt really easily by my snarky wit.Kayso, then I stared into the dark abyss that is the meaninglessness of human existence, because there was nothing on cable. And in searching the depths of my soul, I saw that I must stop using sex as a weapon, and that I must only use my powers of seduction for good, unless Foo wants to do something freaky, in which case, I can have him sign a waiver. Now, I realize that the only way for me to righteously explore my strength as a woman is to become nosferatu. And since the Countess and Lord Flood wouldnt bring me into the fold, I must find my own way to the blood power.Kayso, in a few minutes Riveras at the door all, Allison, I think youd better come out here. And Im all, Oh no, Inspector, I cant open the door. Ive taken all these pills and everythings all wiggly. Youll have to break the door down.Then Foos all, Abby, plea se come out. I need you. He used his Im sad, wounded, and locked in the castle hover with all my powers gone voice, which I didnt even know he had, but it was tragic and I had to come out and humble myself before the cops like a little bitch, despite my new resolve to partake of the dark gift.So Im all, What?And Rivera is all, Allison, we have an agreement with Mr. Wong. He leave behind stay here and work on a solution to the cat problem, and in return for our not filing charges, you both will say nothing to anyone about our previous-uh-adventures, with Mr. Flood, Ms. Stroud, and any other persons of the blood-drinking persuasion. Nor will we mention any funds that may have changed hands, and who may be in possession of said funds. Agreed?Im all, SweetAnd you have to go home and live with your mother and sister, the evil Hispano cop continued.And Im all, No wayAnd all three of them are shaking their heads at me. And Foo, who is out of handcuffs now, is all, Abby, you have to go wi th them. Youre still a minor and your mom will chuck a spaz if they dont bring you home.And if that happens, well have no choice but to drop a devise on Mr. Wong, said Cavuto.And Foos all, And to defend ourselves well have to tell everyone about everything. So well all be hosed and meanwhile, Chet the huge shaved cat will own the City, summation our relationship and stuff would be strained.And by and stuff, Foo meant that we would lose the love lair and no one would take care of Tommy and Jody, and Foo would have to become love ninja to some big guy in prison. We were owned.I was all, I blame my mother.I offered my wrists to Rivera for the cuffs.And they were all nodding, and Sure, and That works for me. And Yeah, Im good with that.But Rivera didnt put the cuffs on me.And Im all, Can we have a minute to say good-bye?And Rivera nods, so I start to lead Foo into the bedroom.And Rivera is all, Out here.So I unzip Foos pants.And Cavuto grabs my arm and starts to drag me past, so I wa s forced to give Foo only a minor good-bye kiss that brushed his lips like a breeze from the tomb and left a little bit of a black lipstick streak on his cheek.And Im all, I will never forget you, Foo. They may tear us asunder, but our love will endure for eternity.And hes all, Call me when you get home.And Im all, Ill text you on the way.And hes all, Abby Normal, you rock my stripy socks. Which was totally romantic, because he doesnt wear stripy socks. I cried and my mascara smooth in sorrow.Then Cavutos all, Oh for fucks sake. And he starts to lead me out the door, but turns to Foo and goes, Is that your tricked-out yellow Honda downstairs?And Foo is all, Yeah.And Cavutos all, You know its full of rats, right?And Foos all, Yeah.And so I am a prisoner of the dreaded Motherbot and Foo faces the menace of Chet alone. Gotta jet, my sister, Ronnie, is asleep and Im going to Magic Marker a pentagram on her shaved head. L8erz.RIVERA As they were walking away from delivering Abby Normal and her mother to the apartment building in the Fillmore, Cavuto said, You know, if Id had Allison there around when I came out to my dad, I think he would have understood a lot more why I like guys.If the vampire cats victims turn to dust, most wont even be reported unless someone sees the attack, Rivera said, hoping Cavutos train of thought would head on to the next station.Shes so obnoxious, said Cavuto. Like a whole Saturday night drunk tank full of obnoxious packed into one little body.Maybe if we get a cadaver dog, said Rivera.Okay, but dont bitch about how the car smells later, because I want chili and onions.What the fuck are you talk of the town about?Cadaver dogs. You were saying we should go to the ballpark and get cadaver dogs for lunch.I was saying no such thing. I was saying we should get a dog thats trained to sniff out cadavers to help us find the clothing of the victims.Oh, said Cavuto, who didnt want to think about vampires. Sure, that makes sense. So, Barneys Bur gers for lunch then?You buy, Rivera said, as he popped the locks on the unmarked Ford and climbed in.They drove eight blocks down Fillmore Street toward the Marina, before Cavuto said, Shes right, you know? I am a bear.Rivera put on his sunglasses and took a few seconds adjusting them on his face to buy time before he answered with a sigh. Im glad you decided to come clean about that, Nick, because observing your six-foot-three-inch, two-hundred-and-sixty-pound, growling gay personage for the last fourteen years would have never betrayed your true identity, given my dull, homicide detective powers of observation.Your sarcasm is the main suit Alice left you.Really? Rivera had wondered. Alice had said because he was too much of a cop and not enough of a husband, but he had suspicions about her testimony.No, but Im sure it was on the list.Nick, in all our time as partners, have I ever indicated that I wanted to discuss your sexuality?Well, not beyond using it to threaten suspects.And have I ever offered to share the details of my sex life with Alice?I just assumed you didnt have one.Well, thats not really relevant. Im just saying, Im fine with you just the way you are.Mantastic, you mean?Sure, go with that. Although I was thinking more of large and furry, yet afraid of tiny girls.Well, you cant hit her, shes a kid, Cavuto whined.They found parking in a garage near Barneys. Rivera pulled into a no-parking spot (because he could) and shut off the engine. He sat back and looked at the wall in front of them.So, vampire cats, Cavuto said.Yeah, said Rivera.Were fucked, said the big cop.Yeah, said Rivera.
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Doll’s House: a Marriage Revealed
In the play A Dolls House, by Henrik Ibson, Torvald and Nora have an unacceptable espousals that only leads to problems. The mating, and the household, is overrun by male dominance that prevents Nora and Torvald from complete love and marital respect. Relating to the plays name, Torvald treats Nora, and even his children, as his dolls, expecting them to be as he wants. As the play progresses, we see the truth of the. The play was set in the late 1800s, so in this time it was customary for the man to be the provider and the woman do what she is told.However, Torvald took it to the next step in believing that Nora and his kids were thither for him to dictate in every(prenominal) way. Nora doesnt help the situation as she has mystify fully dependent on Torvald, just as she was with her father. Torvald seems to take this to his advantage and uses her for whatever he wants or needs, right down to whom she is supposed to speak, and what she has to tell Torvald. subsequently Krogstad c onfronts Nora about putting in a good word for him, Torvald comes in and begins to question Nora about it, at a point in which they exchange these linguistic communicationHELMER Nora, Nora, and you could fall for that? Talk with that sort of person and promise him anything? And then in bargain, tell me an untruth? NORA An untruth? HELMER Didnt you say that no one had been here? (wagging his finger) My little songbird must never do that again. A songbird needs a clean beak to warble with. No false notes. Thats the way it should be, isnt it? Yes, Im sure of it. And so, enough of that. As it can be seen, Torvald puts the hold on Nora that she can only have veritable relations, and if he asks of something she must tell him everything.This kind of hold can make any serious matter somewhat tense, or even awkward, which is why their marriage lacks anything beyond light and playful. Torvald refers to Nora with nicknames such as squirrel and spendthrift, which are little pet names he has g iven her that show what place he puts her in. He uses these names when he is having her do something he wants her to do, Nora seems to like these names, and whenever referred to as one, she does little dances and acts to keep Torvalds attention.Due to how Noras father was, she is used to this kind of treatment where she is Torvalds doll, and he does with her what he wants. It has made her completely dependent on him and allows him to make every decision for her, from what she and the kids should do, to what costume she is to wear to their party. As the play progresses, we see the realization build up more and more in Nora as things with Krogstad and the loan forgery become more and more involved. She becomes a little more distant form Torvald every time they have a conversation, and his ways dont change.At the end, Torvald receives Krogstads letter revealing what all is truly going on, and that Nora forged her fathers cutaneous senses to get money to save Torvalds life. Krogstad wi ll be using it to his advantage, and Torvald unleashes his anger on Nora, demeaning her and claiming she has practically ruined his life. In the midst of his raid, he lets it all be known HELMER Oh, what an awful awakening In all these eight yearsshe who was my pride and joya hypocrite, a liar worse, worsea criminal How infinitely disgusting it all is The shameI should have suspected something of the kind. I should have known. All your fathers slight values have come out in you. No religion, no morals, no sense of dutyOh, how Im punished for letting him move out I did it for your sake, and you repay me like this Torvald continues on, until Krogstad sends another letter to let Torvald know that things have changed and he needs not to worry. At this point, Torvald begins to act like everything is ok and Nora should feel the same, but she has decided to leave. Nora and Torvald sit down and she begins to tell him how she really feels.She finally realizes that she is his doll, and not even her own person. She now wants to go out on her own and find her own thoughts and beliefs and become someone real. In conclusion, they come to see that in their eight years of marriage, there has never been real adjust love, or any dead on target communication, which ultimately brought the marriage. Torvald doesnt seem to quite grasp it all, or why the greatest miracle would be their living together in a true marriage. But, after all he has put her through, they could never live in true marital bliss, or even with just true feelings towards each other.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Rfid in Pharmacy …
RFID in pharmaceutical Industry In 2004, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has called for the implementation of RFID technology to track the distribution of ethical do drugs drugs in order to protect the medical supply chain from counterfeit drugs by 2007. Initially, California State Board of Pharmacy has mandated RFID technology but after extended implementation date until 2015. In 2007, Kalorama Information predicted in a report that market for RFID solutions in pharmaceutical industry would charge around $3. bn by 2012, but this got affected by the current global recession, extension given by California State Board of Pharmacy, and other challenges regarding implementation of RFID. A current research report of Jan 2010 revised the market for RFID products and services in the pharmaceutical industry that it will be worth $884m (631m) in 2015. In 2008, RFID market was worth around $112m and predicted value of around $884m in 2015, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34 per cent. Of the current market, 60 per cent is believed to be generated by hardwargon, with the remaining 40 per cent coming from software and services.RFID Cost As of today, a RFID slates, which is passive only (read-only) back end store up to 2KB of selective information (96bit successive Number), can cost up to 40 cents US. In case of an supple tag (read and write) can cost between $5 to $10, depending upon the material and type of tag. Benefits/Potentials of RFID Counterfeiting alleviate in fighting against counterfeiting. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that slightly 6 percent of the worlds drugs are counterfeit. Fake prescription drugs costs pharmaceutical companies around US$30 billion each year. Patient safetyThis is also related to counterfeiting, as fake drugs may look and feel bid the real thing, but they are not. A report by WHO indicated that about 93 percent of cases it tracked didnt have the correct amount of active ingredients. Brand protec tion Brand protection is very important for drug manufacturers, as single product-tampering incident can wreak long-term havoc on a companys reputation. Operational efficiency Easy to identify expired or damaged products, and also they can be monitored not to em block upk into another supply or order. Retailers and distributor can have a better and clear understanding of inventory in warehouses.RFID Drivers for the Pharmaceutical Industry RFID presents the authorization to provide tremendous benefits to the pharmaceutical and health care industries. Some of the key benefits projected with the use of RFID include Drugs could be identified easily even if they are inside a container. Counterfeit drugs could be identified easily. Assurance that the ID on the bottle has not been forged or mislabeled. Helps in keeping track for drugs expiry. Helps in fighting against products from being re-imported and resold at lower cost, which were exported to other developing countries. Unlike bar codes, RFID do not required to be in line-of-sight to read product information. If implemented across the whole supply chain, product movement and location can be tracked remotely. More information can be stored on RFID chip and unlike bar code prints, RFID chips can survive harsh conditions. Provides ability to reads more products per second as compare to bar code scanning procedure, requiring less human involvement. Increased potential for reducing clinical trial times by reducing errors and improving delivery accuracy. pic RFID Challenges for the Pharmaceutical Industry Lack of standards in technology i. e. whole supply chain should be using same standard. Unclear or poor businesses case about return-on-investment for pharmaceutical companies Wide spread deployment of RFID technology throughout the supply chain. Cost of implementing RFID infrastructure is very high, which is not attractive for distributors with low profit margin. Passive tag price ranges from 40 cents to $1 USD. A major retailer will have to invest around $400K at each distribution channel. Integration aftermath of RFID with current applications and technical infrastructure. Concerns over which RFID solution to pick which is flexible enough to accommodate multiple business processes. In case of hundreds of read per second, concerns over data quality and synchronization, if tag has been read multiple times or no read at all, or data error while reading and and so forth Privacy and security concerns such as eavesdropping, tracking attack, fraudulent tags and readers, physical tamper attacks, denial of server (DOS) attacks, how much and what information drug manufacturer or supplier will store on tags and etc. pic pic References ttp//www. tompkinsinc. com/publications/competitive_edge/articles/02-04-RFID_Pharma. asp http//www. ascet. com/documents. asp? d_ID=3435 http//www. rfidjournal. com/article/articleview/2435/1/1/ http//scm. ncsu. edu/public/facts/facs030123. htm http//ww w. aimglobal. org/technologies/rfid/rfid_faqs. aspl http//www. atkearney. com/index. php/Publications/busting-the-myths-of-pharma-rfid. html Radio frequency identification technology applications, technical challenges and strategies by Suhong Li, John K. Visich, Basheer M. Khumawala, Chen Zhang.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
An I.T. for a peography vepartment Essay
he geography department need to give bug out letters about a field trip to the Peak District but they need to personalise the letters to devise more appealing to parents. Ms Keeley, the Geography teacher organising the trip, shortly starts the letter with Dear Parent instead of a personalised start like Dear Ms Mir or something like that. The Improved System An modify way of doing it would be using mail merge to personalise the letter by using peoples names, addresses, job occupations, etc. I depart use word processor to solve her problem. Why use IT?We use IT because you trick edit and delete, be more presentable (therefore easier to read), and print multiple copies. You can also put in logos. Justification of Hardware and Software Hardware Specification Benefit of choice Home PC Intel Pentium 3 processor footrace at 866 MHz E. g. Mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc Good value for money, easy to get hold of. Easy to get programs for it. I can use a floppy discus to transf er from home to school. Printer Laser HP 2100 6-9 prints per min as against 2-3 for an inkjet. 30 copies printed to a laser equals 5 minutes. To an inkjet it equals to 15 minutes.A cartridge on a laser is i 20 that does 600 copies. But on an inkjet it is i 60 and does 6000 copies. Therefore a printout will cost 10 times more. So, a Laser printer is good quality, cheaper and easier to run. Software Specification Benefit of choice denomination processor Microsoft Word- Mail merge form letters, envelopes, mailing labels Formatting- font, margins Editing- spelling and grammar checking Choosing Word rather than Publisher or WordPad is better because You dont have to draw text boxes It will look professional The Word lay out is perfect for a letter Word has more accessories Database SIMS.You dont have to transfer it to anywhere else e. g. Excell Quantitative Objectives The Geography Department want me to make personalised letters to pupils wanting to go on the trip. The letters need to It inevitably to look professional It needs to have neat presentation It needs a logo It needs to be personalized It needs to have the pupils name, addresses What Next? I will need to talk to Ms Keeley and find out what she needs to have on the letters. I will produce a number of solutions for her to choose which one she prefers. I will then implement the elect solution and test it. I will finally ask her to evaluate the letter.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Exorcism of Emily Rose Essay
Although demonic possession is not an appealing subject, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, order by Scott Derrickson, presents many Catholic teachings and is important to watch and understand the reality of the Devil. This movie, in depth, shows the straight evilness of the Devil and has many themes that go along with it. So what is it that makes possessed person so scary, its only actors right? The reality of demonic possession is so frightening in this film in that respect is no doubt about the reality of the devil after watching. The reality of the devil is displayed in many ways. For example, one of the most obvious displays is when the lawyer is affected. She goes home office to her apartment and the devil starts messing with her, opening doors and intimidating her. Another way that the reality of this exorcism creates horror in the viewers is that it is based on a true story.The girl that was possessed was named Anneliese Michel from Germany. Both of these displays of the reality of the devil show the power of evil as well as the power of the divine. Emily, or Anneliese, is possessed by the devil and her body is taken over, showing this power. These events have many effects on the audience. It makes them think about the reality of possession and challenges them to come to their own catch about possession. Another effect on the audience is the realization that facts are interpretations and not forever concrete. Although the prosecutors brought in doctors to prove the priests neglect, they did not have anything that truly eliminated the phantasmal possibility.Another major and important theme in the Exorcism of Emily Rose is the concept of the victim soul and redemption is possible. With this in The Exorcism of Emily Rose, it is seen that the good always overcomes evil. Erin Bruner, the defense lawyer says Either these things exist, or they dont. This means that she believes it is a fact that if there is a God, there is a devil and if there is a devil, th ere is a God. This was a good defense because it was an emphasized point that the prosecutor was as methodist, therefore he believes in God, leading to him HAVING to believe in the Devil.The Exorcism of Emily Rose is such a worthwhile film to watch because of its accurate interpretation of the supernatural and evil world. Scott Derrickson developed the reality and conception of the victim soul phemonionally inthis movie. This movie is very important in demonstrating the true evilness of the devil, and true redemption offered by God.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Enron and Corporate Ethics Essay
On December 2, 2001, Enron Corporation, then the seventh largest publicly traded corporation in the United States, stated bankruptcy. That bankruptcy saw thousands of Enron employees and shareholders losing their jobs and their investments. Enrons fall sent shockwaves to all corners of the business world. A Fortune four hundred come with with all the appearances of stability and corporate soundness, the companionships collapse was unthinkable. For here was a company who grew by leaps and bounds in so short a time a company who came from abstruseness to national prominence as the worlds largest in terms of revenue.But like anything else if it is besides good to be true it probably is. Unlike most bankruptcies which are caused by poor heed and stiff competition, Enrons demise appears simple enough individual and collective greed. It was shameless greed that motivated company officials to dupe thousands of honest individuals out of their hard earned money money that ran up to jillions (Nakayama, 2002). The bunco was unearthed just like any other scam when people start getting suspicious.Enron was generating a cumulus of revenues it was a smokescreen that allowed the company to attract more investors. period revenue generation was at memorialise highs, profit was scant and minimal a fact many people overlooked until it was too late. Enrons mirage was selling the same things over and over and over again. The illusion was the company was generating this much sales but the reality was on that point was barely any profit made. Like everything else in hindsight, it is now clear that promulgate tale signs were all over Enrons 2000 Annual Report.Still questions remain as to how a company that paraded its own Code of Ethics be so shamelessly unethical, a corporation that prides itself as having a reputation for fairness and honesty be so downright ruthless, callous and arrogant. Beyond the dollars and cents, the Enron debacle offers a new textbook examp le of failed ethics in business (Berenbeim, 2002). ENRONs 2000 Annual Report example signs Most of the investigation on Enrons finances has focused on its balance sheetit describe an otherworldly increase in revenue Between 1996 and 2000, Enron inform an increase in sales from $13. billion to $100. 8 billion a 57% five-year sales growth rate.The company more than doubled its inform sales between 1999 and 2000. Looking back then, this was a sign that the company appeared too good to be true. Before it declared bankruptcy, Enron said it was on track to double revenue again the next year. Had it by with(p) so, it would have become the second-largest corporation in the world in terms of sales. According to Forbes. com, Enrons reported revenue was based on its exploitation of a loophole in accounting rules a tactic that whitethorn have been legal, but few investors understood it (Ackman, 2002).Forbes. com goes on to say that Enron earned more than 90% of its revenue from a busin ess it calls wholesale services, Enrons euphemism for trading. Here is how its 2000 annual report describes that activity Enron builds wholesale businesses through the creation of networks involving selective asset ownership, contractual access to third-party assets and market-making activities. Yet again, another warning sign. Footnotes in the annual report for 2000, also show hints of the hidden debt that pushed the company into bankruptcy.According to Businessworld, a footnote on pet stock indicates that if Enrons share price were to fall below $48. 55which first occurred on June 14the company would be obliged to issue stock to a partnership called Whitewing Associates (Tergesen, A. 2002). Other footnotes reveal like arrangements. True, Enron never put a dollar value on its potential obligations, and the footnotes did not divulge the design of the partnerships. But enough was revealed to suggest that investors were not getting a full view of the companys finances. Enron and its Code of EthicsEnron trumpeted its own Code of Ethics, but based upon investigation by the U. S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, it willfully and shamelessly violated the very code it promised to upheld (U. S Subcommittee on Investigations, 2002). In its decision, the Subcommittee cited, among others, the following (1) fiducial Failure. The Enron hop on of Directors failed to safeguard Enron shareholders and contributed to the collapse of the seventh largest public company in the United States, by allowing Enron to get in high peril accounting, inappropriate conflict f interest transactions, extensive undisclosed off-the-books activities, and ebullient executive hire.The Board witnessed numerous indications of questionable practices by Enron management over several years, but chose to drop them to the detriment of Enron shareholders, employees and business associates. (2) High Risk Accounting. The Enron Board of Directors knowingly allowed Enron to engage i n high risk accounting practices (Thomas, 2002). (3) Inappropriate Conflicts of Interest. Despite clear conflicts of interest, the Enron Board of Directors approved an unprecedented arrangement allowing Enrons party boss FinancialOfficer to establish and operate the LJM private equity funds which transacted business with Enron and profited at Enrons expense. The Board exercised inadequate oversight of LJM transaction and compensation controls and failed to protect Enron shareholders from unfair dealing. (4) Extensive Undisclosed Off-The-Books Activity. The Enron Board of Directors knowingly allowed Enron to conduct billions of dollars in off-the-books activity to make its pecuniary condition appear better than it was and failed to visualize adequate public disclosure of material off-the-books liabilities that contributed to Enrons collapse. 5) Excessive Compensation.The Enron Board of Directors approved excessive compensation for company executives, failed to monitor the cumulati ve cash drain caused by Enrons 2000 annual bonus and cognitive process unit plans, and failed to monitor or halt abuse by Board Chairman and Chief executive director Officer Kenneth Lay of a company-financed, multi-million dollar, personal credit line. (6) Lack of Independence. The independence of the Enron Board of Directors was compromised by financial ties between the company and certain Board members.The Board lso failed to ensure the independence of the companys auditor, allowing Andersen to go out internal audit and consulting services while serving as Enrons outside auditor. Conclusion While Enrons officials were caught and brought before the bars of justice, many wonder how widespread the lack of corporate ethics is in the business world. Greed they say is universal. Who knows what will be the next Enron. As long as there are CEOs, CFOs who disregard the simplest form of business decorum there will always be an Enron story. permits hope that people will not forget that s tory and profit from it.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Okonkwo Character Analysis
To help you, my dear kinsperson, learn the importance of non permit your personal flaws be the reason for your downfall, I must tell you ab push through our former clans existence, Okonkwo. I watched as his weaknesses and pride brought him down to the point of suicide, which is the escape of cowards. He killed himself because he felt like he had nothing left to live for. Instead of facing a new-made, changed life in Umuofia, he escaped by taking his own. Before his downward spiral, Okonkwo was known as a self-determined and hard-working objet dart who worked hard to earn umpteen an(prenominal) titles amongst our clan.Listen as I explain Okonkwos character. Okonkwos father was Unoka, who was loved by all amongst the clan. He was tall hardly very thin and had a slight s likewisep. He wore a haggard and pathetic look except when he was drinking or playing on his flute (4). Unoka was lazy and had m some(prenominal) debts that he didnt pay off yet he was loved. Okonkwo grew up o bserving his dad substance through life by living off others. But Unoka was such a man that he always succeeded in borrowing more, and piling up debts (5).Okonkwo watched his father be pitied because he couldnt feed his wives or children. At his death, Unoka had no titles and he was still greatly in debt. Any wonder then that his son Okonkwo was ashamed of him? (7) Due to his fathers example, Okonkwo knew he wanted to achieve great things and he was determined he would become the opposite of his father. This aspect of Okonkwos character leads him to success. Okonkwo succeeded materially in our clan. unmatchable particular point of recognition happened when he fought Amanlize the Cat.Amanlize the Cat had not been defeated in seven years, and so when Okonkwo defeated him at the young age of eighteen he became well known throughout our clubhouse villages. Okonkwo continued to grow into a great man. He was tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look. When he walked his heels hardly touched the ground and he seemed to walk on springs (3). With his hard work he earned three wives, found financial security, ran a successful yam farm, produced multiple children, construct several huts, and received many titles.Unfortunately, as sometimes happens with great men, Okonkwo had flaws. He had a temper, no self-control, he was over confidant, and he beat his poor wives. His most serious flaw was his pride. safe as hed hoped, Okonkwo became the total opposite of his dad who had been a lazy debtor. His dad had as well as been a peace loving and kind man who was loved by all in our villages and Okonkwo could not say the same. An instance where Okonkwo let his pride cloud his judgment is when he participated in the killing of Ikemefuna, a son he was raising as his own son. Okonkwo thought of Ikemefuna as the perfect son.Okonkwo liked that his biologic son Nwoye and Ikemefuna were getting along because he was afraid of Nwoyes lack of manliness. Okonkwo felt that Nwoye hanging around Ikemefuna would make him more of a man. Trouble arose when the Oracle in his village decided that Ikemefuna had to die because he was interfering with Okonkwo and his oldest son, Nwoyes, relationship. Okonkwo was warned in advanced not to participate in the killing of Ikemefuna, but he did at least because he was afraid of what the other men in the tribe would think of him if he didnt participate.Okonkwo was too hard-pressed that he would be viewed as weak. His pride drove him to help kill a boy he loved as a son and this greatly harmed his relationship with Nwoye. Okonkwo was also too worried close to Nwoye becoming womanly like his father, Unoka, and he didnt realize how he was hurting his family with his ruffianly and stubborn nature. Later on there was an instance when Okonkwos carelessness leads him to accidently kill a woman from our village.The custom in our village is to acquit a man for seven years for such a crime a nd therefore Okonkwo went to his mothers village, Mbanta. As the elders said, if one finger brought oil it soiled the others (106). afterwards seven long years of exile in his mothers village, Okonkwo returned to his village eager to number 1 his life by building more huts and showing his wealth. When Okonkwo came back to Umuofia he expected his wealth to pose him in the same circumstances as before his exile. The clan had undergone such profound change during his exile that it was barley recognizable (150). You see, the missionaries had come into the church and attracted many of our people to it.This changed our clan remarkable with all the new people. He knew that he had lost his place among the nine masked spirits who administered justice in the clan (140). In addition to the new religion that is to this day so different and odd to us, they built a government. In his pride, Okonkwo figured that he could go to war with the new white people, but this turned out to be harder than he expected. Once he went to war he kept being defeated and at last Okonkwos anger got the best of him and he actually killed another man. It was useless.Okonkwos machete descended twice and the mans head lay beside his uniformed body (168). Okonkwo felt worthless, like his life meant nothing any more. Instead of facing the new changes in his clan, he went the cowardly way out through suicide. This man of our clan who had worked hard to become great in order to overcome the shame from his childhood and who had built wealth in our village allowed his pride to be his ruin. What Okonkwo did to end his own life was incredibly self-centred and he took the cowards way out.He killed others in his violent temper, he killed a boy who was like a son to him, and in the end, he killed himself. The only last noble thing Okonkwo did was try and stand up to fight and save our clan from being taken over by the white people. Okonkwo was a wedge and a warrior, but in the end everything he worked for was meaningless. Heed my warnings. Learn from your past to improve your future, but dont allow your past to cloud your judgment and make you too prideful about your own negative qualities.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Literature Review Essay
Meaning, those who argon without a home, that live on the street, abandoned create/make-shift expression/in parks and people who live in shelters. The precarious definition involves those who are at an at hand(predicate) risk of being homeless. They include those who are temporarily doubled up with family or fri arrests and those who are in substandard housing. Traditional characteristics of homeless people vs. the new homeless Meanwhile, the definition of homelessness seem to fall low certain subgroups. Causes of h*omeless families These families end up being homeless as a result of sociostructural and genial factors. The socio cultural factors involve changing labor markets, poverty, the housing carcass, and the nature of the welfare state while the mental factors reflect individual agency, including alcohol dependence, substance use, social and behavioral problems. Other examples that seem to fall nether both factors include a loss of benefits, eviction and domestic violen ce and the like.African Americans and other ethnical groups are found disproportionately among homeless families. Frequently, the grows may end up in these situations that lead to homelessness because of a mental illness, substance abuse addiction and almosttimes from an unfortunate circumstance such as losing their pedigree without any form of maternity leave pay while there are in the by and by stages of pregnancy Unfortunately, would comes next is a fresh mother and infant in a family shelter or doubled up with family or friends.Obviously, homelessness places a tremendous amount of stress on a mother with unfortunate and or limited resources. Experiences of families with children in family shelters Parents in shelters that are separated from their children Shockingly, research reveals that little tutelage is given to the homeless children who are often times taken from their biological parents (by child welfare work) because of some form of abuse and neglect experienced th roughout homelessness and are placed in foster care. oftentimes times, these children are already traumatically affected by the sad conditions that cause them to be separated from their family but they are further wounded through the constant changes in placement in regards to foster care. Thus, these changes affect their speedy and future development and mental health. Numerous children in foster care have poor developmental, mental and educational outcomes. Often times they are released from foster care without any counseling or interpolation and are left to fend for themselves.Many of them struggle as they transition from foster care to young adulthood and will succumb to poor choices that will prevent them from obtaining an optimal level of health. Current insurance policy initiatives In an effort to discourage panhandling, the bailiwick law warmheartedness on home(a)lessness and Poverty, reports on a value of 50 largest cities of the U. S. noting 86% of these cities have enacted anti-panhandling laws and 73% have enacted laws against sleeping in public places. Over half(prenominal) of the surveyed cities remove homeless people from the public eye.This practice is widespread in cities where there are shortages of tinge shelters and affordable housing. Additionally, the Bringing America Home Bill, aimed at ending homelessness in the U. S. , supported by an huge campaign and with 57 sponsors, never became law. The NCH also reports that federal agencies such as HUD interpret homelessness very narrowly. In addition to the number of federal and state government agencies aimed at tackling homelessness, there is also a National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) a nonprofit organization that targetspublic and private sectors for a united effort to end homelessness.The NAEH recommends four proactive steps to b taken simultaneouslyto end homelessness planning for outcomes (by identifying real needs) closing the drive door (by shifting the flow of incent ives toward prevention) opening the back door (by helping people exit homelessness quickly) and building the infrastructure (by changing homeless assistance to improve the supply of affordable housing and providing adequate income and services for the disadvantaged. ) In a policy environment as complex as the U. S. there are intelligibly a wide range of public and private initiatives aimed at reducing or alleviating homelessness, including the National Center on Family Homelessness, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, HomeAidAmerica, Home Base and Homes for the Homeless.Home Base and Homes for the Homeless is an initiative that attempts to address the many interrelated issues that support a family in maintaining a house (including needs assessment, counseling and access to healthcare and housing search assistance, as well as skills for independent living. Adequacy of the body of research Reforms needed The literature revea ls that child welfare services needs to implement much strategies to help homeless families from every vantage point (i. e. singlet more interest in public shelters, Child Welfare Services should play a more explicit role in the financing, development and management of transitional and permanent, supportive housing programs for cross-system involved families and so forth ) This assistance would likely reduce their homelessness and outcomes of out of home placements and negative consequences of homelessness for children and their families. And finally, a more comprehensive system of housing assistance, that assured poor families of stable, affordable, and adequate housing, could both reduce the incidence of homelessness and abuse and neglect.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Gone with the wind Essay
1.Give a summary of the ledger. Include the plot, the locomote contravention and its climax and so on.2.Give the character that you identify most? Why?3.What is the setting of the account and how does it mint the twaddle? What would happen if the stratum was set in a nonher time or setting?4.What ar the major(ip) conflicts in this story? How would maintain Jesus reacted to one of the conflicts in the story?Gone With the clueGone with the pencil lead is one of best novel I commit ever accept. It is also the greatest deal story ever written. It is set during the Ameri shtup obliging war (1861) in which the S extincthern states (the Confederacy) attempt to exonerate themselves from the northern states.The main character of this story was the confreretiful Scar permitt OHara. Her father, Gerald OHara was an old Irishman who possess a big cotton plantation named Tara. He also owned tens of slaves who worked for him. Scarletts develop was Ellen OHara and she was one of the kindest and most respected ladies in the county. All her life, Scarlett OHara wanted to be bid her m framinger(a) Ellen. The main OHaras neighbors included the Wilkeses, the Tarletons, and the Calverts.As she was the most beautiful girl in the whole county, she had umteen beaux comp bed to any girl in the county. Almost all told the boys were in the county were in whop with her. hardly the Tarleton twins, brent and Stuart, whom Scarlett liked hanging out with were twice madly in love with her compared to any opposite boys. But the problem was that Scarlett didnt love them. Shewas madly in love with Ashley Wilkes, her neighbor. She believed that Ashley Wilkes and her were ache in mindt to be to determineher and neither the glide slope civil war nor the Tarleton twins were outlet to change that.But then, Scarlett learnt from the twins that the love of her life Ashley was expiry to join his cousin Melanie Hamilton. She could hardly believe this and depression suddenly took the better part of her. Luckily, the Wilkeses organized a barbecue in which they were going to announce Ashley Wilkes engagework forcet to his cousin. Scarlett planned to tell Ashley that she love him and he would intimate to her and forget about his cousin Melanie. and then maybe they would elope.But at the Wilkes barbecue, her plan didnt succeed. Ashley told her that he loved his cousin Melanie because they were alike blood wise and they were alike in many other ways. Now, since they didnt want to be heard by others as they were having their secret talk they decided to do it in the library. Unfortunately after(prenominal) they had finished their talk and Ashley had left the library, Scarlett started crying. Then from the back of the library, a man appeared, with an deplorable smile on his face. Scarlett knew that he had been listening to their conversation. His name was Rhett unlessler and Scarlett told him that he was no gentleman and she was send extraneous to hear t hat she was no lady.To necessitate Ashley Wilkes feel jealous, Scarlett married the timid and shy Charles Hamilton who was Melanie brother. Every boy who was in love with Scarlett was furious and scour the Tarletons twins swore to kill Charles. Then the war started, and before all the workforce went to the war, Scarlett married Charles and Melanie married Ashley on the same wedding and day. Within two weeks of her marriage, Scarlett was already a leave behind as Charles Hamilton died in the war due pneumonia. But this didnt worry Scarlett as she didnt love Charles. But she was sad as Ashley had married another chick and he had gone with her. So everybody involved this, and estimate that she was mourning for her husbands terminal Charles.Scarlett left her home Tara to Atlanta as her parents thought that a changeof scene would reduce her stress and depression. She was happy because she moving to the Hamilton house where Melanie used to weather and also, the half of the house was hers. Through Melanie maybe she would learn how Ashley was doing finished the mail he sent to her. For a second time, Scarlett met Rhett butler who was by at one time a blockader, as the Yankees were not allowing the Confederates to trade with other countries with nations through the Eastern United States port search New York.Gone with the wind, is a rather big appropriate and hence hard to summarize, but this is what happened next briefly. The Yankees took over Atlanta and Scarlett had to go back to Tara. Then after the Yankees had taken over the south, the former confederate had to pay high revenuees for their homes. Scarlett didnt want to lose Tara she didnt have the silver to pay the taxes. To get the money, she married abrupt Kennedy, her sister beau and got the money. But then, uncivil died in KKK and Scarlett was left a leave behind again.Scarlett was tired of wait for Ashleys love, so she married Rhett pantryman who loved her so untold although he didnt tell h er. But she didnt love him. Then, Melanie Wilkes, died during childbearing and Scarlett thought that she had a shot her love Ashley. She was surprised to know that Ashley didnt love her but but loved his wife Melanie who now dead. She was so sad and it didnt take her long to put down out that the only person who ever loved her was Rhett Butler. But when she went to him, she was surprised to know that he was tired of waiting for her love and also he had provided lost his beloved daughter Bonnie whom he had substituted with Scarlett as the most important thing in his heart.So there was Scarlett. All life she had loved a man whom didnt love her. She had loved Ashley Wilkes, and thrice she destroyed her marriages for his sakes, all in the name of love. A love that didnt exist, a love that she created herself and never got t enjoy her creation not even a bit, what a waste it was. Margaret Mitchel was a genius author and I was so sorry when I read gone with the wind for the second tim e, I will never be able to read it for as the second time, only a third, maybe.2. Gone with the wind is rather a large and decomposable book with different character that is worth identifying and naming. But the main characters that I mostly identify are Scarlett OHara the beautiful, cunning, crafty and the farsighted, Rhett Butler the arrogant and the wealthy. Also Melanie and Ashley were wildly mentioned in the story but not as more than as Scarlett and Rhett Butler .2b. I identify most with Scarlett O Hara and Rhett Butler as they have something I believe I have. Both Scarlett are hard workers. They both make ends recreate to achieve what they want. Also to, they both dont cares, which I find fascinating, because sometimes, I feel like the biggest dont care in the world. You might not understand what I am talking about, here is a look of both the characters from the book.vScarlett OHara you miss, are no lady) said Rhett Butler to Scarlett. (Pg. 122) I am a monster of selfishne ss said Scarlett OHara. (Pg. 584). She is the main character overall. Almost every beau in the county is in love with her at the beginning and every girl hate her for that Although she is madly in love with Ashley Wilkes who doesnt really lover her, she marries Charles Hamilton just to make Ashley Wilkes feel jealous. She then becomes a widow within two weeks after Charles is killed in the war (pg129). Being a widow doesnt mean she a mourner because she didnt really love Charles. All she cares about is the love of her life Ashley Wilkes. Scarlett faces major difficulties when the Yankees make their way to Atlanta and she has to escape back to her farm Tara. With only one horse, and a mechanically bogus carriage and three children, sick Melanie and herself, she travels ten of miles until she riches Tara. (pg. 383) at Tara she finds that her heroic mother figure is dead and her father has gone crazy.Other struggles of Scarlett include when the Yankees tries to kick her family out of T ara due to unpaid tax and she had to leave for Atlanta to look for money from the rich Rhett Butler only to find that he is in prison. She secretly schemes to cheat and hook up with her sister Suellen beaux, Frank Kennedy, so that she can get the tax money from him. She succeeds and becomes Mrs. Kennedy. She really bullies Frank Kennedy and make him look less than man especially when she buy and starts managing the sawmills. Fortunately for her, Frank is shotduring a KKK cons sureing. After being widow for a while, she marries Rhett Butler who loved her so much and gave anything that he wanted. But the only problem is, she couldnt love him because she was still in love with Ashley Wilkes. By the time she realizes Ashley couldnt love her, and that she was in love with Rhett Butler, it was too late because Rhett was tired of waiting for her love and he had just lost his most favorite daughter. Her favorite phrase was God NightgownvRhett Butler You are no gentleman said Scarlett to R hett. (pg.122). Nobody including his family could receive Rhett Butler to their homes before the civil war. He was an outcast in his hometown Charleston because he disgraced a girl and refused to marry. But the thing was, Rhett Butler didnt care what other thought of him. Other peoples opinion didnt move him. When he saw Scarlett at the Wilkes barbecue, he instantly fell in love with her and told himself the day he was going to marry her it would be his lucky day. During the civil war, the Yankees did not allow the Confederacy to trade with the Europeans or any other part of the world through the port of New York City. It was know as the renowned Blockade. Then Rhett Butler a wise and corrupted man made a pact with the Yankees, in that they would sell him goods of all kind. He then go to the confederate, tell them how hard it was to run the blockade, which he very didnt and sell his goods to them at double price. The somehow people found out it.3. Gone with the wind would not have been such a big success if it werent set during the American civil war. Dont get me wrong here. I am not trying to imply that the book is a historical record of the civil war. It is a love story. At the before the civil war, we meet Stuart and Brent Tarleton who are both madly in love with Scarlett and who believe that one of them is going to marry her (pg. 4). We also meet Ashley Wilkes who is planning to marry his cousin Melanie Wilkes. The OHara sisters, Suellen who is in love with Frank Kennedy, disceptation who is in love with Brent Tarleton who by the way is in love with Scarlett. There many other three-year-old people that I will not mention who had sweet hearts and were planning to get married. Then came the news that the war was going to start with a few days and that all the young men available were to leave and join the army. This meant the youngsweethearts were either to get married before the men left for the war or there could wait until the war was over. Well some couple got married other decided to wait.The example I have in mind is when Scarlett OHara married Charles Hamilton but when Charles left for the war, he died within less than two weeks. (Pg. 129) If Charles happened to live, then we would have no story because Scarlett wouldnt have the freedom to marry other men, which she did and made the story deserve to be read at a sitting. The setting made the story more real, entertaining and worth reading. It was a love story because young girls got to lose their sweethearts in the war and then the author would show us how they got to survive, get other lovers and so on. if the story was set on other setting such as the modern times, let say the year 2003 instead of 1861-5, it wouldnt be such a successful love story because nothing of much significant has happened that affects young sweethearts apart from STDs which dont mostly affect true and faithful lovers.If the story were set maybe in the middle ages or the renaissance, it would have be en quite a boring book to read. Most people dont want to read how the plague touch young lovers, and there wasnt romantic love didnt exists as wildly as it did in the 19th century. But on the other it would be a more interesting love story if it was set during the time of chivalry and brave knights and so on. Sir Walter Scotts Ivanhoe was a capacious success as a romantic story and so was the Alexander Dumass The three Musketeer set during 1665 during the reign of Louis the just or the 8th. But none can, or is near the Margaret Mitchel Gone with the wind What a pity.4. This is a huge book with almost tens of conflicts and I shall try to get the major conflicts.vThey is an inner conflict between the Tarletons twins, as they are both deeply in love with Scarlett, but they are not sure among them whom she is going to choose among them, then they are surprised out of their wits when she chooses the timid and shy Charles HamiltonvThere is a ordinary conflict between the union and the Confederacy as the Union refuses to recognize it as a free state. This leads to the civil war, which is the general setting of the great novel.vAshley has an inner conflict whether he loves Scarlett or not which leads to the biggest conflict in the book which isvThere are other smaller conflicts, which I would take hours and tens of pages to name and analyze, so I will just, move to the major conflict.vScarlett is madly in love with Ashley Wilkes who finds it difficult to make it clear to her that he is only in love with his cousin Melanie and is only attracted to Scarlett because of her beauty (pg.118). This end up causing much problem to Scarlett because she end up marrying men she didnt love. Married Frank Kennedy just to save Tara form being taken away by the Yankees because of the taxes, where by the way Ashley and his family were taking refuge. She also marries Rhett Butler whom she didnt love because she was tired of waiting for Ashleys love. And then, Ashleys wife Melanie di es during childbirth and Scarlett know that she has her chance to marry love of her life, but she gets the surprise of her lifetime,vWhat you have gone throughOh Ashley, you should have known, years ago, that you loved her and not me Why didnt you Everything would have been so different, so-Oh you should have and not kept me dangling with all your talk about honor and sacrifice If you told me long me, years ago, Id haveIt would have killed me but I would have it somehow. But you wait till now, till Melly dying, to find it out and now it is too late to do anythingYou should have seen so clearly that you wanted me likelike Rhett that Watling charr said Scarlett to Ashley (pg.1002)vJesus ReactionThroughout the book, we see that Scarlett is driven to do most of the thing she does because of the love she has for Ashley. She marries Charles to make Ashley feel jealous, she marries Frank Kennedy to save Tara where Ashley was residing. She even makes him a manager of one of her mills so th at she can stay closer to him. Ashley on the other is attracted physically to Scarlett but he isnt sure whether he she for her. Both of this people are married. What they did, according to Jesus, they Committed Adultery Matthew 527-29 says (Jesus) but now I tell you anyonewho looks at a woman and wants to posses to her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart So, both Scarlett and Ashley perpetrate adultery and according to Jesus, Matthew 529-30 so if you right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it awayIt is better than you to lose apart of your body than to go to hell How I get is, Jesus would have advised to stop what they, to tell to show them that they were committing sins in the eyes of our God the creator. He then would have given time to redeem himself and if it didnt work, he would declare them sinners and St. Paul said that the reward of sins is death And so did Jesus, but he wouldnt be that harsh, he is and was Jesus Christ
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Thinkers In Ancient Greece And In The Enlightenment Education Essay
AbstractionIn the centuries between old-fashioned Greece and the erudition, revolutions irrevocably altered the position quo in legion(predicate) Fieldss. One of the largest beginnings of extremist alteration was found in the counseling system. Whether analysing the methods of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, or bloody shame Wollstonecraft, the sizeableness of the parts made by each mind is manifested non merely in their several consequence, yet similarly in the youthful universe. The or so of import differences in the commandment systems of the Enlightenment and Ancient Greece dissimulation non in the lessons taught, but in their deductions on pupils and alliance. The displacements in liberal attitudes held by the minds of these periods, the focal height and importance of humanist disciplines instruction, and the function of mature young-bearing(prenominal)s in the takeroom be the extreme representations of alteration between two of the most radical periods in history.Thinkers in Ancient Greece and in the EnlightenmentAncient Greek minds Sappho, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are arguably the most placestanding educational revolutionists of the period, and their replies sing inquiries of humanity, citizenship, truth and morality have held influence relevant beyond their obsolete ages ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Murphy argues that Sappho s educational political orientations revolved around cultivating the pupil as a total trance besides functioning as a wise man for immature self-aggrandizing females in order to better their abilities as married womans and Greeks, while Socrates questioned the function of the instructor in inquiring inquiries to formulate their pupils abilities known as the Socratic Method and the importance of the morality in the schoolroom ( 2006 ) . Socrates besides argued that the last-ditch donee in kindly instruction was society itself ( Harris, 2009 ) . Influenced by the methods and the ories of Sappho and Socrates, Plato and Aristotle developed their ain doctrines Plato s political orientations argued that the intent of instruction is to assist the pupils to turn and develop their character, ( Murphy, 2006 ) and that instruction is straight correlated and catered to those who will take over force in their evidence. Aristotle saw instruction as enquiry into everything, plus airing of the hold on point cognition, particularly when separating between right and incorrect ( Harris, 2009 ) .While the minds in Ancient Greece aimed to infrastand the human mentality and how to outdo cultivate it, radical heads in the Enlightenment sought to understand the deductions of this cultivation. In a ken sing schools in the Enlightenment conducted by Owens ( 2011 ) , it was found that early schools focused on instilling pupils with worthy cognition to i?rst be good members of the church, and secondly be good Christian members of their immediate community. salient minds of the Enlightenment, including Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke and bloody shame Wollstonecraft held positions that built upon the Ancient Greek foundation of instruction. Rousseau s purposes, as argued by Jonathan Israel ( 2012 ) , were to guarantee that instruction and nature were in harmoniousness he advocated sex single outd instruction under the comprehension that males and females of course learned in different ways. Authority, Rousseau argued, could non be used as a instruction method if a kid was taught under a rigorous authorization, they would larn nil but the power of this force ( Zuckerman, 2012 ) . John Locke sought a liberated pupil. Through attainment a natural comparison ( Ruderman & A Godwin, 2000 ) , therefore leting him to use his rules in a general manner, Locke opposed political intercession and separationism in instruction while recommending for the modern thought of home-schooling. Mary Wollstonecraft has been hailed as the outstanding femi nist educator of the Enlightenment ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Her educational theories included speculations on Locke s doctrine and the Socratic Method done recommending compare for adult females in the schoolroom and in society, Wollstonecraft was able to construct her theories around moral individualities of pupils and the deductions of gender on instruction ( Murphy, 2006 ) .The attitudes of minds in Ancient Greece revolved around groking the basic capablenesss of human cognition, while their Enlightenment-based opposite add up sought the ability to construct upon and use these instructions in order to make an ideal pupil. assort theories, such as the Socratic Method or John Locke s clean slate charge to instruction, have been introduced through these minds and their prevalence in the schoolroom is still noteworthy. The displacements between centuries manifest themselves in the sense impression of higher believing achieved by the philosophers of the Enlightenment without Ancient Greek contemplations on character ripening through instruction, there could be no doctrine sing how best to use and maximise the potency of the head.The survey of an Humanistic disciplines EducationIn a duologue between Ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Glaucon, in which the virtues and hurts of an humanistic disciplines instruction are debated, the value of groking poesy or engaging in art, Socrates argues, is good merely for personal growing there can be small to no benefit for the province ( Of what value is humanistic disciplines instruction? , 2002 ) . traditionalistic instruction in Ancient Greece necessitated merely a basic comprehension of the humanistic disciplines for male pupils while females were taught primarily through dance, vocal and poesy ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The end of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle was to accomplish a virtuous pupil through instruction merely Sappho aimed to accomplish this virtuousness entirely through demonstrating and learning t he humanistic disciplines to her pupils with the ultimate end of doing them nubile ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The position of the pupil as a animal necessitating to be tamed with cognition left field no room for the docile chase of groking the humanistic disciplines. Ancient Greece, though the pinnacle of early progressive thought in the field of instruction, focused more entirely on the cultivation of people who could give their able heads to society instead than lending their exactness for understanding the humanistic disciplines.Jean-Jacques Rousseau contributed assorted positions on the deductions of learning pupils the humanistic disciplines. He argued that if his co-workers taught scientific disciplines and the humanistic disciplines as a exclusive course of study, they would be destroying the state s kids by fixing them for leisure and enjoyment, alternatively of for labor, for luxury alternatively of asceticism, for refinement alternatively of simpleness ( Israel, 2012 ) . Sing the deficiency of humanistic disciplines in Sparta, Rousseau viewed the early metropolis as oppressive to poets, and its abilities to throw out from its walls artists a point of virtuousness an inflexible sense of moral virtuousness and instruction could non be intertwined with misrepresented chases if successful teaching method were to be achieved ( 2012 ) . While the Enlightenment was a clip of higher eruditeness and diverse thought, the purposes of instruction were to cultivate reasonability in pupils and give them the tools to successfully oppugn their universe ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Friedrich Froebel advocated the usage of these tools in humanistic disciplines instruction, as he believed kids could heighten larning through hands-on comprehension and develop a independent sense of drama and creativeness ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Cultivating the whole kid, it could be argued, included guaranting all of their possible involvements were explored, irrespective of social benefits.The end s of minds in the Enlightenment in mention to instruction frequently overlap their methodological analysis of accomplishment, nevertheless, shows evident contempt or intent for cultivating the disingenuous gustatory sensations of the pupil. The benefits associated with teaching pupils about humanistic disciplines, as argued by Socrates, could be merely personal, or, as argued by Rousseau, largely useless in society. Basically, the deductions of learning pupils about the humanistic disciplines are still considered in modern instruction. Between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment, positions became more polarizing sing the humanistic disciplines, and the development of course of study in both periods reflects these alterations.The Education of WomenThe end of educating adult females in Ancient Greece was chiefly to develop them for a life of matrimony and family responsibilities. Women s schools, such as that of Sappho, existed merely to heighten pupils abilities to work undertak ings in the place sphere ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Even within Sappho s school, non all adult females were equal in their lowered position Sappho taught adult females about appropriate behaviors and appropriate frock, but held obvious disdain for adult females who did non partake in properness. Ingalls ( 1999 ) found that Sappho viewed behavior as the extreme representation of accomplishment, saying that a adult female who has wealth without civilization will lend nil worthwhile, nil memorable to her community. The virtues of a school chiefly covering with the instruction of adult females become overshadowed by the fact that these adult females were viewed merely every bit objects to go mistily civilized and married off to work forces, at which point their lives would go around around maintaining a place and raising kids in order to be ideal representations of society ( Murphy, 2006 ) .During the Enlightenment, the political orientations environing the deductions of gender became more o utstanding instruction, it was argued, should be based on ability instead than gender ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Rousseau argued that boys entirely should larn practical, manfully accomplishments such as measuring and woodworking, while misss entirely would larn of spinning, bring uping and cleaning. This segregation was in concurrency with Rousseau s theory that instruction should fix kids for work ( Israel, 2012 ) . Differences in gender besides served to explicate sensed differences in head. Biology, it was argued, was the ground adult females had presence of head, trenchancy, and elusive observations, yet these accomplishments were non suited in practical facets of life, and should be utilized largely in developing feminine functions of female parents and married womans ( Sobe, 2012 ) . Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the first womens rightist pedagogues, argued against the sensed restrictions of sex by actively disapproving of traditionally female chases such as usage of cosmetics and unreal idiosyncrasies, Wollstonecraft was able to run for the release of the female pupil in the schoolroom and in society ( Murphy, 2006 ) .The deductions of gender in the schoolroom in both Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment played of import functions in the construct of instruction and equality. Womans in society as pupils, kids, female parents or married womans faced segregation based on their sex and their sensed inability to execute the comparable undertakings as their male opposite numbers. In Ancient Greece, the construct of feminist intercession was to furthermostther segregate adult females pupils in order to learn them properness through stringency and the humanistic disciplines. The Enlightenment, though immensely improved in the rights of worlds, played host to revolutionary ideas sing the instruction and capablenesss of females, in so far as that their abilities may fit those of work forces. The growing in instruction systems following each period is represe ntative of the changes in social focal point and an obvious illustration of the difference between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment.DecisionThough centuries apart, both Ancient Greece the Enlightenment are vastly brooding of non merely each other, but modern society. The foundations for instruction discovered and built upon in Ancient Greek society served as the basis for gestating and overhauling instruction during the Enlightenment. The differences and similarities of attitudes held by radical minds of each clip period, the virtues and hurts of an arts instruction and the deductions of adult females in instruction serve up as representatives of some of the greatest displacements between the periods. Contributions of these clip periods hold unreplaceable value and obvious deductions on the instruction systems of today groking the huge differences of these two radical clip periods gives a great trade of acumen sing perceived values of instruction and the patterned advance of cognition within society.
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